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» Czarkastik replied on Thu Jan 2, 2003 @ 10:21pm. Posted in Love.
Coolness: 149240
or, if you just put it away somewhere and don't let anyone touch it or see it, then it gets really mouldy and bitter, and could poison your entire household if it were ingested. but in this sense it may last for a long time.
» Czarkastik replied on Thu Jan 2, 2003 @ 9:53pm. Posted in Kirk 6 party.
Coolness: 149240
it's ALL about music without words. that's where it's at. words are useless pieces of shit.
» Czarkastik replied on Thu Jan 2, 2003 @ 4:58am. Posted in Kirk 6 party.
Coolness: 149240
an ill night. as expected on any newyearseve the alignment of the planets made for some really demented happenings. ie door jammed shut. that's a first for me. surreal. another unreal moment was witnessing water pouring out of the ceiling, apparently from a neon light that remained lit. that was ill. aside from plumbing problems, door problems and the standard asshole or two, i think everyone had a good time. once again some percussionists kinda ruined my vibe at times but thankfully quit playing while I was DJing. tao-nhan tore it up. ira got me drunk on disgusting shooters. that weird grade one style radio thingy was in the house. ravewave posse in effect; surprised to see some peeps were there like tipsy; i don't remember seeing you. i vaguely remember chilling in the hallway with some guy from TO and his buddy with a camera or some shit, but I can't remember your name, maybe you posted in this thread, I dunno? i think there's some serious blank spots throughout the night. isabel shoulda been there. big up to all the organizers: catherine and victor, submission, kirk6, fuzzball, morphee and of course level 4, kilobyte and freebass up in this shiiiit. Mixing on 4 decks and 2 mixers made the night fucking fun for DJs, sometimes a bit chaotic for listeners: i must admit some of the mixes were not as tight as they could've been. As expected some of the DJs were quite parcheeslied while spinning also. happy new year's everyone, thanks for showing up those that did (and in a way, thanks for NOT showing to those that didn't (except isabel) 'cause it woulda been ill overpacked with anyone else there during the peak hours.
» Czarkastik replied on Mon Dec 30, 2002 @ 4:46am. Posted in You don't learn anything in school..
Coolness: 149240
man he looks gay.
gay meaning happy!
of course
» Czarkastik replied on Mon Dec 30, 2002 @ 4:45am. Posted in You don't learn anything in school..
Coolness: 149240
oh ya, and this is a mug shot of Bill Gates, 1977
» Czarkastik replied on Mon Dec 30, 2002 @ 4:32am. Posted in How many people...
Coolness: 149240
but i got some lame shit:
nuts and raisins in a jar
a turtleneck -like who the fuck wears those?
worst of all.. the turtleneck was inside a fucking box for 380$ cognac... what a fucking tease!! i wanted the fucking cognac... not some stupid turtleneck.. (hope my moms doesn't read this...)
» Czarkastik replied on Mon Dec 30, 2002 @ 3:38am. Posted in What to do with the cops....
Coolness: 149240
No offense to Nymph, I have the utmost respect for the manner in which you do events, but if you hadn't posted the party info on the site, and if you hadn't made flyers widely accessible, then maybe (and that's a definite maybe)... O.C. would have gone down fine... That's my basic logic. And it's not fool proof. It's like having a bunch of people over at your house to drink beers and listen to loud music or whatever. If people can hear it after 11 it's still illegal, and your "party" can get "busted" as soon as somebody complains... And that's why shit worked out in the location that was used eventually (as far as I know) -nobody around there will fucking complain. This is essential to throwing a party that goes off. Police keep the peace, as they'll say, and are only likely to act when the peace of others (residents, businesses) is compromised by the fact that your hosting a rave. They are also much more likely to act in heavily trafficked nightlife areas, where they have a responsibility to the club and bar owners in the area who pay taxes, etc. So basic rules include finding a ghetto spot to throw an underground, unlicensed event, out of the spotlight and in an industrial or nearly abandoned sector of the city.

peace, word, and I talk like a nerd cause paranoid that pigs are reading this. What up dogs?
» Czarkastik replied on Mon Dec 30, 2002 @ 3:29am. Posted in You don't learn anything in school..
Coolness: 149240
Yoda! you went to Erasmus High also man! cool! I wonder if I know you... I'm the big russian guy with the beard... well, at least I had a beard from grade eight onwards. You know, with the hammer and sickle engraved in gold on the back of my red football-team bomber jacket. Ill!! Do you remember the Archdeacon Mathieu? I think he was gay... Actually, a lot of the High Council were pretty gay. Did you ever play can hockey? anyways, we gotta meet up and chew the fat, you know?
» Czarkastik replied on Fri Dec 27, 2002 @ 5:58pm. Posted in What to do with the cops....
Coolness: 149240
first of all, i think we have it pretty good in MTL when compared to other major cities.

considering throwing parties, i think it's basic common sense. If you want to do an event big enough where you have to promote it to people you've never met, then license your venue, get security, etc. do it legit... then you can put the infolines and flyers everywhere and not worry

if you want to do an underground party, don't post anything on any websites, send e-mails to people that you know, tell them by word of mouth. maybe make a little flyer that you give to people, and that way nobody gets it that is sketch. it's as simple as that. if your party gets busted it will be for the same reasons as any old house party getting busted; noise complaints...
» Czarkastik replied on Fri Dec 27, 2002 @ 5:47pm. Posted in Happy Fucking Hangover.
Coolness: 149240
i'm with you guys today. afer waking up totally hungover, found my place trashed and had no idea what happened to it -i'm sure i did it myself, but the last couple of hours of last night is like a vaguely remembered dream. then went to the SAQ and bought 12 bottles of alcohol -boxing day special buy 3 get 1 free. then, to top it off, went on a fucking tour of the mcauslan brewery, which stinks like malting barley hops or whatever. smells like fucking cowshit more like. after spending twenty minutes in there my whole mouth tasted like fermenting fucking beer. came home, resumed tidying up destroyed apartment...
» Czarkastik replied on Thu Dec 26, 2002 @ 2:43am. Posted in evrybodys fav place to shop??.
Coolness: 149240
ya this is pretty weak. getting played out. find a new photo maaan

peace in the middle east
end the occupation
» Czarkastik replied on Tue Dec 24, 2002 @ 4:38pm. Posted in Yanni at the Bell Center April 4th.
Coolness: 149240
ya yanni's alright, when him and Hull played together they were virtually unstoppable. He's got some ill passing skills, and he's solid on the faceoffs, though a bit weak on the defense and back-checking. And he's getting kinda old...remember back in '92 when they traded him for Oates and Quintal? that was an ill deal for St Louis.
Go Blues!
» Czarkastik replied on Tue Dec 24, 2002 @ 4:34pm. Posted in SARCASTIC. boxing day. bluedog.
Coolness: 149240
ya if you can tear yourself away from your DnB addiction down the street, right? well, either way I plan to be so fucking drunk that i'll forget the entire holiday season... APPLETON E's up in this SHIIIIITTT! Archambault all the wayyyy!!
» Czarkastik replied on Tue Dec 24, 2002 @ 2:59pm. Posted in Question?.
Coolness: 149240
what dya mean by full listings? they're always free to post their shit in events and schedules, if they don't it's out of sheer laziness. just no big ass popups and shit.
» Czarkastik replied on Tue Dec 24, 2002 @ 2:58pm. Posted in SARCASTIC. boxing day. bluedog.
Coolness: 149240
ya it's the return of sarcastic to bluedog thursdays. expect some heavy binge drinking, and ya'll hear some boxing day vinyl purchases and shiiiiit. hope you can make it g, and supa K!
» Czarkastik replied on Tue Dec 24, 2002 @ 2:33am. Posted in Music industry's most insipid moment.
Coolness: 149240
ya i saw him die like a hundred times... but if someone can die a hundred times, are they ever dying at all? and if they're alive again ten years later... well, then? huh? what does THAT mean for Steve Lalla's fate? some pretty complex questions...

galaksy, do you like to smoke the ill herb?
» Czarkastik replied on Tue Dec 24, 2002 @ 2:31am. Posted in plans for new years.
Coolness: 149240
i will be fulfilling my new year's resolution and cransmorphotosing into a trimolecular gaseous neutromateriality
» Czarkastik replied on Tue Dec 24, 2002 @ 2:23am. Posted in SARCASTIC. boxing day. bluedog.
Coolness: 149240
December 26th 2002
Blue Dog 3958 Boul. St-Laurent 2bucks
Le Mafia Electronique presents...

SARCASTIC (level4productions)

with residents.
MINI [ ]
SEKO (submission)
NATHAN BURNS (submission)

» Czarkastik replied on Tue Dec 24, 2002 @ 2:17am. Posted in Music industry's most insipid moment.
Coolness: 149240
yoda will never die

now there's a conundrum for your minds

and if steve lalla is a fictional character, can he ever die? is he, perhaps, immortal? hmmm discuss amongst yourselves...
» Czarkastik replied on Tue Dec 24, 2002 @ 2:12am. Posted in Music industry's most insipid moment.
Coolness: 149240
Go eat a penis, you filthy bag. You think just cause you spawned a legion of bag heads you can talk to the Father of Communism in a tone like that?
» Czarkastik replied on Tue Dec 24, 2002 @ 2:05am. Posted in Music industry's most insipid moment.
Coolness: 149240
Ya Yoda's right on point. Steve Lalla does NOT exist. It's not a real name. There's no such person. Anyone who has tangible proof of the existence of such person must present it to me for judgement, and I will refute it. Yoda is omniscient. You can't argue with him. He is all knowing, supreme and good. I bet Steve wasn't even at Xploit. Or he's trying to cover up the fact that he stole the money to support his crack habit. What a Muppet.

and stuff
» Czarkastik replied on Sat Dec 14, 2002 @ 3:32pm. Posted in Life?.
Coolness: 149240
Life's a Bitch
And Then You Die.

if death is all that you await, why sit here asking yourself the question 'why am I waiting'? what do you want? do you want to accomplish something? do you want to be happy all the time? this is within your reach... if you know you want it... if you think knowing is even a possibility.
» Czarkastik replied on Wed Dec 11, 2002 @ 12:14am. Posted in I feel like shit.
Coolness: 149240
It lasted 4 and a 1/2 hours. Four and a half hours of weird numbness and occasional head rushes. now i feel better. to all y'all out there who don't, hope you get better soon.
» Czarkastik replied on Tue Dec 10, 2002 @ 6:39pm. Posted in I feel like shit.
Coolness: 149240
I just got back from the dentist. He froze my mouth. I wouldn't say I feel like SHIT, persay, but I feel mad weird. You know when your face feels like a big swollen balloon... so you look in the mirror, but you look totally normal? It's ill. I'm scared to talk, but when I do it almost sounds normal, I guess. I went into a store to buy some shit and got all paranoid and started touching my jaw to make sure I wasn't like drooling on myself and shit. When is this odd feeling gonna fade away?
» Czarkastik replied on Tue Dec 10, 2002 @ 6:37pm. Posted in harsh, but kool....
Coolness: 149240
ya, we should all be shot.

But the good news is, as I've always said...
» Czarkastik replied on Mon Dec 9, 2002 @ 8:46pm. Posted in What Colour?.
Coolness: 149240
why dye?
» Czarkastik replied on Mon Dec 9, 2002 @ 8:45pm. Posted in I Hate You!!!!.
Coolness: 149240
oh ya and I almost forgot I love you. But I know you're happy now so... when you're sad again, remember how the tides change, the mind rearrange, and it all comes back again.
Remember the swirly black... actually no, don't that'll kill ya.
» Czarkastik replied on Mon Dec 9, 2002 @ 8:44pm. Posted in I did it in 1 minute!!.
Coolness: 149240
cool, no more lol for o_O-Owhat?!?>

*lights cigarette*

*presses enter*
» Czarkastik replied on Mon Dec 9, 2002 @ 8:43pm. Posted in Boobs forum....
Coolness: 149240
Hey, it's what's inside that counts.

Plastic or milk.

I mean inside the head and shit, and the heart and SOUL and shit.

damn schizphrenia.

Afrokikaboozle, why don't you just pull an Aulin White or whatever and repeat your posts like 6 or 7 times each? then you'll crack number 1 really soon, and be the ultimate waver geek.
» Czarkastik replied on Mon Dec 9, 2002 @ 8:35pm. Posted in I Hate You!!!!.
Coolness: 149240
» Czarkastik replied on Mon Dec 9, 2002 @ 8:30pm. Posted in I Hate You!!!!.
Coolness: 149240
hehe klez
» Czarkastik replied on Mon Dec 9, 2002 @ 8:29pm. Posted in I did it in 1 minute!!.
Coolness: 149240
when I have good solid sex, the first thing I do is run and tell my friends EXACTLY how long it lasted, TO THE MINUTE.

In fact, when I start bangin it, I click the stopwatch, it makes it a lot easier than watching the clock the whole time. When I come I reach for the trusty stopwatch, click it off and confirm with my partner the number of minutes. Then I get on ravewave and post it. pronto.

Or maybe your on a whole different level of IT-ness right here. Maybe you're talking about cooking a turkey or some shit.
» Czarkastik replied on Mon Dec 9, 2002 @ 8:18pm. Posted in I Hate You!!!!.
Coolness: 149240
I'd kill my whole family for five bucks
» Czarkastik replied on Mon Dec 9, 2002 @ 8:15pm. Posted in Boobs forum....
Coolness: 149240
ya death girlie's hiding away from this entire thread...
» Czarkastik replied on Mon Dec 9, 2002 @ 8:13pm. Posted in Boobs forum....
Coolness: 149240
and get that girl with tha blue screen shirt involved, whoever the fuck she is.
» Czarkastik replied on Mon Dec 9, 2002 @ 8:13pm. Posted in Boobs forum....
Coolness: 149240
I don't know about that... I'm willing to put it up for debate actually.. I'll be the judge, let's get started.
» Czarkastik replied on Mon Dec 9, 2002 @ 8:06pm. Posted in Boobs forum....
Coolness: 149240
okay, then now you'll be in hell
» Czarkastik replied on Mon Dec 9, 2002 @ 8:04pm. Posted in Boobs forum....
Coolness: 149240
how you like them apples?
» Czarkastik replied on Mon Dec 9, 2002 @ 8:02pm. Posted in I want to be on the Top 10 Posters list.
Coolness: 149240
I have no idea who that is... I really don't know him. He kinda looks familiar though no?
» Czarkastik replied on Mon Dec 9, 2002 @ 8:01pm. Posted in Die Die Die!!!.
Coolness: 149240
only 1424 posts to go... until I can be cool too!
Czarkastik's Profile - Community Messages