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News (Media Awareness Project) - US IL: PUB LTE: Legalize Marijuana
Title:US IL: PUB LTE: Legalize Marijuana
Published On:2011-10-31
Source:Northwest Herald (IL)
Fetched On:2011-11-01 06:01:33

To the Editor:

It's against my constitutional rights not being able to use marijuana
if I want to as a pain medicine, without fear of getting my door
kicked in by law enforcement.

Is this war on drugs working? Did prohibition work? It led to gang
violence and murder then, and it does now. Will our state
representatives please let us know where they stand on medicinal cannabis?

In the latest polls, 50 percent of Americans say they want to see
cannabis legalized outright.

I have seven children and I have talked to them about drugs, alcohol,
smoking etc... It starts in the home. None of them use today and I am
a grandfather of four.

I've needed this medicine since a car wreck in 2007 followed by four
surgeries. This has left me with 30 screws in my neck.

Cannabis would improve my quality of life. To our local
representatives, please vote yes on House Bill 30.

Bobby Day

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