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News (Media Awareness Project) - CN MB: PUB LTE: Kill The Monster
Title:CN MB: PUB LTE: Kill The Monster
Published On:2011-10-12
Source:Winnipeg Free Press (CN MB)
Fetched On:2011-10-13 06:01:56

Craig Jones' commendable article Gang wars -- the law is to blame
(Oct. 4) exposes prohibition's folly well enough. However, it's past
time for governments to "commission" an "analysis" of how well
prohibition is performing. Anyone who doesn't know prohibition is
destructive, at every facet, may not be fit to run a government.

Prohibition, specifically cannabis (marijuana) prohibition, is a
monster that must be put to death. Political leaders must stop feeding
the monster. Citizens must stop feeding politicians who feed the monster.


Dillon, Co.
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