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News (Media Awareness Project) - US MI: PUB LTE: A Better Solution For All
Title:US MI: PUB LTE: A Better Solution For All
Published On:2011-08-27
Source:Detroit Free Press (MI)
Fetched On:2011-08-31 06:05:20

Michigan's Medical Marijuana Act is a clumsy instrument that serves no
one well. It's time we focused our attention on making it easier for
patients looking for pain relief to get the help they need.

It is clear enough that marijuana does help control pain for many
people who may not be able or don't want to finance and grow their own
crop for personal use.

The simplest answer would be to remove marijuana from Schedule 1 of
the Controlled Substance Act, which is reserved for drugs that have no
currently accepted medical use. Then marijuana could be in the same
category as other pain-relieving prescription drugs like morphine and
its derivatives. This would make it available by prescription from

It is criminal to think that pain sufferers seeking relief should have
to go to the streets for their marijuana when a solution is available
that treats it as it should be treated --a licensed drug for pain relief.

Ronald Gries

Bloomfield Hills
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