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News (Media Awareness Project) - UK: PUB LTE: The War on Drugs
Title:UK: PUB LTE: The War on Drugs
Published On:2010-08-15
Source:Observer, The (UK)
Fetched On:2010-08-18 03:01:55

It's Time to End the Propaganda. Prohibition Isn't Working

A Total Review of Legislation Is Necessary If We Are to Avoid a Catastrophe

As an occasional user of "soft" drugs in the 1970s, I have some very
limited experience of what it's all about, but thankfully I have never
been anywhere near the violence and corruption endemic in the supply

Maria Lucia Karam's commentary on drug policy ("This war has failed
totally, I've seen the carnage it causes") nearly brought me to tears.
Her incisive views should be required reading for all politicians, but
more than that, her piece should be the foundation for future global

Neil Shillito

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