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News (Media Awareness Project) - US NJ: PUB LTE: Your Political Policies Are Filling Hospitals And Graveyards
Title:US NJ: PUB LTE: Your Political Policies Are Filling Hospitals And Graveyards
Published On:1996-03-01
Source:Trenton Times (NJ)
Fetched On:2008-09-09 00:49:06
Dear Governor Whitman and Attorney General Poritz,

I am writing in response to your refusal of medically-sound AIDS-reduction
policies and the politically-motivated arrest of the Chai Project
volunteers for distributing clean needles to IV-drug users.

The Chai Project volunteers are giving clean needles to addicts, while you,
Governor Whitman and Attorney General Poritz, are giving the infected
needles to the AIDS patients of tomorrow. It is you who are passing the HIV
virus from one generation to the next.

And what purpose is served by your decision to prosecute two brave
Americans for giving "life" to strangers? What is the prison sentence in
New Jersey for good deeds and random acts of kindness?

Jersey must be safe indeed when both the Governor and Attorney General have
time to supervise the prosecution of these two innocents caught in the
insane war on drugs.

Your political policies are filling hospitals and graveyards with AIDS/HIV
patients. No matter what IV-drugs have done to these miserable addicts, it
still takes a Governor and an Attorney General to kill them.

Ashley H. Clements
Atlanta, Ga.
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