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News (Media Awareness Project) - US CA: PUB LTE: Concerning Your Recent Article On Proposition 215
Title:US CA: PUB LTE: Concerning Your Recent Article On Proposition 215
Published On:1996-10-11
Source:San Francisco Bay Guardian
Fetched On:2008-01-28 21:07:40
It has been theorized by members of the CNOA that proposition 215 might
give teenagers more access to cannabis.

With all due respect to the CNOA, I would like to point out that teenagers
already have access. In fact, the only people without access to cannabis
are the adult patients who need it to live and the doctors who want to
study its medicinal value.

Californians will die in 1997 from not having medicinal cannabis. Yet there
are no deaths (meaning zero-zilch-nada-none) from using marijuana in all of
recorded history. And it will have taken a Governor and an Attorney-General
to do to these patients what marijuana won't: kill them.

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