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News (Media Awareness Project) - Mexico: Mexico Warns Of Colombia Drug War Spillover
Title:Mexico: Mexico Warns Of Colombia Drug War Spillover
Published On:2001-01-31
Source:New York Times (NY)
Fetched On:2008-01-28 15:39:44

WASHINGTON, Jan. 30 - The Mexican foreign minister, Jorge G. Castaneda,
said he warned Secretary of State Colin L. Powell today that Colombia's
neighbors are extremely concerned about the spillover effects of the
conflict there, one in which the United States is becoming more heavily

Mr. Castaneda, in Washington to prepare for the visit of President Bush to
Mexico next month, his first abroad as president, said in an interview that
Mexico is very "sensitive" to the worries about the spread of the Colombian
conflict and that the United States should be too.

The Bush administration has inherited a $1.3 billion "antidrug offensive"
plan from the Clinton White House, approved by Congress, that effectively
helps Colombia fight rebels. The rebels control large swaths of land that
produce coca and provide the rebels' main source of financing.

But surrounding countries, including Venezuela, Brazil and Ecuador, have
expressed fears of being dragged into the war by fighting that is spreading
over their borders or of suffering environmental side effects, such as the
pollution of their waters by fungicides used to spray coca crops.

"These are not silly concerns," Mr. Castaneda said. "These are concerns of
very reasonable people and the United States should listen to these things."

Mr. Castaneda, a political scientist who recently taught at New York
University, was appointed foreign minister by the new Mexican president,
Vicente Fox, as much for his ability to build bridges with Washington as
his ability to be candid.

The minister said General Powell was sympathetic to his pleas. Mr.
Castaneda said he told the secretary of state that Mexico would be more
"forceful" in trying to persuade the Colombian rebels, with whom Mexico
keeps contact, to negotiate with the government of President Andres
Pastrana of Colombia.

So far, General Powell has deviated little in his public comments from
support of Plan Colombia, which involves training of Colombian military by
United States Army Special Forces instructors and supplying equipment,
including Black Hawk helicopters.

The secretary stuck to that script at a brief appearance with Mr. Castaneda
during which reporters were permitted to ask General Powell questions for
the first time since he took office 10 days ago. "The Bush administration
supports Plan Colombia as an effort to do something about the
narco-trafficking problem in Colombia and in the region at large," General
Powell said.

Asked if the United States was pushing too hard for a military solution
rather than a negotiated one between the government and the insurgents,
General Powell replied: "At the end of the day that will only be solved by
a political solution, by negotiations. We encourage President Pastrana to
keep working to see if we can find - he can find a political solution."

General Powell added, "I don't think there is a military solution to the
insurgency problem." But, he continued: "The people of Colombia are
suffering. They are in danger of seeing their democracy destroyed by the
combination of narcotrafficking and insurgency."

The secretary and the foreign minister agreed to disagree on Cuba. Mr.
Castaneda said that his government would work to strengthen financial and
economic ties with Cuba

General Powell said the new administration would pursue relations with Cuba
in a way that lets "Mr. Castro know that we disapprove of his regime."
Sanctions on Cuba will remain, General Powell said.

"We will only participate in those activities with Cuba that benefit the
people directly and not the government," he said.
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