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» MekkadoM répondu dessus Mon 19 Dec, 2005 @ 8:03am. Posted in E-High 4.
Coolness: 58890
Nice venue, nice party, good music, good brownies ;)
» MekkadoM répondu dessus Fri 16 Dec, 2005 @ 5:17pm. Posted in Secret Society 2k5~:3õ:~3rd Edition.
Coolness: 58890
I don't think he knows himself hehehe
» MekkadoM répondu dessus Thu 15 Dec, 2005 @ 4:24pm. Posted in Secret Society 2k5~:3õ:~3rd Edition.
Coolness: 58890
Originally posted by .EXE...

J'vais régler ça en justice, fausse publicité, fraude, vol, toute ce qui faut ! J'ai juste ça a faire de poursuivre HIFX pour ne pas m'avoir rendu equivalent au precedant SS2, pour ne pas avoir respecter aucune des conditions inscrites sur la publicité, contribution au malfonctionnement de la scene electronique a Montreal qui depuis 5 ou 6 ans régresse parske les polices undercovers essayent de se camoufler dans le dancefloor sans succès, ni raison valable de continuer, car depuis le temps ils n'ont probablement pas étés rentable. Je continue de penser que les pushers yen a pas dans les raves depuis longtemps, puis qu'aucune surveillance ni autre motif ne peut les laisser continuer ainsi sans rien dire. J'étais parano juskau jour ou une deuxieme personne a paranoyer les memes choses que moi ! Anyway j'pense avoir le moyen d'empecher les policiers d'entrer dans un rave, ou meme d'exercer le droit d'arrestation dans un rave... j'fais le plan, pis apres j'mettrai ça dans le forum pour voir ce qu'on en pense, j'vais donner aussi les details de comment faire pour les detecter... on verra la suite.. Salut ! HIFX à la justice !! Désolé, fallait juste rester fidèl au raver gelé qui veut glowstix, bass et danser toute la nuite sans s'faire achaler ! La police.exed !


Juste [ www.y2khai.com ]
» MekkadoM répondu dessus Mon 12 Dec, 2005 @ 7:18pm. Posted in Secret Society 2k5~:3õ:~3rd Edition.
Coolness: 58890
.exe si tu veux passer un commentaire positif ou négatif alors soit clair dans ta manière de le dire... se cacher derrière un pseudo-style «poétique» (j'utilise ce terme avec réserve) ne te donne aucun poids argumentatif puisque personne d'autre que toi ne peut comprendre. Je suis du même avis que ¤M|c²K[°o°_®]S¤ ... expliques-toi svp. Tu parles de crédibilité mais tu ne te donnes pas les allures de quelqu'un qui en a.

Pour ce qui est de ta suggestion aux «bizarres» (de qui parles-tu au juste?), tu es qui pour t'affirmer ainsi? Le monde soi-disant normal ca n'existe pas car tout est relatif. S'il n'y a pas de différences entre les gens alors ces classifications ne prennent aucun sens.

Si t'es pas content du party, bien je t'invites à faire mieux et à partager ton expérience avec les gens afin qu'on puisse suivre ton modèle de ce qu'est le rave parfait.

C'est drole comment aujourd'hui le monde ont des attentes tellements hautes et sont tellement négatifs pour la moindre choses alors qu'ils sont ou frustrés, ou tout simplement mal informés. Avant, les raves c'était secret, clandestin, pas toujours bien organisé et dans des locaux dont la salubrité était douteuse mais who cares! le monde s'organisait avec les moyens du bords pis on avait du fun pareil.

Bon assez dit pour ca... Peut importe comment la soirée s'est déroulée, le party fut un succès à mon égard car les gens sur places dansaient, avant du plaisir, la déco était impressionnante et surtout le son était bien monté. J'ai tripper comme un fou a spinner devant la foule et je crois que le monde ont bien aimer mon genre de psy un peu moins conventionnel, un peu moins full-on pis un peu plus HARD et DARK :)

PEET full respect pour un gars qui se bust le cul en quatre pour réaliser des party qui mérites ben plus de respect et de crédibilité que bien des gens lui donne. Arrêtons de bitcher pis de se manger la laine sul dos criss, ont fait juste se tirer une balle dans le genoux de même.

Merci encore PEET!!! AND SUPPORT YOUR LOCAL DJS!!!!!!!!

That is all ;)

.... Ah pis vive les CDJ-800 a Jim.... sti que c lfun scratcher live avec ces bijoux de lecteur!!!
» MekkadoM répondu dessus Tue 1 Nov, 2005 @ 9:44am. Posted in Yzabella.
Coolness: 58890
Originally posted by ::PIXELIZED::...

My only real main concern was the mad-woman security guard searching at the door. Those have to be the mostly violently displayed PMSes I've ever witnessed in my entire life.

LOL! First time at Gravity heh?
» MekkadoM répondu dessus Mon 31 Oct, 2005 @ 11:17am. Posted in Yzabella.
Coolness: 58890
Good party, nice deco, a little last minute organisation but who cares... just makes the anticipation better.

Oh and Hunab Ku... in case you haven't ever been to Gravity or any other afterhour in MTL, they search and will pat you down so if your staching, you risk having it confiscated if they find it.
» MekkadoM répondu dessus Fri 2 Sep, 2005 @ 6:11pm. Posted in The Hacker @ Parking.
Coolness: 58890
Never heard The Hacker before. He played a really good set. Could've been better live though but I had lost of fun.
» MekkadoM répondu dessus Wed 24 Aug, 2005 @ 11:25pm. Posted in Nightfalls Away summer festival Au 27-28.
Coolness: 58890
What's hapenning with the timeslots?
» MekkadoM répondu dessus Wed 24 Aug, 2005 @ 1:56pm. Posted in Alive (barely) in Ottawa....
Coolness: 58890
For real! The scenery was amazing. Go check out the pics of the place near the end of this thread [ forum.psyfreaks.ca ]
» MekkadoM répondu dessus Wed 24 Aug, 2005 @ 1:22pm. Posted in Nightfalls Away summer festival Au 27-28.
Coolness: 58890
Whats the point of annoucing than an event is cancelled if there is a possibility that it won't be cancelled. ???

I just don't get how this event is organised. Since the first time it was posted on the calendar, the lineup and timeslots (also posted) got changes many times over before anything was finalized. What's the point of posting this information if nothing is yet final or for sure?

I you called it cancelled and then not, people will have had the time to make other plans.

Keep us posted...
» MekkadoM répondu dessus Wed 24 Aug, 2005 @ 1:10pm. Posted in Alive (barely) in Ottawa....
Coolness: 58890
As Koda fails to understand, the whole post was NOT a review of the entire party but meerly the story of me and Zaid K's road trip to this party.

Koda, just accept the fact that setting up for a party in pitch darkness on an island in the middle on nowhere at 23h30 is not the best way to go and that you shouldn't pass on your oganizing problems to the people who make your party happen. As I explained in another thread on [ psyfreaks.ca ] Zaid and I came down to play in good will, we just had a few problems dealing with you.

BTW I do enjoy all my gigs, that why I go to them, its the crappy organisation I sometimes don't enjoy period. Just take responsibility for your actions and hope that your next event will be better organized.

As for the reviews on [ xvi.com ] one liner comments do not constitute a party review. But anyhow, I'm pretty sure people had fun on saturday night. I couldn't tell since I left before that. Next time, just setup a little earlier in the day ;)
» MekkadoM répondu dessus Tue 23 Aug, 2005 @ 1:10pm. Posted in Alive (barely) in Ottawa....
Coolness: 58890
Originally posted by KODA...

I never asked you to come play in Ottawa, so get over yourself. I asked anyone interested in playing to come contact me.

Right you never asked me, but Zaid K and Event Horizon were asked through Psycronik. Event Horizon couldn't make it and asked me to replace him just so you would'nt end up with one less DJ on your lineup. Me and Zaid talked to Manu and everything was set. We both asked him in advance if we could get gaz money to cover the trip and everything seemed to be okay last time we checked. BTW I ain't playing the victim, I'm just stating factual information.

Originally posted by KODA...

And I gave you Gas money cause your were whinning not cause i thought I owed it to you. So take your negative cry baby attitude and read the event listings or talk to the folks who invited you to play, cause I didn't.

Whinning? yeah don't know how you consider me asking you to go take care of some business whinning...
» MekkadoM répondu dessus Mon 22 Aug, 2005 @ 7:24pm. Posted in Alive (barely) in Ottawa....
Coolness: 58890
Yeah well that weekend is now over.

Commercial or not, if you wanna throw a party and invite some out-of-town Djs, a minimum organisation is essential and so is respect.
» MekkadoM répondu dessus Mon 22 Aug, 2005 @ 2:48pm. Posted in Alive (barely) in Ottawa....
Coolness: 58890
Ok I'm not one to complain much about parties but this party had by far the worst organizing I've seen in years.

The promoter 7th Harmonic [ www.sacredcycles.ca ] originally asked Zaid K and Event Horizon to play at this party. I substituted for Event Horizon who couldn't attend the event.

The party was held north of Ottawa on an island. Zaid and I got there at around 23h30 and parked the car near the boat launch were a "ferry" was supposed to pick up people and bring them to the island. This "ferry" was a small boat that held about 4 to 5 people with backpacks and took a good 15-20 to get to the island, so 30+ minutes round trip to get people to the location. Problem was, at the time we arrived, the promoters were starting to move the equipement (speakers, generator, etc...) from the boat lauch to the island... in pitch darkness. The party was supposed to start around 22h... yeah right!

So anyways, 3 boat rides later, we were on our way to the island. Good thing they decided to do the party on a closer island because the originally planned spot would've took about an hour to get there with the puny boat they had plus rain plus wind.

Finally, once we got on the island, we unpacked and setup the tent and then waited.... for what you ask? we waited for the sound guy to hook up his damn speakers. We had all the necessary equipement, the booth and dance area were tarped and ready to go but the sound guy didn't want to hook up his shit because he didn't want to get it wet!! Ok, why are you throwing an outdoor party if you don't want to hookup your gear under the tarps??!?!

Anyways, the guy got his shit together and the party started roling at 4am! Finally... so anyways me and Zaid played our sets from 6 to 9h and played for a whoppin 6-7 people.

We had a hard time finding who the fuck was in charge after that because quite frankly no one was in charge... not even Koda who organised the event.

We got the fuck out of there quite early on saturday morning. Final problem was getting paid. Ok, no cash was asked for the DJ sets but we asked for some gaz money. Considering the price of gaz these dayz and considering that they asked us to come and play at their party, gaz money wasn't too much to ask for. When I got a hold of Koda to take care of this business, I only got half the money and got served a bunch of bullshit excuses about him having to pay for this and that and that ticket money should be coming in later. Ok, some people just don't get how business works... we don't care about your organisation problems you should deal with it and not us. We're just asking for GAZ MONEY and are having a hard time getting it...

Why the hell should we go down to Ottawa to play for free and have to pay for our transport. Get your shit straight and realize that throwing a party includes taking risks.... risks such as loosing money. So please, cut the crap and act professionnal.
» MekkadoM répondu dessus Wed 22 Jun, 2005 @ 9:05am. Posted in Party D'la St-Jean Baptiste, June 24th.
Coolness: 58890
» MekkadoM répondu dessus Mon 23 May, 2005 @ 11:06am. Posted in Space Mush.
Coolness: 58890
Its a shame that some people just don't know how to play on a big sound system.

Don't they use a compressor/limiter at the chill to avoid such hassles?
» MekkadoM répondu dessus Sun 22 May, 2005 @ 5:55pm. Posted in Space Mush.
Coolness: 58890
Thanx for the party Lee. Man, I never saw a sound guy having sooooo much trouble getting his shit together ;) I don't know what the hell was wrong with the sound system but this guy was coming and going in the DJ booth throughout my whole set hehehe. Not sure exactly when, but he eventually got his rig working.
» MekkadoM répondu dessus Thu 31 Mar, 2005 @ 12:22pm. Posted in Electronic Ave pre-party @ Soho Lounge.
Coolness: 58890
Official lineup hours:

21h00 - 22h45: Mind Flayer
22h45 - 0h00: Drizzt
0h00 - 1h00: Dreamtektor
1h00 - 2h00: Mr. Animal
2h00 - 3h00: MekkadoM
» MekkadoM répondu dessus Wed 30 Mar, 2005 @ 8:33am. Posted in Electronic Ave pre-party @ Soho Lounge.
Coolness: 58890
Here is da flyer:

» MekkadoM répondu dessus Mon 28 Mar, 2005 @ 2:30pm. Posted in Electronic Ave pre-party @ Soho Lounge.
Coolness: 58890
Vendredi le 1er avril

HiFX Productions présentent la 4e édition de la série Dance or Die
un spécial pré-party de Electronic Avenue

Soho Lounge (2e étage)
6289 St-Hubert
Métro Beaubien

De 21:00 à 3:00 -- 5$ @ door

Drizzt - Symbiotic Sounds
MekkadoM - HiFX Productions
Mind Flayer
Mr. Animal - HiFX Productions

Infoline: 450-542-8950
contact: filthycrew@hotmail.com ou mekkadom@gmail.com

Exposition d'Art Psychedelic Par "Lunatixx"

Plus d'infos:

D.o.D. IV -> [ www.rave.ca ]
Electronic Avenue -> [ www.rave.ca ]
» MekkadoM répondu dessus Fri 25 Mar, 2005 @ 11:07am. Posted in Space Mush @ Chill Montreal May 21st.
Coolness: 58890
Check out this event or else... :)


Or else you'll miss one great party!
» MekkadoM répondu dessus Wed 9 Mar, 2005 @ 2:16pm. Posted in DJ MekkadoM - New darkpsy demo.
Coolness: 58890
Such as?

I'm openned to suggestions
» MekkadoM répondu dessus Mon 7 Mar, 2005 @ 7:20pm. Posted in DJ MekkadoM - New darkpsy demo.
Coolness: 58890
Correction, you need a neurosurjim
» MekkadoM répondu dessus Mon 28 Feb, 2005 @ 7:03pm. Posted in DJ MekkadoM - New darkpsy demo.
Coolness: 58890
DJ MekkadoM - Eviler Than Skeletor
Dark Psy - 62:32 min @ 158 kbps
74,014,720 bytes

Check it out: [ www.rave.ca ]

Here is the tracklist:

01. IRON MADNESS - Maniac Police
02. BUG FUNK - Lendormin
03. GHREG ON EARTH - Chapel Perilous
04. DISTORTION ORCHESTRA - Quantum Mechanic
05. JOCID - Dondoperwty
06. PARASENSE - Iron Punk
08. BUG FUNK - Weirdo
09. THE NOMMOS - Impulses
10. PHI - I Don't Need Your Justice
11. DARK NEBULA - Aromatic Cones

All comments are welcomed!
» MekkadoM répondu dessus Sun 27 Feb, 2005 @ 6:15pm. Posted in D.O.D.III @ Velvet Club.
Coolness: 58890
Party très bien réussi. Bonne ambiance et SURTOUT, bonne musique :)
» MekkadoM répondu dessus Sat 26 Feb, 2005 @ 5:01pm. Posted in This Saturday, 26th, D.O.D. III @ Velvet.
Coolness: 58890
Don't miss this event! :)
» MekkadoM répondu dessus Wed 23 Feb, 2005 @ 12:56pm. Posted in Dance or Die 3 special@102,3 FM.
Coolness: 58890
You better listen in :) ... yeah, YOU know who YOU are.
» MekkadoM répondu dessus Wed 23 Feb, 2005 @ 8:58am. Posted in This Saturday, 26th, D.O.D. III @ Velvet.
Coolness: 58890
If you missed our last event on new years, better not miss this one. The Velvet is a nice little venue with a chill atmosphere. See you there!
» MekkadoM répondu dessus Sun 16 Jan, 2005 @ 6:28pm. Posted in BaZoOka..
Coolness: 58890
Originally posted by TONES...
A Toronto c'est dehors le fumoir.

C'est a MTL que ca se passe.
» MekkadoM répondu dessus Sun 16 Jan, 2005 @ 6:27pm. Posted in BaZoOka..
Coolness: 58890

» MekkadoM répondu dessus Sun 16 Jan, 2005 @ 6:18pm. Posted in BaZoOka..
Coolness: 58890
WTF? un fumoir dans un party... c'est ben la première fois. Pis en plus la "sécurité" fesait chier pour du weed. Fucken weak man...

Everyone! Y-----M-----C-----A! :D

Ah pis la scène a QC est toujours aussi jeune. On se croyait dans une garderie.
» MekkadoM répondu dessus Wed 12 Jan, 2005 @ 7:36pm. Posted in make firefox faster.
Coolness: 58890
Originally posted by SOMEKID...

what is firefox?

Its a wicked web browser that is ripping Internet Explorer a new A. Get enlightenned here:

[ www.spreadfirefox.com ]
[ www.mozilla.org ]
» MekkadoM répondu dessus Wed 12 Jan, 2005 @ 7:28pm. Posted in DJ MekkadoM - New psychedelic demo.
Coolness: 58890
Thanx to those who downloaded and listenned to the demo. I didn't expect hitting 38 downloads in about a week so thats pretty cool.

Be on the lookout for a new darker and harder demo coming out in the beginning of febuary 2k5.
» MekkadoM répondu dessus Thu 6 Jan, 2005 @ 1:10am. Posted in gmail invites.
Coolness: 58890
Originally posted by [SCREWHEAD]...
Store stuff in there and give the l/p to people to get your stuff... Could lead to FTP-style trading for warez and movies and music.

Better make sure you don't get that spare account 0wn3d though. I'd slap a l/p manager such as a simple Java servlet and serve files from that, just redirect the stored files.
» MekkadoM répondu dessus Wed 5 Jan, 2005 @ 11:34pm. Posted in gmail invites.
Coolness: 58890
Originally posted by CLOWN...

would it then be possible to upload, lets say, music to your google, and have a direct download link??? Mr. Mekkadom.. thanks


But yeah, like [Screwhead] says, its only for storage purposes... you could link it but you'd have to give out your account login and password.
» MekkadoM répondu dessus Wed 5 Jan, 2005 @ 5:42pm. Posted in How Many Peopel Has Minnie Mouse Fucked.
Coolness: 58890
Originally posted by ::PIXELIZED::...

Shaolin requires no lifestime training. Only a simple-minded thread starter is required to initiate a Shaolin ass-whooping takedown unlike any other. When the time comes, you will be ready, grasshopper.

You know nothing of Shaolin motherfuckah! ;)

BTW grasshopper is not one of the five basic animals of Shaolin.
» MekkadoM répondu dessus Wed 5 Jan, 2005 @ 4:54pm. Posted in gmail invites.
Coolness: 58890
Here is idea... donate them to yourselves and use the accounts as 1gig web storage using the GDrive shell extension: [ www.viksoe.dk ]
» MekkadoM répondu dessus Wed 5 Jan, 2005 @ 1:32pm. Posted in gmail invites.
Coolness: 58890
I have 9, msg me if ya want one.
» MekkadoM répondu dessus Wed 5 Jan, 2005 @ 12:36am. Posted in DJ MekkadoM - New psychedelic demo.
Coolness: 58890
Oops, forgot to post the playlist :) Here it is:

01- ARTIFAKT - Mass
02- TIME LOCK - Cabon Print
03- DARK SOHO - Alien's Cream
04- PSYFACTOR - Walkin Demon
05- TIME LOCK - Revolution
06- SYSTEM - Energy
07- ANAX - Secret Story
08- CYANESCENS - Flava
09- SHANTI - Tingling Sensation
10- ANAX - Porno Star
11- DARK NEBULA - Sajuuk Khar

Enjoy! Comments are welcomed
» MekkadoM répondu dessus Mon 3 Jan, 2005 @ 2:10am. Posted in DJ MekkadoM - New psychedelic demo.
Coolness: 58890
Check it out: [ www.rave.ca ]
MekkadoM's Profile - Community Messages