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» James répondu dessus Mon 20 Oct, 2008 @ 2:10pm. Posted in we going to paris.
Coolness: 37205
Wow. Very interesting. Tell us more.
» James répondu dessus Mon 20 Oct, 2008 @ 1:59pm. Posted in Hot raver girls partying it up.
Coolness: 37205
The thinner one.. she looks like she has a touch of downs syndrome or something. Not cool to laugh at her. You can rip on the fat one all you like though... bitch should leave burgers alone.
» James répondu dessus Mon 13 Oct, 2008 @ 11:17pm. Posted in datting???.
Coolness: 37205
C'est ça qui arrive quand on laisse des cousins se marier entre eux. Après quelques générations ça prend lentement le bord des vidanges. Quand même mignon de se défendre avec l'argument de la culture quand on est à peine en controle du language de la dite culture.
» James répondu dessus Mon 13 Oct, 2008 @ 11:09pm. Posted in Ze question: what is the purpose of art?.
Coolness: 37205
Cutterhead, you're a testament to abortion.
» James répondu dessus Mon 13 Oct, 2008 @ 5:08am. Posted in datting???.
Coolness: 37205
Wow what an idiot. Poules? Seriously.. are you in high school? If not.. grow up already.
» James répondu dessus Mon 13 Oct, 2008 @ 5:06am. Posted in Ze question: what is the purpose of art?.
Coolness: 37205
For your question about which comes first, society comes before art. Art is a representation of the times. Whether its provocative, insightful, shocking.. it can only be so in relation to the state of society. Yknow.. darkness is only dark when you shine a light somewhere else. So art without a context within society holds very little artistic value. If you knew *nothing* about human society, you probably couldn't tell the difference between the mona lisa and a shooting range paper target.

For the broader, "purpose of art" question... It's impossible to tell. Some art has a very specific function to inform, shock, please or otherwise instill some emotional state in the audience. Some art relies mostly on technique and approach (minimalism for example). Some was used as communication between generations... etc etc

(Cutterhead: if you'd structure your ideas before posting, it would make our reading you a whole lot easier yknow)
» James répondu dessus Sun 5 Oct, 2008 @ 6:02pm. Posted in Nuit Blanche.
Coolness: 37205
Originally Posted By GAMOS
It seems pretty cool, but a lot of these things are pretty lame

How does a couple of lame things put together end up seemingly cool?
» James répondu dessus Sun 5 Oct, 2008 @ 6:01pm. Posted in A dog fucking a chicken.
Coolness: 37205
You mean you're not supposed to hold her throat in your teeth? Damn... I got a couple of ex's to call and apologize.
» James répondu dessus Mon 29 Sep, 2008 @ 5:21pm. Posted in best blowjob ever! (SFW!).
Coolness: 37205
When the ballon pops, the worse thing is like a dime-sized piece of rubber in your stomach. You'll shit it out girl.... don't worry.

Nonetheless... gimme gimme.
» James répondu dessus Mon 29 Sep, 2008 @ 5:13pm. Posted in Looking for roommate on the plateau.
Coolness: 37205
I have:
-One 15' x 15' room in my apt on the plateau, 15 mins walk from metro, everything else very near.
-Two cats
-A smoking habit

I am:
-An asshole
-A musician

You have:
-A bed
-A job
-Your own friends

You are:
-Not going to throw parties here.

You get:
-Your closed bedroom
-Internet, electricity and phone
-Access to everything save my bed (you fuck something in there, I get to fuck the other end of it)

400$/m, all included.
» James répondu dessus Tue 16 Sep, 2008 @ 8:36am. Posted in New Metallica Album Inside! (Produced by Rick Rubin) .
Coolness: 37205
nice.. la premiere track promet en tk.
» James répondu dessus Mon 15 Sep, 2008 @ 9:08pm. Posted in Pink Floyd's Richard Wright passed away.
Coolness: 37205
yeah :(

one of my all time favorite bands....

/me runs to the piano to play great gig in the sky
» James répondu dessus Sat 13 Sep, 2008 @ 6:19pm. Posted in dating co-workers.
Coolness: 37205
Been there, done that. Loved it, hated it. Its the same thing as going out with someone in your gang, its all fun and games while everything is ok. When it goes wrong, everybody knows about it quicker than you, and you suffer the opinions of a thousand morons. It's like you should do with most women, take what you want/need and go. You're better off with one good fuck and the rep that you're a player than a shitty relationship that has everybody gossiping for months.
» James répondu dessus Thu 11 Sep, 2008 @ 10:34am. Posted in En bequilles a Montreal.....
Coolness: 37205
Bah jpenses pas que ca soit culturel le respect des personnes avec un handicap ou une "mobilité réduite". Jpenses que c'est juste du manque de savoir vivre ben elementaire. Moi jme tasse uniquement quand le probleme est apparent. Une personne en bequille, une vielle bossue de 95 ans borderline fossilisée qui se tiens sur une marchette, un ontarien... ce genre de trucs. Mais me tasser parce que t'as des cheveux blancs? F-U dude, jla paye moi aussi ma passe (deux fois le prix de la tienne en plus!) et j'ai le droit d'etre assi. Moi des vieux qui rentre avec 11 sacs de 50lbs sur le dos et apres soupir dans ta face pour te passer le message de leur laisser la place? Die bitch.
» James répondu dessus Thu 11 Sep, 2008 @ 10:22am. Posted in Tips, pourboire 15% ou moins?!?!!?.
Coolness: 37205
I'm the best and worst tipper. I tip strictly based on service. If I get adequate service, I leave nothing. If I get good service I tip a little (if you don't like my dollar, I'll keep it thank you). If I get outstanding service, by someone who is genuinely happy to do his/her job of serving/helping/advising me, then I will be very generous. I can give a 5$ tip on a 2$ coffee if I get the service to go with it. I work with the public, I know how demanding it can be at times on your nerves, patience and general sanity, but I always give the best service possible, simply because *I chose* to work with the public.
» James répondu dessus Fri 5 Sep, 2008 @ 8:24am. Posted in Christian the lion.
Coolness: 37205
didn't see it posted before.. if it was, well... sue me.

This is beyond cute and well into the realm of the makes-me-cry-everytime.

[ www.youtube.com ]
» James répondu dessus Thu 4 Sep, 2008 @ 10:52pm. Posted in abandonner un enfant.
Coolness: 37205
Originally Posted By DJCASTPROS
lpire c est qui peuvent retrouver lidentiter grace aux empreinte digital du bebe

euh... comment?
» James répondu dessus Thu 4 Sep, 2008 @ 10:43pm. Posted in Believe in Jesus with a mad riff!.
Coolness: 37205
tell me its a hoax.. pls.
» James répondu dessus Thu 4 Sep, 2008 @ 10:39pm. Posted in The Story of Stuff - a short, well-done documentary about consumerism.
Coolness: 37205
» James répondu dessus Thu 7 Aug, 2008 @ 11:35pm. Posted in Radiohead -) Reviews Please!.
Coolness: 37205
The show was most likely awesome, the single best experience a human being can experience, simply for the fact that you weren't there Bliss.
» James répondu dessus Thu 7 Aug, 2008 @ 11:24pm. Posted in Large Hardon Collider.
Coolness: 37205
Originally Posted By THE.NEOFORM
There is virtually zero chance the LHC will produce micro-black holes.

Actually IIRC its the whole point of the operation; to create tiny black holes to study how they're made as it is believe that the conditions inside a black hole are very similar to the big bang/birth of the universe and all that, and that's what they want to study, the big bang.

There's a killer Horizon documentary on it over at [ www.jonhs.net ] well worth watching, as with most horizon docus.
» James répondu dessus Sat 2 Aug, 2008 @ 4:22am. Posted in So When is it ok to Hit A Girl?.
Coolness: 37205
Originally Posted By BETTY_HAZE
If you cant take it, dont give it.

yeah 4 sure i agree with that..

i just feel that a man is weak if he hit a woman in return of a punch or else.

Are you kidding me? What are you? 14?

Mise à jour » James a écrit dessus Sat 2 Aug, 2008 @ 4:23am

that was the wrong quote for some strange reason... anyways.. it was aimed at betty anyways.. but about her first few posts where she acts like princess fucking toadstool.
» James répondu dessus Thu 31 Jul, 2008 @ 2:49am. Posted in Nsfw.
Coolness: 37205
What did we ever do to you to fucking deserve this? I mean.. did someone here rape your sister or kill your dog? God damn... Why do you hate us so?
» James répondu dessus Sat 26 Jul, 2008 @ 11:37am. Posted in G33K ALERT : guess the trailer from a possible upcoming movie.
Coolness: 37205

I've been waiting all my life for a sequel.
» James répondu dessus Fri 25 Jul, 2008 @ 12:10pm. Posted in Sondage: qui aimeriez vous voir mixer au circus dans les dj locaux.
Coolness: 37205
» James répondu dessus Thu 24 Jul, 2008 @ 11:07am. Posted in I hate British Airways.
Coolness: 37205
You are being a tad of a asshole with them too yknow. There is such a thing as bad customer service, but there is also the bad customer. If you had told me to fuck off at 1am because you're in your jammies and don't want to take a couple flights of stairs to claim your possession, I would've taken a shit in your bag and left it there :)
» James répondu dessus Wed 23 Jul, 2008 @ 4:54pm. Posted in I uhh...
Coolness: 37205
Originally Posted By PONCHALICE
pirated softwear

sounds kinky
» James répondu dessus Wed 23 Jul, 2008 @ 2:46pm. Posted in Sondage: qui aimeriez vous voir mixer au circus dans les dj locaux.
Coolness: 37205
No nothing brings anybody to the Circus. The club has a worse reputation than a crackwhore. It's part of the afterhours/gayhouse/pillsters scene....leaving it alone to wither away is the best thing we could do.

Still.... book me! ;)
» James répondu dessus Wed 23 Jul, 2008 @ 2:38pm. Posted in Very Very Very Nsfw..
Coolness: 37205
That was....

» James répondu dessus Wed 23 Jul, 2008 @ 12:42pm. Posted in I uhh...
Coolness: 37205
Originally Posted By VERSION18MINUS1

I dunno, if you use any music software commercially or make money OFF of it, shouldn't you pay a premium fee ( more expensive ) or royalties or something ?

That was precisely my point when I said pirate software is making it hell on legit users. Why should Legit User X have to go through a ton a paperwork and bookkeeping of royalties and premiums and keep on paying and paying, so that Some Kid Y in his basement has it easier to have a hobby that in 90% of cases goes freaking nowhere and lasts but a few months?

We're not talking about a stamp collection, it's a professional piece of equipment, designed to be used by people who work in this industry. When all you do is freaking techno in your livingroom for a few friends a 3 bookings a year, all you need is freaking fruityloops if you come down from the stratosphere where your ego hangs out. And that goes for pretty much EVERYBODY on this forum, me, you, your mom and her mom's mom. :)

Yes on the material level its a 5 cent CD in a 50 cent cardboard box. But it's not any box, with any CD. I dare you to record an album with an empty box of cereal and an AOL promo CD ;) A product is generally more than the sum of its parts, or we'd only be buying parts. You can get all the hardware inside a 24channel mixer for around 100$ at addison....that doesn't make it a mixer, and even if you put it together, it wouldn't make it a good mixer unless you kept at it for years.....investing....developing....trial...error....costs...money....and round we go again.
» James répondu dessus Wed 23 Jul, 2008 @ 10:15am. Posted in Sondage: qui aimeriez vous voir mixer au circus dans les dj locaux.
Coolness: 37205
That PUSH REC+PLAY guy would be a good choice!

Yknow.. just sayin... I know the guy, I can hook you up yo.

» James répondu dessus Wed 23 Jul, 2008 @ 10:11am. Posted in I uhh...
Coolness: 37205
Therein lies the whole issue doesn't it? The "just for fun" excuse isn't valid. I can't go to John Scotti and leave with a Ferrari without paying just cause I wanted to drive one "for fun". Like every other hobby, making music does cost money. Also, demo versions are available to try out new softwares (before someone tries the 'But I wanna see how it is before I buy" excuse).

More to the point, if this is to be strictly a hobby, then don't paddle in the big boy's pool. Logic7 is a pro-level software and its cost reflects it. If you want to have 'fun', go and invest 100$ on FLStudio8 which will give you AMAZING value for the money.

And when you go as far as saying "my dream is shattered", I think you're head and shoulders above the "just for fun" line. The softwares he refers too would cost, brand spanking new, around 1900$ for the whole kit, a far cry from the 5000$ you refer too. 10$ per day will get you 3650$ in a year so stop smoking or don't eat out so often at work and you will find that you can afford it.

There's been a godzillion ideas proposed to alleviate the problem of pirating productivity softwares. All of them, bar none, introduced the same problem: the legitimate user has (many) more (painful) steps in the installation procedure. This is slowly snowballing into the simple fact that it's not only cheaper to use pirate software, it's also a good deal more convenient.

Anyways.. just playing devil's advocate here.. I use as much pirate software as the next guy.
» James répondu dessus Wed 23 Jul, 2008 @ 9:24am. Posted in Eclipse ticket for sale!.
Coolness: 37205

I got a friend trying to sell her Eclipse ticket cause she's got unplanned stuff coming up on that weekend. So if you know anyone who still hasn't got his/her ticket: 85$ for the win, email at: scayatonia@hotmail.com

Mise à jour » James a écrit dessus Wed 23 Jul, 2008 @ 10:49am
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> SOLD! Thanks
» James répondu dessus Wed 23 Jul, 2008 @ 9:19am. Posted in I uhh...
Coolness: 37205
Yknow when you buy these softwares, its a pretty simple procedure to take the CD from its case and reinstall the soft. :)

Just sayin'
» James répondu dessus Sat 12 Jul, 2008 @ 12:01am. Posted in Turntable technician.....
Coolness: 37205
1200's have changed (very little) design like only 3-4 times since the 70s. They are REALLY built to last. All pieces can be ordered even for an MKI. I used to repair a shitload of these back in the days. One thing we used to do to all tables coming into the shop was to replace the wiring/grounding. The cables on a 1200 are beyond inadequate, get some real good shielded cables in there and ground them properly. Also, your pitch needs to be adjusted at least once a year, every 3 months if you take them out to parties (temperature change = metal dilatation = pitch drift).

100$ per table is overpriced, but very standard so don't expect better deals unless you have a friend with some skills with an iron. The whole operation...replacing cables, tightening the break and tuning the pitch, takes about 15 minutes if you have one hand tied behind your back.
» James répondu dessus Fri 11 Jul, 2008 @ 11:48pm. Posted in Host 1 - Alienate [New D'n'B Track].
Coolness: 37205
I definitely like it better starting at 2:20 when you drop the intro. Overall groove is great. I don't know enough about dnb to complain about production, but to me it sounds very light on bass, otherwise the mix does what it should.

But yeah.... where's the fucking cowbell?
» James répondu dessus Fri 11 Jul, 2008 @ 12:01am. Posted in Paying the dj.
Coolness: 37205
Valid reasons to play for free:
- You're booked in another country with hotel and food
- Its a free party and you're part of the organisation by pitching in your own money for the PA anyways
- Open bar and a blowjob during your set
- It's the end of the world and tomorrow there ain't gonna be any stores left to spend the money at
» James répondu dessus Thu 10 Jul, 2008 @ 11:28pm. Posted in New PUSH REC+PLAY stuff on myspace.
Coolness: 37205
hehe thx bro :)
» James répondu dessus Thu 10 Jul, 2008 @ 10:05am. Posted in Paying the dj.
Coolness: 37205
To me, a DJ who plays for free is a complete moronic asshole. Why pay for DJ X when DJ Y plays for free every time? And over the years it snowballed into this standard practice of trying to cheap out on the lineup's budget.

99% of the promoters I've worked with over the years are criminals too. Some of them make absurd amounts of money, which they mostly keep to themselves cause "they did all the work". Funny how their own work is worth something when they mostly have no respect for the amount of time and effort invested by artists and djs to come up with the ONE thing that makes a party a success, the music. Ever tried a club night with no music? Its just not the same :)

Promoters who complain they don't break even are the worst kind of human beings in the scene. If you can't fucking organize a 10k$ budget for a single event then GET THE FUCK OUT OF THE BUSINESS. Most promoters book cheap ass rooms, no deco, no nothing except a flyer, a PA and a mixer. And then they complain they had only 100 ppl in the party. Go back to school and take a semester in marketing for fuck's sake, its nothing to sell 1 freaking night of alcohol to a town full of alcoholic clubbers.
» James répondu dessus Thu 10 Jul, 2008 @ 9:41am. Posted in New PUSH REC+PLAY stuff on myspace.
Coolness: 37205
[ www.myspace.com ]

I've finally updated the damn thing, replaced all six tracks with newer material. Have fun....
James's Profile - Community Messages