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» fishead répondu dessus Wed 22 Jun, 2005 @ 7:42am. Posted in drill % bass $.
Coolness: 75890
I've never really thought of his stuff as drill'n'bass, though. Drunken Bass is what I used to call it - because the odd time signatures create the feeling of being off balance.
» fishead répondu dessus Mon 20 Jun, 2005 @ 8:09pm. Posted in drill % bass $.
Coolness: 75890
I prefer drunkenbass. The last drill&bass record I picked up was "If You're Into It, I'm Out Of It" by Christophe de Babalon... and that was almost eight years ago.
» fishead répondu dessus Sat 4 Jun, 2005 @ 11:44am. Posted in Trancecore VS Hardtrance.
Coolness: 75890
actually... there are a whole load of labels that put out experimental tracks. Touch, Ash International, Tone, Dirter, Beta-Lectam, Staalplaat, Rephlex, Susan Lawly, Sub Rosa, Locust... Just about everybody involved in indie labels is in it because they're music fans who believe the stuff should be heard. Finding stores that will take a chance on it is another thing entirely...

As for the "what's hot" comment... nine times out of ten "what's hot" is simply a rehash of stuff that was hot years ago... I mean, shit, in the last few years 'innovation' has in electronic music has mostly meant building emulators to sound like vintage 80s synths... or adding yelping vocals (which has been done and done and done before). It's a good thing for producers that a lot of people in the 'scene' haven't been around long enough to have a grasp on the musical lineage of what they're hearing, or can't remember what happened last week, let alone two years ago.
» fishead répondu dessus Thu 2 Jun, 2005 @ 7:49am. Posted in Trancecore VS Hardtrance.
Coolness: 75890
I just don't see the point in micromanaging music... and the whole 'genre' thing has worked against creativity in the electronic scene. It's made things hard to follow for people who are just getting started with the music, and it's led to an over-abundance of copycat tracks.

If you're gonna have genres, have broad ones.... with very obvious differences... but when you can actually have threads devoted to the difference between two 'so-called' genres - where the vast majority of people can't really discern any difference, or... don't give a flying fuck... then it's simply stupid. Why not call it all 'trance'?
» fishead répondu dessus Fri 27 May, 2005 @ 10:16pm. Posted in Electro vs Electroclash.
Coolness: 75890
Scorpio by Grandmaster Flash is the king of the old school electro jams...

this electro-clash shit is a bunch of hype that Larry Tee invented because no one was paying attention to him... and now... well... we're all back to not-paying-attention to him.
» fishead répondu dessus Thu 19 May, 2005 @ 7:42pm. Posted in belinda.
Coolness: 75890
oh... this is about politics??


THIS Belinda is way cooler... WAY cooler....

[ www.belindabedekovic.com ]
» fishead répondu dessus Thu 19 May, 2005 @ 7:41pm. Posted in funny shit.
Coolness: 75890
Riki Oh is way tougher than Fi'ty Cen'
» fishead répondu dessus Thu 19 May, 2005 @ 7:36pm. Posted in World's most advanced clock!.
Coolness: 75890
brilliant, ain't it?

do we really need to measure things in hundredths of a second? Or should be looking thousands of years forward and concentrating our efforts on making sure we get there?
» fishead répondu dessus Thu 19 May, 2005 @ 7:28pm. Posted in dj's wearing headphones .....
Coolness: 75890
the construction headset (you should be able to find them at RONA) doesn't have any drivers inside... so... you just disassemble a set of headphones and disassemble one of the headsets... and then put the drivers inside the headshell.... use a gluegun to seal things up nice and tight (I didn't have one, so I resorted to a bit of clear caulking)...
» fishead répondu dessus Thu 19 May, 2005 @ 8:17am. Posted in your neighbour is playing tv too LOUD...
Coolness: 75890
drill a small hole in the floor and pee in it...

put a burning bag of shit on his doorstep...
» fishead répondu dessus Thu 19 May, 2005 @ 8:15am. Posted in World's most advanced clock!.
Coolness: 75890
[ longnow.org ]

this clock is better
» fishead répondu dessus Thu 19 May, 2005 @ 7:13am. Posted in dj's wearing headphones .....
Coolness: 75890
I used those Stanton's last night. I wasn't overly impressed... but then... I've used a lot of headphones and I've never been overly impressed with anything - except the custom ones I had made years ago... which are a set of construction worker noise mufflers (hi db block) with a pair of $20 Koss drivers inside them.
» fishead répondu dessus Mon 16 May, 2005 @ 2:43am. Posted in Music Genres.
Coolness: 75890
I'd like to have a genre called "WHATEVERTHEFUCKIWANT"
» fishead répondu dessus Sun 15 May, 2005 @ 12:29am. Posted in dj's wearing headphones .....
Coolness: 75890
I find that getting a handjob while I'm playing really helps pull things along... it also helps you get your requests played.
» fishead répondu dessus Fri 13 May, 2005 @ 8:52pm. Posted in dj's wearing headphones .....
Coolness: 75890
I couldn't give two shits about how someone wears their headphones... it's more important to me that they're not wearing a bunch of shiny bar star gear and spinning shite club trance.
» fishead répondu dessus Sat 7 May, 2005 @ 5:56pm. Posted in Trancecore VS Hardtrance.
Coolness: 75890
I still say fuck the genres and just pay attention to music. You want to know what something sounds like, then listen to it. Genres breed genre purists who can't cope with the idea of someone mixing a trance record into a hardcore set... or working their way from techno to drum'n'bass... or whatever.
» fishead répondu dessus Thu 5 May, 2005 @ 8:06pm. Posted in Trancecore VS Hardtrance.
Coolness: 75890
about half the records on mokum sound like polka tracks with a hoovers instead of accordion...

the Snares Man record on History of the futurE was hilarious as all fuck, though... breakbeat-ragga-mashup-polka in odd time signatures... like... no shit... he tossed this ragga accapella version of Men At Work's DownUnder over top of a polka track... brutally brilliant...

polka-core, however, is very 1999. It's time to move on.
» fishead répondu dessus Thu 5 May, 2005 @ 7:20pm. Posted in Trancecore VS Hardtrance.
Coolness: 75890
it's all fuckin' music that made on machines...

I don't even understand why people talk about genres anymore... unless they're looking for buzzwords to try and convince people that they're into the 'new shit' (even though so much stuff is rehashes of semi-obscure tracks from long ago)... seriously... if someone is doing something new in music - don't try to give it a name, it's like building a fence around whatever it is they're doing. Once you start defining something you start setting boundaries. You start determining what it can and can't be. You start encroaching on it.

Hi... my name is fishead... and my genre is "whatever the fuck I feel like playing."
» fishead répondu dessus Wed 4 May, 2005 @ 8:26pm. Posted in Music Genres.
Coolness: 75890
140, fucker
» fishead répondu dessus Wed 4 May, 2005 @ 7:55pm. Posted in Music Genres.
Coolness: 75890
144 = Trash Metal

is that supposed to be THRASH Metal... or is that the garbage can that crap like Triumph and Hanoi Rocks get thrown into.

Personally... I think everybody should just use 109. Wonderful.
» fishead répondu dessus Wed 4 May, 2005 @ 7:52pm. Posted in Trancecore VS Hardtrance.
Coolness: 75890
all genres can and should be mixed... it's fucking boring as all hell when a dj takes two records that already sound the same and puts them together... juxtaposition: look it up.
» fishead répondu dessus Sun 1 May, 2005 @ 1:46am. Posted in cephalic.
Coolness: 75890
November - I think I'll try to make that one...

When is Blood Duster going to tour? Seriously. The last album (released on Seasons Of The Mist last year) is pretty sweet... y'all should be on that shit.
» fishead répondu dessus Fri 29 Apr, 2005 @ 10:36pm. Posted in NIN releases song as garageband file.
Coolness: 75890
oh man.... this is what happens when you leave it open for anyone on the internet to remix a track...

[ www.pages.drexel.edu ]

such an improvement!
» fishead répondu dessus Thu 28 Apr, 2005 @ 9:23pm. Posted in cephalic.
Coolness: 75890
El Salon feels like a high school cafeteria... possibly the worst venue I've ever seen a band in... it's even crappier than when I played in a church hall (the first record I played was a chant of "six-six-six! six-six-six-six!" they never asked me to play again, but they did pay me in full... I suppose they were worried that I'd burn the place down if they didn't... I just thought that xians are supposed to fear the devil and that I'd get up there and do the old "fire and brimstone" thing)...

felt like shit last night and passed out on the couch... missed the show and woke up feeling like an idiot... it sucks to hear that it wasn't up to snuff... but, as I've discovered in the past, El Salon is a really crappy room and it takes an inhuman effort to make the room work.

Isis was pretty solid in there, but they didn't have to compete with the damned house lights... who the fuck leaves the cunting house lights on? Golden showers for the idiots that thought that was a good idea.
» fishead répondu dessus Tue 19 Apr, 2005 @ 6:49pm. Posted in Fantomas / The Locust.
Coolness: 75890
He's usually touring Asia with Testament... it would seem it's pretty rare that he can hit the road with SYL. Oh well... we do distro for Century Media at my work, so I've been hearing Alien almost daily since about a six weeks before street date.
» fishead répondu dessus Tue 19 Apr, 2005 @ 3:50am. Posted in Fantomas / The Locust.
Coolness: 75890
amything jesus can do, I can do better
» fishead répondu dessus Sun 17 Apr, 2005 @ 7:15am. Posted in Neutorik Brutal-ness.
Coolness: 75890
I guess I left before you arrived... or you left before I arrived... who knows.

Stopped by there for a couple of hours after COMA. Good times.

I think it's time for a nap.
» fishead répondu dessus Sun 17 Apr, 2005 @ 7:13am. Posted in Fantomas / The Locust.
Coolness: 75890
not too crazy about S.Y.L... I've heard those albums far too much at work... but Cephalic Carnage tore shit up last time I saw them (2002) . They ended up staying at a friend's place... so I got to chill with them for a few hours... good group of guys. Hopefully I'll get the new record on wax soon...
» fishead répondu dessus Sat 16 Apr, 2005 @ 2:04pm. Posted in NIN releases song as garageband file.
Coolness: 75890
here's to hoping someone can turn that piece of shit into something listenable.
» fishead répondu dessus Sat 16 Apr, 2005 @ 10:52am. Posted in Neurotik Party / 16 Avril / TeKnO AddiK.
Coolness: 75890
ce soir, tabernak!
» fishead répondu dessus Sat 16 Apr, 2005 @ 10:50am. Posted in Fantomas / The Locust.
Coolness: 75890
I was supposed to be there, but fell asleep right after getting home from work and woke up at two in the morning. Sucks. Oh well. Saw The Locust when they played with Dillinger Escape Plan last year...
» fishead répondu dessus Sat 16 Apr, 2005 @ 12:25am. Posted in Coma 2 Festival.
Coolness: 75890
gotta be the hentai.
» fishead répondu dessus Fri 15 Apr, 2005 @ 5:27am. Posted in Coma 2 Festival.
Coolness: 75890
some friends are coming up from Chicago, Toronto and New York for this... sounds like it's gonna be a blast...
» fishead répondu dessus Fri 15 Apr, 2005 @ 5:21am. Posted in Vestax's and Scratchworx's STC-V1.
Coolness: 75890
that's looks like the contraption they were using in the video for Tone Loc's Wild Thang... all hail the real innovator!
» fishead répondu dessus Thu 14 Apr, 2005 @ 8:07am. Posted in Music Genres.
Coolness: 75890
btw - wasn't joking about the record...
[ www.discogs.com ]
» fishead répondu dessus Thu 14 Apr, 2005 @ 2:05am. Posted in Music Genres.
Coolness: 75890
nash up isn't really a genre, though... it's just a blend of a recognizable element from pop music with a cut from another genre... having a genre called mash up seems pointless, as it would indicate that crap-beyond-crap prog house white labels that try to turn cuts from the Lost Boys soundtrack into epic numbers are somehow in the same league as the stuff that Inhumanz are doing (Satanik Mash-ups, Ale To The Thieves etc)...
» fishead répondu dessus Tue 12 Apr, 2005 @ 10:00pm. Posted in hARD aS FUCK3.
Coolness: 75890
"North America is getting soft, Patrone... and the rest of the world is getting tough."

Let's make it algebraic...

N hours of hardcore is no more monotonous than N hours of trance... or N hours of techno. It depends on how it's structured... have to remember your peaks and valleys... pounding doomcore for the lows, speedcore or frantic breakcore for the highs and hardtek to round things out. There's as much variety in hardcore as there is in anything else. It's all about about contrasts... building a night is like building a set - on a larger scale.
» fishead répondu dessus Tue 12 Apr, 2005 @ 6:15pm. Posted in IDJ presents JOHN B. @ Gravity.
Coolness: 75890
Just picked up the John B. and Exile record on Planet-µ... shit is tight.
» fishead répondu dessus Tue 12 Apr, 2005 @ 6:14pm. Posted in hARD aS FUCK3.
Coolness: 75890
hardcore after 7am is not a bad idea... back in the midwest we used to run hardcore parties that started on Friday afternoon and finished on Monday morning. 69 hours of hardcore... t'aint for the weak at heart - but it can be done.
» fishead répondu dessus Tue 12 Apr, 2005 @ 1:50am. Posted in Neurotik Party / 16 Avril / TeKnO AddiK.
Coolness: 75890
serait un bon afterparty pour COMA noise samedi soir.
fishead's Profile - Community Messages