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» Dzzz répondu dessus Wed 21 Dec, 2011 @ 5:19pm. Posted in Your predictions for 2012.
Coolness: 29970
Originally Posted By ZOMBIENATHAN

Oh, and PunkStep.

[ www.youtube.com ]
» Dzzz répondu dessus Thu 13 Oct, 2011 @ 4:28pm. Posted in OccupyWallStreet.
Coolness: 29970
Originally Posted By MURDOCK_ROCK
I dunno about you guys, but I've been watching this story quite closely and have been listening to unbiased coverage from NYC radio everyday and this whole thing is absolutely  embarrassing to anybody who legitimately is fighting for a cause.
I'm not going to argue that there are definitely some serious issues at hand, but i don't think a pointless protest without a end game or even a clear motive is going to do anything but cause a tax hike for NY and the recent union involvement is absolutely preposterous.
If these protesters had the slightest bit of education about the issues they are fighting for, the union heads would be lenched the fuck out of there, as the unions send more jobs over seas than any other group in their nation and are lead by huge corporate ceo's that squander money at the same rate as the politicians.
As much as the statement that masa posted is mostly legitimate...
They neglect to offer any solutions to these problems, and until they do, all they are doing is pointing out more problems with the American education system, because the "99%" of these ppl are clearly IDIOTS who can't even agree what they are fighting for.

I'd like urge any of you hippy fucks to please tell me what this group of morons actually want to do to fix all the mixed causes they represent.

Because if it's anarchy they are after I will gladly shoot a hippy in the fucking face to protect my middle class lifestyle.

Typical rightfag

rabble rabble violence rabble rabble cusswords
» Dzzz répondu dessus Tue 11 Oct, 2011 @ 3:25pm. Posted in Rave vs Psy Parties..
Coolness: 29970
I honestly wouldn't have said shit if you didn't call someone fat out of nowhere. I just
made you prove how much of a retard you are, you're obviously the judgmental one here. How could you be so blind to your own hypocrisy?
» Dzzz répondu dessus Tue 11 Oct, 2011 @ 1:53pm. Posted in Rave vs Psy Parties..
Coolness: 29970
considering who they belonged to, yes.. very horrifying indeed

besides I'm just being an asshole because shes a hypocritical bitch
» Dzzz répondu dessus Tue 11 Oct, 2011 @ 1:29pm. Posted in Rave vs Psy Parties..
Coolness: 29970
Originally Posted By AYKIN0XIA
hmmmmm good, less fat people in psy-trance parties = more energy on the dancefloor.

(maybe i just made a bunch of ennemies... but when someone is stupid enough to use a kind of music to vent their frustration on, i allow myself to be stupid enough to state what i see...)

kind of like how I had to leave the dance floor because a dirty hippy (thats you) smelled so bad and had to slut it up so hard that you took your shirt off because you have no self respect?
» Dzzz répondu dessus Fri 2 Sep, 2011 @ 12:57pm. Posted in You cannot use the internet as an excuse anymore.
Coolness: 29970
Originally Posted By V.2-1
I was using one example out of many, I could've just as easily used another scenario where a disgruntled person would recognize someone online and punch them in the face or something.

As for your second statement, again, you're relying on everyone's common sense online to figure you don't rape dead babies. I assume it to be untrue but not everyone's like me. I work with the public and I can tell you common sense is not a given.

But who cares, right ? This is the internet, nothing counts and I'm not real.

Silly me expecting people to have common sense I guess.

You're right Moloch, how about making love to dead babies?
» Dzzz répondu dessus Fri 2 Sep, 2011 @ 9:58am. Posted in You cannot use the internet as an excuse anymore.
Coolness: 29970
Originally Posted By V.2-1
You sir, are a poster child for exactly what we are saying here.

1. it's funny how you assume that we would know you wouldn't rape dead babies as if we know you personally. I don't know you and I can just as easily flip the coin around and assume you do rape babies in real life. In fact, you could just pretend you don't rape babies but you actually do because hey, internet allows you to have a flamboyant personality online but it can just as easily be an outlet to sound normal when in reality, you're a sad emo skater who yells in his pillow at night, cries about not having any actual real life friends and cuts himself to feel alive although being very friendly and upfront online so as to draw interest. See where I'm getting at ?

2. the internet is all fun and game until you piss someone off enough to hack your computer and acting on an anonymous tip, the cops show up with a warrant to seize your kiddie porn.

I'm willing to bet none of that ever happens, you really think I or anyone else not dealing in actual illegal shit would get arrested? And I find it funny how you DON'T assume that I don't rape dead babies, as if thats some sort of generally common problem people have.
» Dzzz répondu dessus Thu 1 Sep, 2011 @ 5:47pm. Posted in You cannot use the internet as an excuse anymore.
Coolness: 29970
Originally Posted By DRNYARLATHOTEP
Thanks, this is the simplest way it's been explained. Now, even Max can get it :D

That's retarded, I can talk all day about raping dead babies online but would I actually do that in real life? No, because it's the internet and we can fuck around if we want to.
» Dzzz répondu dessus Fri 13 May, 2011 @ 9:12am. Posted in What made/ruined your day?.
Coolness: 29970
ruined: drunk dialing.....
» Dzzz répondu dessus Wed 11 May, 2011 @ 12:44am. Posted in What made/ruined your day?.
Coolness: 29970
Originally Posted By ALICEINACIDLAND
Care to elaborate, Dillon?

Not really haha, but I tend to go for the things I can't have..

Originally Posted By sparklz
made: WOOT! Mexico this summer, awwww yeah ;)

Me too ! :)
» Dzzz répondu dessus Mon 9 May, 2011 @ 9:18am. Posted in What made/ruined your day?.
Coolness: 29970
made/ruined : time to move on, feels bad but theres just no point
» Dzzz répondu dessus Fri 6 May, 2011 @ 1:05pm. Posted in R.I.P Osama Bin Laden - World Hide And Go Seek Champion (2001 - 2011).
Coolness: 29970
[ winnipeg.ctv.ca ]

Al Qaeda confirms his death, lets see how far Alex Jones will go to make his theory on how he died in 2001 seem valid..
» Dzzz répondu dessus Wed 4 May, 2011 @ 1:20pm. Posted in R.I.P Osama Bin Laden - World Hide And Go Seek Champion (2001 - 2011).
Coolness: 29970
Originally Posted By STRIK_IX
Having someone to call a martyr is reason enough for Al-Qaida not call bullshit IMO.

Honestly, debating such issues with army personnel is pretty much useless, too much bias to have an actual debate.

I mean if I want the different governments opinions on the matter I'll just watch the news...

Any facts to back up your hypothesis or are you just going to keep undermining everyone else for having a different opinion than you?

Not saying what I believe either way, just saying that you're being a little hypocritical in calling someone biased when you are just as biased in the other direction.
» Dzzz répondu dessus Wed 30 Mar, 2011 @ 12:26pm. Posted in the paparazzi.
Coolness: 29970
You're mistaking something I think perception, humans do have instincts and its very clear that we do. Where we differ from animals is that they always act on their instinct but because we have the ability to make choices that may go against instincts we don't completely act on them.

We are not very different from animals, you seem to think we are so far excluded from the animal kingdom that we don't have any? Babies know to suckle, if they don't then its something wrong with them, not that the human race as a whole doesn't have any instinctual habits.

There is a chemical that is released in women when they are pregnant/give birth and when breastfeeding that makes them love/care for the baby, they've also found its released between both humans and dogs. If a woman throws her baby out then there is something psychologically wrong with her, but trying to apply that example to the entire human race doesn't really work.
» Dzzz répondu dessus Wed 30 Mar, 2011 @ 2:17am. Posted in What made/ruined your day?.
Coolness: 29970
insomia.. work tomorrow will be fun
» Dzzz répondu dessus Wed 30 Mar, 2011 @ 2:17am. Posted in What are you listening to right now?.
Coolness: 29970

Mise à jour » Dzzz a écrit dessus Wed 30 Mar, 2011 @ 2:36am
» Dzzz répondu dessus Thu 24 Mar, 2011 @ 3:40pm. Posted in what are you looking forward to most this summer ?.
Coolness: 29970
tams! I miss it so much

drinking in random parks around the city, mostly NDG.. late night park chilling with 20 people makes me happy
» Dzzz répondu dessus Wed 23 Mar, 2011 @ 3:48pm. Posted in The Picture Thread....
Coolness: 29970
» Dzzz répondu dessus Tue 15 Mar, 2011 @ 3:18am. Posted in people who say 'Bro'.
Coolness: 29970
Originally Posted By SCREWHEAD
The only language where 'True Say' is a proper way of saying things is if you're speaking Jamaican Creol. Most people say/write 'True Say' where it SHOULD be 'Touché' in context to what they're saying it to.

I'd agree but I've heard it used a lot but ghetto kids in California as a way of saying they weren't lying, they telling the truth etc..
» Dzzz répondu dessus Mon 14 Mar, 2011 @ 3:46pm. Posted in have you guys ever been this drunk ?.
Coolness: 29970
haha Lita I'm guessing that story was from Dana's?
» Dzzz répondu dessus Mon 14 Mar, 2011 @ 3:46pm. Posted in people who say 'Bro'.
Coolness: 29970
Originally Posted By SCREWHEAD
And while we're at it...

True say.


[ en.wikipedia.org ]
The word touché is also often used in popular culture and general conversation — for example, in an argument or debate — to commend someone on a clever response or counter point to an argument.

Thats not the context they're using it in, true say means like.. "thats the real truth" or "you're right". The meaning is close to Touche by not really the same thing

Only ever heard thug wannabes say it though
» Dzzz répondu dessus Sat 12 Mar, 2011 @ 5:22pm. Posted in have you guys ever been this drunk ?.
Coolness: 29970
haha the worst was one time I got really wasted on vodka and rum in a park and around 3 or 4 after I try walking home while blacked out, woke up at 6am getting handcuffed by police in the grass at a different park. Apparently I had passed out while walking, my phone was ringing in the street my dad was calling because I was underage at the time so he had to come pick me up.. probably alcohol poisoning.. didnt even puke which would have made things better
» Dzzz répondu dessus Fri 11 Mar, 2011 @ 7:08am. Posted in weed around the world.
Coolness: 29970
Southern California has some really nice stuff, I find there's better or easier to find REALLY good stuff there but it will cost you nearly double what you pay here. But here the general weed going around the street at least where I live is better than what you'll get randomly in the States. You have to deal with a lot of brick extremely stemmy and seedy dried out weed thats like rock hard and flat if you don't know anyone.
» Dzzz répondu dessus Fri 11 Mar, 2011 @ 7:04am. Posted in Gambling Game - Need Input.
Coolness: 29970
Sounds similar to Caribbean Poker which is everyone gets 1 face up, 2 face down (in any order) then there's betting, everyone gets the next face up, betting, another face up, betting, last face up then last betting round.
» Dzzz répondu dessus Thu 10 Mar, 2011 @ 1:17pm. Posted in Vaginas (NSFW).
Coolness: 29970
Originally Posted By ALICEINACIDLAND

You just put the image number between [ and ]

Oh ok thanks :)

here have another

» Dzzz répondu dessus Thu 10 Mar, 2011 @ 1:13pm. Posted in weed and dreams.
Coolness: 29970
I always thought that sleep paralysis is your mind waking up but your body still being shut off in dream mode.. instead of your mind dreaming and your body waking up which would be sleep walking.

I finally remembered some dreams last night, I'm usually unable to lucid dream but I can consistently wake myself up from a dream then go back to the same dream and continue going with the same stuff happening. Haven't smoked in about 5 days so hopefully I'll be able to remember them easier now, been such a long time.
» Dzzz répondu dessus Wed 9 Mar, 2011 @ 4:30pm. Posted in weed and dreams.
Coolness: 29970
well recently I stopped smoking weed and now I've had sleep paralysis twice in a week period. still not remembering my dreams but we'll see. also fucking insomnia because I smoked for like 7 years straight before bed.
» Dzzz répondu dessus Wed 9 Mar, 2011 @ 4:22pm. Posted in Vaginas (NSFW).
Coolness: 29970
I love this thread, except for that std.. ehh

why do I always fail at adding images on this site

[ www.rave.ca ]
» Dzzz répondu dessus Thu 3 Mar, 2011 @ 5:24pm. Posted in the paparazzi.
Coolness: 29970
Originally Posted By ALIENZED
again, I think shit like this goes too far when the guy is allegorically accused of something we're all pretty damn sure he wouldn't do.

agreed, if he actually did do something then by all means but being creepy doesn't make you a pedophile rapist
» Dzzz répondu dessus Thu 3 Mar, 2011 @ 5:22pm. Posted in Is it just me or......
Coolness: 29970
ya k is fucked up, I can't do it anymore at parties or raves anymore I've learned my lesson now.. it easily goes from fun to you did to much and are making an ass out of yourself for 45 minutes
» Dzzz répondu dessus Tue 15 Feb, 2011 @ 3:02pm. Posted in when I ask you what kind of music you like....
Coolness: 29970
» Dzzz répondu dessus Tue 8 Feb, 2011 @ 6:55pm. Posted in manliness.
Coolness: 29970
Originally Posted By ALIENZED

I have some hot sauce right now called cock sauce haha
» Dzzz répondu dessus Mon 7 Feb, 2011 @ 2:14am. Posted in What made/ruined your day?.
Coolness: 29970
made : most things in my life have settled down and now I can finally enjoy it
ruined : insomnia..
» Dzzz répondu dessus Mon 7 Feb, 2011 @ 2:11am. Posted in How much time do you spend on the forums?.
Coolness: 29970
I do nothing but surf sites at work for like 6 hours a day so maybe like 30 minutes a day here
» Dzzz répondu dessus Sat 5 Feb, 2011 @ 11:43pm. Posted in New DMT Documentary!.
Coolness: 29970
Originally Posted By RAISINLOVE
is it really all that?

» Dzzz répondu dessus Tue 25 Jan, 2011 @ 11:24am. Posted in Dxm!.
Coolness: 29970
Well if you absolutely have to.. never take any syrup with anything other than Dextromethorphan in it (there's a lot that don't even list some of the side ingredients so be careful). I've done it a few times and only once had a good experience where I wasn't violently throwing up, it's definitely not worth it and it seriously fucks up your body health wise
» Dzzz répondu dessus Tue 11 Jan, 2011 @ 8:51am. Posted in What are you listening to right now?.
Coolness: 29970
Principles of Flight - Gloopy is Missing
» Dzzz répondu dessus Wed 29 Dec, 2010 @ 12:14pm. Posted in The Picture Thread....
Coolness: 29970
» Dzzz répondu dessus Tue 14 Dec, 2010 @ 2:17pm. Posted in S P O R E !!.
Coolness: 29970
Amazing party, was really fun! Got half molested by some chick tweaked out of her mind on mdma and kind of felt bad for her but was hilarious in a way, first time on psychs at a rave and this definitely created a great mood for me (both rooms)
» Dzzz répondu dessus Mon 13 Dec, 2010 @ 11:53am. Posted in Hottest MALE Ravewavers ;).
Coolness: 29970
How can someone have a 50 point margin of IQ? Also, 200 would put you at one of the smartest people in the world, so yeah...
Dzzz's Profile - Community Messages