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» daFTWin répondu dessus Mon 18 Feb, 2002 @ 11:56am. Posted in Why do you rock....
Coolness: 276635
^^^^ seems to like to stare at ladies in hot pants...hey like i said you can have all 4 copies
» daFTWin répondu dessus Mon 18 Feb, 2002 @ 12:28am. Posted in Deelight 45.
Coolness: 276635
I had alot of fun, even tho the higlight of the evening was sitting in the car and having fuun, i think ishould do that every friday now trip out in someones car in the country hahaha with costumes so pat can dress up and amuse us!! anyways after all that and sitting in a parking lot fer 2 hours we also did this http://hootersottawa.com/pix/StLaurentCustomersPix/retrieve.php?imgsrc=HQ11.jpg
» daFTWin répondu dessus Mon 18 Feb, 2002 @ 12:21am. Posted in Word Association Game.
Coolness: 276635
crazy crazy ppl
» daFTWin répondu dessus Sun 17 Feb, 2002 @ 8:15pm. Posted in Why do you rock....
Coolness: 276635
^^asked me to find a 14 year old girl who was into dance on friday, sorry i couldn't find one i think i was hte youngest person there
» daFTWin répondu dessus Sun 17 Feb, 2002 @ 8:14pm. Posted in Word Association Game.
Coolness: 276635
girls in orange spandex shorts (you could see her thong!!)
» daFTWin répondu dessus Sun 17 Feb, 2002 @ 1:03am. Posted in Anti-Valentines Day Poem.
Coolness: 276635
yea seriously your starting to smell mouldy, dirty dirty boy, go bathe...the offer of you still goiving him head??
» daFTWin répondu dessus Sun 17 Feb, 2002 @ 12:52am. Posted in Word Association Game.
Coolness: 276635
» daFTWin répondu dessus Sat 16 Feb, 2002 @ 5:18pm. Posted in Anti-Valentines Day Poem.
Coolness: 276635
and im telling you right now i wasnt gonna be any part of it ....ewwww soumaya, im assuming you dont know shane...giving head to strangers...naughty naughty
» daFTWin répondu dessus Sat 16 Feb, 2002 @ 5:14pm. Posted in Some 80s Stuff.
Coolness: 276635
whats up with you ppl all NOT being high off your asses...damn its a sad sad day, wait no it isnt!! :)
» daFTWin répondu dessus Sat 16 Feb, 2002 @ 5:12pm. Posted in Word Association Game.
Coolness: 276635
Really hairy chicks...ewwwww
» daFTWin répondu dessus Sat 16 Feb, 2002 @ 5:11pm. Posted in Why do you suck.
Coolness: 276635
^^never met a hooters waitress who could break dance
» daFTWin répondu dessus Sat 16 Feb, 2002 @ 5:08pm. Posted in Why do you rock....
Coolness: 276635
^^^rocks cause he gives me laffy taffy...bring it??
» daFTWin répondu dessus Fri 15 Feb, 2002 @ 12:23pm. Posted in Anti-Valentines Day Poem.
Coolness: 276635
what are you freaks talking about...are you all high off your asses... i did not agree i didnt care if pat said yes or noo there was no way i was gonna get involved in this sick love triangle!!! and mee give SHANE(!!!!) head yea riighht not for a million dollars damn you ppl all to hell i did not agree i got up and left the table and went to go be stamper allright...the sad part is tho the whole shane thought he was gonna get some either way, i swear he thought he was gonna get it from soumaya he said so at the door when i was stamping ppl ok just leave me alone.
it did start off with soumaya wanting a bracelet so she was gonne give shane head and let pat whatch i was gonna video tape it and sell it on ebay then something with it being covered in chcolate led to me being involved in that sick shit (SHANE??!?!?!?!?!...HELL NO!) and pat would watch all fer a stupid bracelet.... i shoulda just stayed home last night...
» daFTWin répondu dessus Fri 15 Feb, 2002 @ 12:15pm. Posted in Why do you suck.
Coolness: 276635
seems to me that you like to "suck"
» daFTWin répondu dessus Fri 15 Feb, 2002 @ 12:13pm. Posted in Word Association Game.
Coolness: 276635
ahhhh wierd wierd images in my head ahhh get out!!! .....uhmmm bracelets
» daFTWin répondu dessus Fri 15 Feb, 2002 @ 12:12pm. Posted in Why do you rock....
Coolness: 276635
^^^^ like to lick things covered in chocolate...not me hopefully
» daFTWin répondu dessus Fri 15 Feb, 2002 @ 1:22am. Posted in Anti-Valentines Day Poem.
Coolness: 276635
praise the monkey ohh yea raise the [ roof...ru ] man * no hes not gay* , to the left, to the left, to the right, to the right, to the front, to the front, to the back , now slide, slide, slide , slide....w00t w00t!!!...oh and no one believe anything pat says about tonite its all a big lie i never agreed to it if i had soumaya would have a col new bracelet but did i ... NO I DID NOT... pat stop staling
» daFTWin répondu dessus Thu 14 Feb, 2002 @ 1:47pm. Posted in Anti-Valentines Day Poem.
Coolness: 276635
you dont need to be dating a person to do that...
» daFTWin répondu dessus Thu 14 Feb, 2002 @ 1:34pm. Posted in Why do you suck.
Coolness: 276635
ohh yea big time 100x times better then you anyday
...hey!! stop ruining the game....va't faire foutre
» daFTWin répondu dessus Thu 14 Feb, 2002 @ 1:32pm. Posted in Word Association Game.
Coolness: 276635
the purple teletubie that has a triangle (the faggy one) that wear the cow skin pimp hat and like to dress up in skirts
|this thread is from sophia not kafwin|
» daFTWin répondu dessus Thu 14 Feb, 2002 @ 12:19am. Posted in Miss Kittin and the hacker.
Coolness: 276635
me and robin???.....diiiaoaooooo..*translation* ew
damn ill bring you a picture of him tomorrow
» daFTWin répondu dessus Thu 14 Feb, 2002 @ 12:17am. Posted in Why do you rock....
Coolness: 276635
wants to come into my bedroom and feel the ppasssiiiooonnnn..... what song by dougal and vibes....that set??? (if so) i love it mehehehehe
» daFTWin répondu dessus Thu 14 Feb, 2002 @ 12:14am. Posted in Why do you suck.
Coolness: 276635
^^^does not stand for ANYTHING, that the monkey stands for!!!
» daFTWin répondu dessus Thu 14 Feb, 2002 @ 12:13am. Posted in Word Association Game.
Coolness: 276635
lalala..oo oups...uhhmmm

» daFTWin répondu dessus Thu 14 Feb, 2002 @ 12:09am. Posted in Anti-Valentines Day Poem.
Coolness: 276635
*sings* im single, and i know it, and i can do whatever i want. *ooo chocolates* *goes back to singing* im single, and i know it, and i can do whatever i want....that should be the song for Singles awarness day
» daFTWin répondu dessus Thu 14 Feb, 2002 @ 12:06am. Posted in Some 80s Stuff.
Coolness: 276635
...and anyways sesame street soo pissed me off by making a sesame "park" for us, the canadian viewers, ok yes sometimes they showed clips from sesame street but its not the same, who wants to see every episode be about basil, louis, and dooti, and that chick in a wheelchair and that stupid annoying cat damnit bring back sesame street. the old skool shit
» daFTWin répondu dessus Wed 13 Feb, 2002 @ 7:51pm. Posted in Anti-Valentines Day Poem.
Coolness: 276635
seriously damn i think they said the backstreet boys are having a special appearence at the olympics right about now!!! *whatches sarah run to her television* i dont wanna make a stupid sweater for a stupid hampster damn it would prolly eat it
» daFTWin répondu dessus Wed 13 Feb, 2002 @ 7:47pm. Posted in Why do you rock....
Coolness: 276635
^^^better see me tomorrow i gots a suprise for that hoe
» daFTWin répondu dessus Wed 13 Feb, 2002 @ 7:42pm. Posted in Miss Kittin and the hacker.
Coolness: 276635
lalalala...hellllll no
» daFTWin répondu dessus Wed 13 Feb, 2002 @ 7:14pm. Posted in Anti-Valentines Day Poem.
Coolness: 276635
bwahahahahaha your getting the hampster...she wanted to get me one but what am i gonna do with a hampster loose it????
» daFTWin répondu dessus Wed 13 Feb, 2002 @ 7:08pm. Posted in Why do you rock....
Coolness: 276635
^^^gave me 7 yes 7!!! dinger snaps today
(he showed up at 3:30...and they say drugs dont effect us)
» daFTWin répondu dessus Wed 13 Feb, 2002 @ 7:05pm. Posted in Word Association Game.
Coolness: 276635
pat seducing noah
» daFTWin répondu dessus Wed 13 Feb, 2002 @ 7:04pm. Posted in okay, try this, boiiissss.
Coolness: 276635
how can he type but not call 911??
» daFTWin répondu dessus Wed 13 Feb, 2002 @ 7:03pm. Posted in Why do you suck.
Coolness: 276635
^^wishes he was my monkey
» daFTWin répondu dessus Wed 13 Feb, 2002 @ 7:00pm. Posted in Miss Kittin and the hacker.
Coolness: 276635
really they have fear factory thongs woooowww dman ive never been into a band so much that id go out and buy their crap well thats not true i have a deftones hoddie and a tool hoodie i want a rancid one but they dont have the perty ones anymore :( anyways sarah robins like emmanuel he'll stick like glu i tried setting up with leelee when i didnt know her that well
» daFTWin répondu dessus Tue 12 Feb, 2002 @ 11:14pm. Posted in Miss Kittin and the hacker.
Coolness: 276635
noo sarah is not in love with emmanuel....yes she really does own nick carter boxer... leave the girl alone srah believe me run as fast as you can.. next it'll be robin, he'll be after you like leelee, and it'll never end
» daFTWin répondu dessus Tue 12 Feb, 2002 @ 11:09pm. Posted in Anti-Valentines Day Poem.
Coolness: 276635
yea noah im sure you really wanted those 2 "special things"

and anyways sarah you shouldnt need a special day to feel happy cause you should always feel happy to begin with that is soo sad that ppl think we neeed a special day to be happy and go to "lalaland" and then the next day you go back to what? not being happy?? i think im gonna go whatch the olympics also
» daFTWin répondu dessus Tue 12 Feb, 2002 @ 11:03pm. Posted in Some 80s Stuff.
Coolness: 276635
damn how can you not remember fraggle rock i sang that song for a dollar last year on st catherine street in the winter....*sings* down in fraggle rock *clap clap* worries for another day let the music play *clap clap* down in fraggle rock....my favorite fraggle was wimbley man remember when he left cause no one understood him and was soo frustrated... i think that episode touched me the most....*sniff* i wanna whatch fraggle rock : (
» daFTWin répondu dessus Tue 12 Feb, 2002 @ 10:59pm. Posted in okay, try this, boiiissss.
Coolness: 276635
spell ...nick carter
» daFTWin répondu dessus Tue 12 Feb, 2002 @ 10:58pm. Posted in Why do you rock....
Coolness: 276635
^^^ knows sarah better then to think shed go out with a boy who carried around a branch in his bag fer protection
daFTWin's Profile - Community Messages