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» beercrack répondu dessus Fri 23 Jun, 2006 @ 8:05pm. Posted in 2C-B drug Report.
Coolness: 71585
maybe you did MDA francko?
it's relatively common - since it's a precursor to MDMA
» beercrack répondu dessus Thu 15 Jun, 2006 @ 11:44am. Posted in Favorite Song Quote (of the day).
Coolness: 71585
This is the soup that I believe in
This is the smoke I'm always breathin
This is the way I share my breakfast
This is the way I serve my sentence
I know I know I should lay low
I should stand tall
This is the beard I'm always growin
I know they're here
I see them floating
Her empress beards
They float so holy
Their beards are here
They gently hold me
Well who knows who know
Yeah I may come home
Yeah I may return
This is the way
I'm always leaving
This is the soft voice of the evening
This is the way I hear my father
These are the flames that drown the water
Well I knew I knew
I could stand tall
I could lay low
This is the sound that swims inside me
This circle surrounds me
This is the land that grows around me
And these are the hands that come in handy
Well we've known we've known
We've had a choice
- we chose "rejoice"
» beercrack répondu dessus Thu 15 Jun, 2006 @ 10:15am. Posted in Insomnie.
Coolness: 71585
"Par nature, un être ne désire pas la maladie, à moins d'être déséquilibré. Si l'âme connaissait le pouvoir de son penchant naturel à jouir de la santé, elle ferait l'expérience de la santé dans la vie malgré toutes les difficultés que les conditions de la vie peuvent offrir."

funny asking about insomnia in a RAVE website.
last place to look for advice about that if you ask me.
then again we have groups of people having experience
in sex drugs rock n roll
and possibly even recuperating
(yes it is possible)

wanking is messing up your natural hormone balance
it'll leave you more tired in the long run...
sex is an exchange. not a one way thing. trust me

whatever your ails it's always good to do a google search
and adding "ayurveda"
eg. insomnia + ayurveda; drug use ayurveda; sex ayurveda


so this is what i got. (apologies if it's too much, not enough, or whatever.
maybe you just want to hear to wank. ??)

Home remedies for insomnia, sleep disorders and sleep deprivation :

* Eat a good meal shortly before sunset, followed two hours later by a bath in lukewarm water. The patient should then go to bed, preferably listening to either drone instruments or the sound of rustling leaves.
* The milk of a nursing mother brings relief when one drop is placed in each nostril.
* Rinse the eyes with rosewater, then add a drop of ghee (clarified butter). Keep the eyes closed and sleep.
* Comb the hair before retiring.
* Massage feet, calves, nape of the neck and shoulders.
* If married, engage in sex.

On a typical day in America, 125 million people wake up feeling exhausted. They reach to shut off the alarm clock with bleary eyes, vowing to get more sleep. But for 50 percent of the nation's population, getting a good night's sleep is as difficult as flying to the moon.

Indeed, insomnia and fatigue are now considered America's top health problems. Researchers have identified lack of sleep as a cause of serious disorders ranging from diabetes to high stress levels. The results show that it is taking a huge toll on the quality of life -- and the health -- of millions.

Here are some research facts that might make you head for the bed: sleep deprivation is credited with 60 percent of road accidents -- and drivers who stayed awake over 17 hours suffered impaired coordination, reaction time and judgment worse than drivers who were legally drunk.

As far as health goes, those who sleep fewer than six hours a night don't live as long as those who sleep seven hours or more. Sleeping only four hours a night can cause weight gain, diabetes, and high blood pressure. And the disasters are not limited to health -- sleeplessness costs the U.S. economy $150 billion a year in higher levels of worker stress and reduced productivity, estimates the National Sleep Foundation.

Stress and Insomnia: A Vicious Cycle
What are the causes of this epidemic? One of the reasons that insomnia (defined as having trouble sleeping) is on the rise in America is the high stress levels and time pressures associated with modern living. We are increasingly a 24/7 society. Many people would gladly get more sleep if they could, but the information age, which was supposed to make everything more efficient, has just made everything more busy.

Americans frequently fall into a vicious cycle, with stress during the day causing them to be too tense or worried to fall asleep at night. And then the lack of sleep, in turn, creates more stress on the job and at home. Others simply choose to short-change their sleep. Our society seems to place a moral value on sleeping as little as possible," says Dr. Eve Van Couter, head of a recent research study at the University of Chicago.

For whatever reason, Americans today often sleep less than six hours a night, making them highly vulnerable to sleep disorders, the stress syndrome, and to multiple health problems.

Natural Solutions Needed
Unfortunately, most people are treating insomnia either by going to the drugstore and buying over-the-counter drugs, or by consulting their medical doctor. Neither solution is working. Over-the-counter drugs contain antihistamines, which knock you out, but don't create a good quality of sleep or solve the underlying problem. Plus, they undermine the immune system. Doctors tend to prescribe valium-like drugs that are addictive within even a week of use.

Millions of Americans are addicted to tranquilizers to reduce stress during the day, and sleeping pills to induce sleep at night. You don't induce a natural state of sleep with unnatural, synthetic, and in many cases highly addictive, products. It is recommended that patients who suffer from insomnia restore a balanced rest/activity cycle by practicing the Transcendental Meditation technique, which has been shown in a number of studies to reduce stress and insomnia. Also recommended are the natural lifestyle tips and products of MAPI's Blissful Sleep program.

The Ayurvedic Approach
The goal of the ayurvedic approach is to create more ojas, the finest product of digestion that provides energy, enthusiasm, happiness, clarity of thinking, better coordination between the heart and mind, and immunity. Only the deepest, most restful sleep, called Stage Four sleep by researchers, creates ojas," says an ayurvedic expert fromThe Council of Maharishi Ayurveda Physicians . A good quality of sleep provides deeper rest to the mind and senses, and enhances capacity for mental and physical work the next day. On the other hand, lack of sleep increases ama, or toxins in the body.

Ayurveda identifies three types of sleep disorders.
Type 1: Difficulty falling asleep (caused by Vata imbalance or mental stress). People who toss and turn, unable to fall asleep because their mind is whirling, have this disorder. It tends to correlate with anxiety, worry, and rushed activity during the day.

Recommendations from the Blissful Sleep program:

* Eat more sweet, sour and salty foods.
* Eat three warm, cooked meals at the same time every day.
* Get to bed before 10:00 p.m. and rise by 6:00 a.m.
* Avoid rushed work hurriedly done.
* Eat Poppy-Seed Chutney one hour before bed (see recipe in box).
* Massage your hands and feet with Rejuvenation Massage Oil.
* Use Slumber Time aroma at bedtime.
* Drink Worry Free Tea before bed.
* Take Blissful Sleep one hour before bed. If extra mental worries also take Worry Free tablets.
* Play mild Gandharva music before bed.

Type 2: Intermittent awakening (caused by Pitta imbalance or emotional trauma). With this disorder you fall asleep fine but wake up every 90 minutes with your heart racing, your muscles tense, and emotions of fear, anger, and sadness. Or another pattern is that you wake up between 2:00 and 4:00 a.m., full of energy, and find it impossible to go back to sleep.


* Avoid spicy foods.
* Eat more sweet, bitter and astringent tastes.
* Avoid skipping meals.
* Eat enough dinner so you don’t wake up hungry.
* Before bed, massage your feet with Rejuvenation Massage Oil.
* Take Deep Rest one hour before bed.
* Drink Slumber Time Tea before bed.
* If you wake up in the night, have a snack of 1/2 cup warm whole milk, 1 tsp. Rose Petal Preserve, and 1 tablet Blissful Joy.
* If your head feels hot when you wake up in the night, mix three tablespoons of coconut oil with 5 drops of lavender oil and massage it on the crown of your head.

Type 3: Sleeping long hours but waking up unrefreshed (caused by Kapha imbalance). Sometimes it's an early-morning awakening, sometimes it's characterized by sleeping in, but in any case, you will feel sluggish, tired, and completely exhausted even though you've had a full night's sleep.


* Be sure to rise before 6:00 a.m.
* Do a morning massage with Rejuvenation Massage Oil.
* Exercise every day.
* Sip warm water throughout the day.
* Avoid eating too much heavy, sweet, sour, and salty foods.
* Eat a light, warm dinner (soup is ideal) and season the food with fresh ginger and a small amount of black pepper.
* Drink Kapha Tea three times a day and Slumber Time Tea before bed.
* Take Deep Rest one hour before bed.

The Blissful Sleep products have a three-fold action. Some of the herbs, such as Muskroot and Indian Valerian, are pro-sedative, meaning that they help a person to relax into sleep. A large number of research studies show that Indian Valerian induces sleep. Other herbs, such as Brahmi and Ashwagandha, restore the body's own inner intelligence to improve the quality of sleep. A third group of herbs help to slowly repair any damage resulting from prolonged sleep problems, such as damage to the immune system and weakened coordination between heart and mind.

Due to the synergistic combination of a variety of herbs, there are no side-effects. There is no groggy feeling (as created by modern drugs and by some single-ingredient natural remedies), but instead people report a fresh feeling of enthusiasm, increased ability to concentrate, reduced stress, and better managing ability. For all three types of imbalance, it's recommended that you fall asleep before 10:00 at night. That's because after 10:00, a more active, Pitta-quality sleep sets in. If you fall asleep before then, you'll imbibe more slow, restful, Kapha qualities. The quality of your sleep will be deeper, and you'll find it easier to fall asleep. Almost anyone can experience deep, restful, Stage 4 sleep by just doing this one thing -- going to bed before 10:00 at night.

Many of these recommendations are substantiated by research. Sleep researchers, for instance, have documented that a brief period of moderate exercise three to four hours before bed, such as taking a brisk walk after dinner, can really help deepen sleep. Other studies link physical fitness with improved sleep quality. Finally, a recent study at the University of California at San Diego by Dr. Paul Mills showed that the Worry Free herbal supplement is effective in reducing day-to-day anxiety and reduces cortisol levels (a hormone associated with stress).

Creating a Timeless Bedroom
Create a timeless bedroom and keep time pressures away from your sleeping place. If you have to use an alarm clock, put it in a place where you can't see it. Preserve your bedroom as a comfortable, relaxing haven, a place for warm, intimate and relaxing relationships. Keep heated discussions, intense brainstorming, television watching, computer work, and monthly budgets out of your bedroom.

Especially avoid violent, suspenseful TV shows before bed. Instead, surround yourself with influences that cultivate your peace of mind while you fall asleep. Before bed, take pleasant breaths: use Slumber Time aroma therapy or lavender to allow the relaxing scents to go directly to your olfactory lobe and help to induce sleep, sometimes within minutes.

To relax your neck and shoulders, your back and abdomen, you can do some simple, light yoga postures, and can also add very soothing music, bedtime prayers, and positive affirmations to really move in the direction of being more and more peaceful.

Wear comfortable clothing to bed - organic cotton is recommended. Maharisi Ayurveda Raam Raj Organic Cotton pajamas make an excellent choice. What you put on your body can be as important as what you put in your body when it comes to good health. Do away with chemical sensitivities, allergies, and other negative health side effects caused by the unnatural growing and manufacturing practices used for conventional cotton. Purchasing 100% organic cotton clothing, bedding, and linens provides the piece of mind you need when shopping for yourself and those you love.

If you're going to be thinking of something, think of your fondest memories, particularly of childhood, where you had soothing, blissful, wonderful sleep, or when you had an amazingly restful vacation. Think of those thoughts instead of ones that cause you worry and anxiety.

What is your sleep I.Q.?
Even if you don't have insomnia, you might not be getting enough sleep at night. In assessing your sleep health, you also need to look at how you feel during the day. If you answer "yes" to a majority of these questions, it might be a cue that your stress levels are too high and you're not sleeping enough, or deeply enough, for your health.

* Do you have symptoms such as dullness, poor muscle tone, a lack of spontaneity?
* Do you have a tendency to be bored or depressed?
* Or on the other hand do you have tension, fear and anxiety?
* Do you suffer from decreased cooperativeness, loss of acceptance of constructive criticism, irritability, temper outbursts, lowered attention span, impaired recent memory, decreased sex drive, physical complaints such as headache or backache, decreased interest in personal care?
* Are you addicted to coffee, cigarettes, and stimulants, or even alcohol or drugs?
* Are you noticing a reduction in general health and joy in living?
» beercrack répondu dessus Wed 14 Jun, 2006 @ 1:01pm. Posted in substitute tabacco in joints?.
Coolness: 71585
just quit smoking all together. one less dependance
» beercrack répondu dessus Wed 14 Jun, 2006 @ 1:56am. Posted in new madeskimo instrumental.
Coolness: 71585
it's called "courage"

it's for single moms out there. & folks living the struggle. doing what they can to make ends meet.

[ rave.ca ]


[ myspace.com ]
» beercrack répondu dessus Tue 13 Jun, 2006 @ 10:07pm. Posted in Meth takes a toll on Indian reservations.
Coolness: 71585
» beercrack répondu dessus Tue 13 Jun, 2006 @ 8:36pm. Posted in Heroin.
Coolness: 71585
everybody's a damned caricature in naked lunch
» beercrack répondu dessus Tue 13 Jun, 2006 @ 8:19pm. Posted in Meth takes a toll on Indian reservations.
Coolness: 71585
i went to my first pow wow ever at the Pine Ridge reservation, SD home of the Oglala Sioux nation, near Wounded Knee
. I mus have been 12 or 13.
and i tell you tears were literally streaming down my cheek
as the MC announced the Grand Entry and the drums were hitting
it was ever sooo moving
and we can hear and feel the struggle, the will to live, the power in the people, the sadness
First Nations communities have been struggling forever man
it never was easy but damn did it ever get funky with reservations
and all the madness that happened like disease, wars, deceit and such
sure we gain greatly from "globalization"
but the price that was paid and being paid is ever so hard
but that's the struggle. it's just +that+ much harder for someone
"aboriginal" to make it in life
extra barriers. perceptual barriers. societal barriers. institutionalized low self-sesteem
however we stand on the edge of being able to prove ourselves on many levels
and the best that can be done is on an individual level
where we learn to work for a higher purpose eg. our community, and humanity itself
but it's also so easy to succumb to the devil's weaknesses that plague humanities vulnerable
» beercrack répondu dessus Tue 13 Jun, 2006 @ 11:32am. Posted in Interesting read on mastering.
Coolness: 71585
not necessarily on mastering
but scott storch (the guy behind "still DRE")
got an interesting viewpoint here
about "music production"

"Scott's stuff comes out sounding good. Scott will take one out of 30,000 kick drums that he has and tune it exactly to interact with the bass properly before the record gets tracked down to Pro Tools. We try and make the record spectacular from the moment it's created, so there's no guesswork, no later misjudgments of the record. There's none of that, ‘Oh, I can't wait to hear it when it's mixed.’” "

[ remixmag.com ]
» beercrack répondu dessus Tue 13 Jun, 2006 @ 11:28am. Posted in is it me or...
Coolness: 71585
also your point about laziness, prelar...
out of the ppl who who post here in this thread
you got dope releases on a dope record company
you do it because it's your goal
and you have the courage and the synergy to work it like that
&having a work ethic and all that
ppl can sit around and nag and whine all day
some people don't even know what or how to do with themselves
but at the end of the day it's whoever is living their dream and working it and doing good
that's hitting it in the head of the nail so to speak
» beercrack répondu dessus Mon 12 Jun, 2006 @ 7:28pm. Posted in is it me or...
Coolness: 71585
murdock got a point too

but between

Earl repping the acidcore
Murdock repping the nuskool breaks
Prelar repping the Chicago electrotech
or whatever in god's name you guyees prefer to call it

and the rest of us biotches

ppl like to have fun and have a "rave up"
in different contexts
ginos and 30 year old power puff girls
got a freedom of choice
it's not the choice i would prefer
but hey it's free dumb

some people dont got a chance to live it up in their youth or whatever
we all got different reasons to get up and get down

in any case
it's always easy to judge others
and think like we know it all
but really it's the hardest to look within and find our own answers

prelar's point hit a nerve -
i think it's pretty amazing we got these drum machine grooves
funky drummer samples hoover synth riffs 303 basslines and such
and people congregating to celebrate life and dance and all that

my point is...
sheesh what was my point anyways

rave on

we working with different definitions here

# participate in an all-night techno dance party
# rant: talk in a noisy, excited, or declamatory manner
# a dance party that lasts all night and electronically synthesized music is played; "raves are very popular in Berlin"
# an extravagantly enthusiastic review; "he gave it a rave"
# praise enthusiastically; "She raved about that new restaurant"

a raucous gathering
» beercrack répondu dessus Mon 12 Jun, 2006 @ 5:48pm. Posted in is it me or...
Coolness: 71585
mr. prelar u got a good point indeed...
» beercrack répondu dessus Mon 12 Jun, 2006 @ 4:40pm. Posted in is it me or...
Coolness: 71585
acid is pretty hardcore. candy ravers are spoiled gaylords doing vicks massage on meth spiked E. that's the common consensus. right? it's like carebears vs. the eyeball kid

acid can be pretty weird. like when you don't get those mindbending explosions of vision. just those mindbending feels nauseous looking at something oscillate for hours waiting for it to stop. i mean it's always weird. that's some dirty funk anyways.
» beercrack répondu dessus Mon 12 Jun, 2006 @ 1:07pm. Posted in What are you listening to right now?.
Coolness: 71585
a lot of vashti bunyan, microphones, and devendra banhart
» beercrack répondu dessus Thu 8 Jun, 2006 @ 6:40pm. Posted in Anybody like acidhouse???.
Coolness: 71585
you like ceephax? i likea the ceephax
nice name btw
» beercrack répondu dessus Thu 8 Jun, 2006 @ 3:29pm. Posted in ->Life Lessons.
Coolness: 71585
i can put my arm back on but you can't, play safe - that robot dude
» beercrack répondu dessus Thu 8 Jun, 2006 @ 3:26pm. Posted in The Sobriety That Surpasses Intoxication.
Coolness: 71585
je pense que c'est juste un moment donne il faut en revenir
et puis c'est pas par le force d'une drogue qu'on fait de belle chose dans vie
c'est bon pour developper un certain sens "vegetatif"
et je ce dit ce le plus positif possible
- c'est une maniere de perception autre
mais au fait ce n'est pas ca la vie
et ceux qui en dit autant risque avoir serieux problemes, par experience
» beercrack répondu dessus Thu 8 Jun, 2006 @ 2:08pm. Posted in madeskimo june 8th @ the S.A.T..
Coolness: 71585
word to the verb
part of what i'm doing is remixing some inuit throat singing into some electronic tech type beats
should be interesting and even danceable too
i'm geeked to be playing at the SAT

samien is a really talented rapper who raps in french and algonquin & is doing a show with loco locass saturday at the metropolis

and you can check out taqralik's spoken word here:

[ www.myspace.com ]
» beercrack répondu dessus Tue 6 Jun, 2006 @ 11:30pm. Posted in Come on METAL HEADS you can't miss that.
Coolness: 71585
je viens de voir le video. et je suis agreabalement surpris in a deathmetal type of way of course
» beercrack répondu dessus Tue 6 Jun, 2006 @ 11:06pm. Posted in What is " Jumpstyle " ?.
Coolness: 71585

i am a little shy to say this
but i tried doing the nordic trac dance to it
and it felt kinda good
» beercrack répondu dessus Tue 6 Jun, 2006 @ 11:03pm. Posted in What is " Jumpstyle " ?.
Coolness: 71585
in the wiki links
there is

[ www.dj-martain.be ]

which plays tracks when you load it
sounds like almost a minimal hard trance type deal
with a hardcore bassdrum
though i am no classification pro so i might be off the mark


[ www.jumperrecords.com ]

which has a little player in the top left too

sounds like hard trancey stuff/ minimal tech
or slowed down hardcore

kinda catchy& simple

like herpes
» beercrack répondu dessus Tue 6 Jun, 2006 @ 6:57pm. Posted in The Joke Thread.
Coolness: 71585
do you know the difference between a chair and a penis?

you don't know?

better watch where you sit down then!
» beercrack répondu dessus Tue 6 Jun, 2006 @ 4:06pm. Posted in Reel Life Cinema Thread!critiks/Palmares.
Coolness: 71585
NY was full of graffitti everywhere in the early 80s.
must have been something else...

bomb the suburbs?
i'd like to read that book sometime...

i just finished watching
"the call of cthulhu"
a 2005 silent movie
made on a low budget by the hp lovecraft society
- it's about 45 minutes long and made as if a
silent movie from the 1930s
well done.
interesting bit in there about
"the devil worshipping esquimaux from greenland"
i've always liked lovecraft since high school
and it was fun to see a movie in the spirit of his writing
appropriate movie for today's 6/6/6 date
and a good adaptation of his work

also i've taken an interest in Harry Smith
- i saw "movie" of his a year or so ago
called "early abstractions"
obviously very abstract - no story line
just experiments in film and colour and shapes
and alchemical concepts

quite an interesting charcater
he made some great contributions
to the wonderful smithsonian folkways record collection

for more info about him:

[ www.sensesofcinema.com ]
» beercrack répondu dessus Tue 6 Jun, 2006 @ 2:46pm. Posted in The Sobriety That Surpasses Intoxication.
Coolness: 71585
good article!
though i am rather partial to rumi and such

"Your desire for an illusion is like a wing.
This wing will take you to Reality
Preserve the wing; do not feed the desire
this wing of desire will take you to Paradise.
People thikn they are enjoying themselves: in reality they are tearing their wings apart for teh sake of an imaginary form.

M III 2135-2137-38 "

"Hungry, your're a dog, angry and bad-natured. Having eaten your fill, you become a carcass; you lie down like a wall, senseless. At one time a dog, at another time a carcass, how will you run with lions, or follow the saints?"

"A drunk comes in off the road with a flask. The cup going round and round, hand to hand, suddenly slips, shatters. Cups don't last long among drunks."

[ www.khamush.com ]
» beercrack répondu dessus Tue 6 Jun, 2006 @ 12:53am. Posted in Nimi Strikes again!.
Coolness: 71585
betty haze who sings that?
» beercrack répondu dessus Tue 6 Jun, 2006 @ 12:19am. Posted in Reel Life Cinema Thread!critiks/Palmares.
Coolness: 71585
i used to watch skate movies and jason lee was in team blind after moving from world industries i think
and when i saw him in hollywood movies after that i was kind of surprised because i thought he was just a skater.
i just wanted to share that.
i saw "the choir" and "3 iron" on the movie network
and i thought they were very nice movies
i have on my harddrive

"the trial" by orson welles (which i had seen already before though)

"style wars"

"the hidden fortress" by kurosawa
that i have yet to watch

i really liked some of the kurosawa movies i've seen
eg. "dreams" and "Seven samurai" amongst others...
"the trial" is an exercise in paranoia
and "style wars" i think is a movie about graf in new york in the 80s

mono, tetsuo: the iron man - is that "le geant de fer" comic. i thought that one was nice.
» beercrack répondu dessus Tue 6 Jun, 2006 @ 12:05am. Posted in What hardware software you use ?.
Coolness: 71585
i don't know. i got a analog expansion card. and it sounds great. the only limit is my ability to play. i got it with the idea to do some simple hip hop beats. and for that it's ace... last time i had this much fun it was with an mc 202 and a tr 606. now it's not quite as nasty as those. but really it is versatile and the sequencer is fine! i don't really have anything else to compare it with. i tried a yamaha motif before buying and it was too weird for me. i havent tried the triton. but for what i wanted it does the trick. i'm still learning its ropes. and it was a big buy for me. sometimes it sounds a bit well fake. but there are some great sounds to be had. though i have 546 megs of sampling time. which i am not using at all so far. i just wanted a keyboard with all the basic sounds i can use. like orchestral sounds. gm sounds. samples of real instruments and stuff. i'm sure there are a lot of limitations to it. in interface and accessibility to its features. but really to me it lies between the keyboard and the screen. meaning it all lies in the power of the user. i learned synth programming on a jupiter 6 and a dx100 and tx81z and a tr 606 and a drumulator and a dmx. between my Fantom Xa and my Korg esx-1 I have enough to keep me happy. maybe because i havent had the chance to wrap my head around software other than the modplug tracker. but i am happy with these and it should be enough for a while at least. next on my list is a dedicated audio laptop though...
» beercrack répondu dessus Mon 5 Jun, 2006 @ 11:52pm. Posted in Mac & Pc !!.
Coolness: 71585
does anybody know the best way to videoconference between pc and mac
» beercrack répondu dessus Mon 5 Jun, 2006 @ 7:54pm. Posted in the PB/J controversy.
Coolness: 71585
i'm having cashew butter and garden pesto. it's yummers
» beercrack répondu dessus Mon 5 Jun, 2006 @ 6:39pm. Posted in Nimi Strikes again!.
Coolness: 71585
» beercrack répondu dessus Mon 5 Jun, 2006 @ 5:58pm. Posted in madeskimo june 8th @ the S.A.T..
Coolness: 71585
will be spinning the shizzle on the turntables
and playing on his electribe sampler


Inuk spokenword artist
Taqralik Partridge

Algonquin rapper


June 8th at the S.A.T.

brought to you by Terres en vue
for "la journée du maïs éclaté"
for more info on the event and the day's program:
[ www.nativelynx.qc.ca ]
» beercrack répondu dessus Mon 5 Jun, 2006 @ 5:48pm. Posted in The Picture Thread....
Coolness: 71585
» beercrack répondu dessus Mon 5 Jun, 2006 @ 4:23pm. Posted in Word Association Game.
Coolness: 71585
» beercrack répondu dessus Mon 5 Jun, 2006 @ 12:05am. Posted in What are you listening to right now?.
Coolness: 71585
ultramagnetic mcs - space groove
» beercrack répondu dessus Sun 4 Jun, 2006 @ 11:56pm. Posted in substitute tabacco in joints?.
Coolness: 71585
you can smoke hops.
also damiana which is available in health stores
although it tastes kinda weird

so i'd say hops

also crack you can substitute it with crack or meth :P
» beercrack répondu dessus Sun 4 Jun, 2006 @ 9:34pm. Posted in Word Association Game.
Coolness: 71585
» beercrack répondu dessus Sun 4 Jun, 2006 @ 5:03pm. Posted in What is " Jumpstyle " ?.
Coolness: 71585
» beercrack répondu dessus Sun 4 Jun, 2006 @ 4:59pm. Posted in yo gabba gabba.
Coolness: 71585
sweeet! the trailer has the paul frank monkey *and* the diabolical Biz Markie
» beercrack répondu dessus Fri 2 Jun, 2006 @ 8:39pm. Posted in Favorite Song Quote (of the day).
Coolness: 71585
i am grounded i am humble i am one with everything
» beercrack répondu dessus Fri 2 Jun, 2006 @ 7:29pm. Posted in Random Thoughts.
Coolness: 71585
what's up with fish farmed fish fillets?
that shit is bland yo!
what the heck are they thinking??
"atlantic salmon" my ass
made in a fucking bucket that's what it is

"mom! what are they giving me?"
beercrack's Profile - Community Messages