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» wutang replied on Tue Sep 17, 2013 @ 6:44pm. Posted in Banned from Ritual Gathering by Otkun Pachu'a Powwaw.
Coolness: 53770
Originally Posted By M-A-X
What are the comments you actually posted Wutang? It will be nice to see both sides of the medal just for the record.

But yeah, if you simply asked why the Fb volunters tickets was 50$. It's overreating...(a lot).

Also like Nathan said, maybe the promoter is just a bit stressed with everything going on.

Anyway, go to the festival, im sure it's nothing if you simply asked this question. Talk to the promoter if you see it (haha good luck, hes probably running everywhere) and say it was just a question, no insults involved.

Give us a sitrep after!

I only had 1 post done asking if there was a mistake on the price of the volunteering ticket. I have never spoken to him or event sent a message. To be honest, there are more harsh words towards me but i just cuted it because it was too long.

Part of the other side of the medal comes from maybe like 9 months ago, some people were complaining they didn't get paid or he was owning money to them but he kept deleting those post on the fb event so i said "it's easier to delete a post then assume it" which also got deleted, so maybe some anger was still remaining...

Update » wutang wrote on Tue Sep 17, 2013 @ 7:30pm
Edit: actually i didnt cut it, the extra harsh words came at a later time
» wutang replied on Tue Aug 13, 2013 @ 2:10pm. Posted in Banned from Ritual Gathering by Otkun Pachu'a Powwaw.
Coolness: 53770
hey Nathan, thank you for the kind words. I think I saw you at hardtimes festival playing last, it was great ! That was such a great weekend.

I will probably sell my ticket and I always try to stay diplomatic on the internet since everyone can read it.
» wutang replied on Wed Aug 7, 2013 @ 10:31pm. Posted in Banned from Ritual Gathering by Otkun Pachu'a Powwaw.
Coolness: 53770

there is a psytrance festival called "ritual gathering" and I got a ticket for it in the first round. They were 45$ but then recently I saw on fb the volunteering tickets were 50$. I asked on the event if this was a mistake and I got this reply in a private message from one of the promoter, someone I have never spoken too.

Conversation started July 10
Otkun Pachu'a Powwaw

hey t es la?
Otkun Pachu'a Powwaw

alors c est simple ! tes commentaires a 2 pieces tu les garde pour toi et ton copain *******. Je suis assez cool de te laisser revenir dan smon dancefloor apres tes commentaires de merde a notre sujet ya quelques moi *croit pas que j ai oublié, le spetits comme toi sont dure a oublié donc soit content d avoir ton tiket a 45$, parceque si j te rencontre sur le terrain j risk de le reprendre. Sur ce , c est la derniere fois que j vois un de tes commentaires sur mon evenement, sinon j viendrai te dire bonjour la prochaine fois BYE smart ass
Otkun Pachu'a Powwaw

ton billet a 45 tu l a eu parce que c etait des tickets a promo ya 6 mois ! les benevoles payent 50$ car ils n ont qu un shift de 6h comparativement aux autres festival qui est de 12h donc fait le calcul mathematic si ta encore un cerveau

pis si ils voulait le ticket a 45 fallait l acheter ya 6 moi, maintenant c est 120$

ca me fait meme chier de perdre mon temps a t expliquer un truc aussi basic

mais j ai l impression que ta bien du mal a assimiler des trucs

en tt cas t avise plus a me faire chier, j ai plus de temps a perdre avec des petits caves come toi et *******

faites un free party pendant le rituel ca nous evitera de voir vos tronches et filtrer un peu le dancefloor de ses parasites

aller bisou et a la prochaine sur un dancefloor, on en reparlera
Otkun Pachu'a Powwaw

parfait le message est passé on dirait ! que j te revois passer devant moi mec

I would like to know if the ban is still in effect as this could avoid me a few hours of driving round trip.

Please advise.
» wutang replied on Thu Oct 13, 2011 @ 9:03pm. Posted in Rave vs Psy Parties..
Coolness: 53770
someone please post a funny picture saying "fail thread"
» wutang replied on Wed Sep 14, 2011 @ 8:51pm. Posted in Technopark for rent.
Coolness: 53770
im gonna contribute by bringing fireworks
» wutang replied on Wed Sep 7, 2011 @ 8:44pm. Posted in Haterz.
Coolness: 53770
est-ce que quelqu'un a remarqué comment était ironique le sujet du thread? moi je trouve cela bien drôle!!!
» wutang replied on Fri Jun 17, 2011 @ 3:56pm. Posted in the paparazzi.
Coolness: 53770
POwer of LAmour... LOL

this thread lost alot of fun factor with all those PicturEs removeD. anyONe who starts readINg this thread nOw for the first time is missing so much.

--chilean miners , I am disappoint
» wutang replied on Fri Jun 17, 2011 @ 12:24am. Posted in the paparazzi.
Coolness: 53770
the name of the thread was changed?
» wutang replied on Mon Jun 13, 2011 @ 10:02pm. Posted in Psyrenity est fife.
Coolness: 53770
if i was you, i would have left for home at 3 or 4 without saying anything.
» wutang replied on Mon Jun 13, 2011 @ 7:21pm. Posted in Psyrenity est fife.
Coolness: 53770
incoming sue for defamation?
» wutang replied on Wed May 25, 2011 @ 9:53pm. Posted in I Like The - PETITION FOR THE Music @ The MOUNTAIN!.
Coolness: 53770
» wutang replied on Wed May 18, 2011 @ 7:28pm. Posted in Happy B-Day Wu ( tang ).
Coolness: 53770
thank you all :)
» wutang replied on Sun May 15, 2011 @ 11:13pm. Posted in Happy B-Day Wu ( tang ).
Coolness: 53770
lol melo , l'intention est la :D
I have been exposed!! there is no coming back, i guess i will have to assume myself
» wutang replied on Fri Apr 29, 2011 @ 5:35pm. Posted in the paparazzi.
Coolness: 53770
Originally Posted By SCREWHEAD
would be fucking hilarious if he shows up at a party where all of us are at the same time..

well up until now, we have a confirmation he wants to fight vs me and you, so yes it would be funny :)
» wutang replied on Fri Apr 29, 2011 @ 5:24pm. Posted in the paparazzi.
Coolness: 53770
Originally Posted By SCREWHEAD
At Research Phase, at the start of my set he started shoving me and trying to get me to start with him until Noah came and got him to fuck off, but he still came and said he was going to come kick my ass after my set.

Good thing for him he didn't go through with that part, he'd have gotten a nasty fucking surprise..

welcome to the nino fighting club, we are 2 confirmed members or victim as of now, excluding him. Next, i am wondering if he will want to fight a women... we never know...
» wutang replied on Tue Apr 19, 2011 @ 7:25pm. Posted in the paparazzi.
Coolness: 53770
Originally Posted By BLISSS
Thats a penis threat

its not the fight im scared of, im more scared of the penis contact during the wrestling...
» wutang replied on Sun Apr 17, 2011 @ 7:41pm. Posted in the paparazzi.
Coolness: 53770
fyi: to anyone who received virtual threat from nino, if you see him in a party, he will probably come to you and tell you "you dont want me to fuck you" and "wanna go outside" ...
» wutang replied on Thu Apr 14, 2011 @ 10:42pm. Posted in the paparazzi.
Coolness: 53770
Originally Posted By APR1ZM
funny how the person who started this thread is also the person who posts the most picture on this board lol

whatever, you're just mad because she is popular.
but seriously, its a whole different story, her pics seems more varied. like mikos has shown, you can litteraly take a cut out of nino' face and put it on his different pictures and there wouldn't be any difference...
» wutang replied on Wed Apr 13, 2011 @ 9:24pm. Posted in islam will conquer the world.
Coolness: 53770
» wutang replied on Tue Apr 12, 2011 @ 6:17pm. Posted in the paparazzi.
Coolness: 53770
Originally Posted By HEXA-5
I love you Antonino!! Keep doing your thing!!

keep doing what?
the threat-attack part?
the demeaning of people appearance?
the lack of maturity?
the teen radar?
» wutang replied on Sun Apr 10, 2011 @ 11:52pm. Posted in the paparazzi.
Coolness: 53770
» wutang replied on Sun Apr 10, 2011 @ 3:02pm. Posted in the paparazzi.
Coolness: 53770
Originally Posted By EM39ZZ
i actually made a [ rave.ca ] account JUST so i could comment on this thread.
the guy pisses me off. i have a very large personal bubble which, the one time i met him, he refuses to respect.
that camera, isn't even his. he FOUND it. i'm a photographer. i see someone with an slr camera, get excited to start the camera talk, ask him what kind of camera he has, the megapixels on it, etc etc. his answer? "i don't know. i found this." i'm staring at his camera, it's easily an 800$ camera, and he found it. and sure, he gets pictures of the events, but he's not a photographer. the only thing that makes his pictures nice are the quality of the camera. he shouldn't be acting like the professional he isn't. it's like when those scene bitches by slrs just to take pictures of themselves with duck lips in the bathroom mirror.

well after a few years, he slightly got better, maybe.
btw welcome to [ rave.ca ] :)

korhal: lol yeah i thought it would be funny
» wutang replied on Sun Apr 10, 2011 @ 1:54pm. Posted in the paparazzi.
Coolness: 53770
maybe it's a good thing he didnt went inside, who knows.
» wutang replied on Tue Apr 5, 2011 @ 2:13pm. Posted in question about glowsticks...
Coolness: 53770
Originally Posted By STRIK_IX

There's always a dumb motherfucker who thinks he's making everyone trip out with his god forsaken luminescent dildos when in reality he's just annoying the hell out of half the people around him.

i always find funny people who tries to trip other people with their glowstick by moving them all around other people face. they assume your on some sort of drugs and then you tell them you're not. sometimes the face they do is priceless.
» wutang replied on Thu Mar 31, 2011 @ 10:00pm. Posted in Hey guys I'd love to post something about this but.
Coolness: 53770
when arriving at the party, i wonder what was done first, taking picture or removing winter coat.
» wutang replied on Thu Mar 31, 2011 @ 7:16pm. Posted in Sonia Seamen.
Coolness: 53770
damn spammers, thats pretty much why i dont put my email viewable
» wutang replied on Thu Mar 31, 2011 @ 7:13pm. Posted in the paparazzi.
Coolness: 53770
I will always remember the pic he took of you awiane, you actually put your hand to block the camera and turned your head. he still took the picture of the back of your head and still posted it.. lolz
» wutang replied on Wed Mar 30, 2011 @ 7:20pm. Posted in the paparazzi.
Coolness: 53770
I have a general stupid question for the ladies, does some women can feel left out knowing someone only takes pics of the pretty one and not the normal one next to her?
» wutang replied on Mon Mar 28, 2011 @ 11:38pm. Posted in the paparazzi.
Coolness: 53770
Originally Posted By ALIENZED
there's no such thing as 'right' or 'wrong', it's only your opinion, with that said. the only thing that I think is wrong is when there's 'harm' being done. otherwise, let people do whatever they want to do, unless one of the people involved doesn't want...

do you have a younger sister or maybe even a daughter?
btw is this the longest thread ever?
» wutang replied on Mon Mar 28, 2011 @ 2:00am. Posted in the paparazzi.
Coolness: 53770
I don't know, he told me he doesn't have time to read people's frustration but yet he seems to read those "false statements"
nino: i think it's not only about who you are (you've always been nice with me), but more about what you do...
» wutang replied on Mon Mar 28, 2011 @ 1:07am. Posted in the paparazzi.
Coolness: 53770
lol thats funny, i kinda received the same kind of pm from him. at least its a relief to see im not the only one who received that. only thing missing is the "watch out i might go after you too". im wondering if he meant filming and taking picture or fighting. notice he used the word "too", i may assume he sent this kind of message to many people.
» wutang replied on Fri Mar 25, 2011 @ 6:07pm. Posted in the paparazzi.
Coolness: 53770
just to make things clear, i never accused antonino of anything, i just said he offered a lift to a teen girl and would come back to the party, thats all. but now some other people distortion it and mentionned the word rape on top of that story. thanks to you now i got the "watch who u fuck with" etc etc from nino...
» wutang replied on Fri Mar 25, 2011 @ 12:25am. Posted in question about .AVIs.
Coolness: 53770
check if you can do a "file check" in your torrent client
» wutang replied on Thu Mar 3, 2011 @ 12:42pm. Posted in the paparazzi.
Coolness: 53770
probably not to give candy
» wutang replied on Wed Mar 2, 2011 @ 10:09pm. Posted in the paparazzi.
Coolness: 53770
come on recoil, you lived long enough in montreal, i thought you were a fast learner :P cant wait to see you back in montreal though!!! :D
i was saying antonino insisted on lifting a 15-16 years old girl and coming back to the party afterwards, when me ,eldar and melo were about to leave a party around 3 am. melo put a stop to that and told me we should lift her instead and thats what we did. overall, it's not always a good idea to live and let live. it was also a good thing melo was there because the teenager girl didnt had money and i probably would not have done anything.
» wutang replied on Wed Mar 2, 2011 @ 9:47pm. Posted in the paparazzi.
Coolness: 53770
Originally Posted By NUCLEAR
you can't blame a guy for trying... there is always a success rate if you try...

true story:
une fois jtai dans un party avec melo pis eldar, yetait genre 3-4hr am alors on sen allait. yavait cette fille sarah genre 15-16 ans qui sen allait aussi. paparazzi lui propose de la ramener chez elle pis quil revient au party apres, y disait que ca lui ferait plaisir d'aider quelqu'un (ou plutot il insistait). moi honnetement jmen calisait mais melo, qui la connait un peu, intervient et me dit que je ne devrais pas laisser paparazzi la lifter mais plutot quon devrait lembarquer et la ramener en toute securité chez elle. surprise, elle a préféré embarquer avec nous finalement!
morale de l'histoire, vivre et laisser vivre n'est pas toujours la meilleure des idées. une chance que t'était la Melo!
» wutang replied on Mon Feb 28, 2011 @ 2:22pm. Posted in Weird rave.
Coolness: 53770
un dude sur le stage
[ www.rave.ca ]
» wutang replied on Fri Feb 25, 2011 @ 2:14pm. Posted in stupid customers quote!.
Coolness: 53770
jpense que jfumais plus de joints là qu'une fin de semaine a eclipse.
la mante religieuse ca me dit de quoi mais cest vague hehe :)
» wutang replied on Fri Feb 25, 2011 @ 2:09pm. Posted in stupid customers quote!.
Coolness: 53770
quand je travaillais pour videotron, un client a apeller pour savoir pourquoi sa "blonde" ne l'apellait plus depuis quelques jours... en plus il rajoute l'argument de "elle mapellait souvent avant" .

un autre appel et il me dit que ses courriels ne fonctionne pas, apres quelques test, ces couriels fonctionne. je lui demande pourquoi il pense que cela ne marche pas, il me repond que ses amis ne repondent pas a ses courriels.
» wutang replied on Fri Feb 25, 2011 @ 1:53pm. Posted in La scène dubstep a Montréal ....
Coolness: 53770
la derniere fois jai autant rit ici c'était quand mickos avait mit le masque de anto.
gj moebius et smashley :)
wutang's Profile - Community Messages