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» mdc replied on Tue Apr 11, 2006 @ 2:16pm. Posted in Y do u think Alcohol , tobacco ....
Coolness: 149055
Originally posted by YKNOT...

I didn't ask i as if it were pot vs alcohol . I wanted to know people's thoughts on why are these the three no no 's that we are allowed to do legally ?

drinking is a vice, gambling is a vice. there is no reason to stop people from doing these things. obviously, in excess, these things are bad. but they don't implicitly create a dependence, unlike many drugs.
and obviously there all the historical reasons. before, you were not a man unless you smoked and gambled and drank. these were the social vices associated with the upper class, and by extension the makers of law. these three things were what the rich did to pass the time. they were legal because not everyone would do them. only those that could afford it. but now, with everyone gaining access to eerything at low costs and such. it causes problems. anyhoo...
i dunno. i think that even many drugs should be legal, and that moderation is the key. but keeping something unavailable for so long creates a desire. and legalising drugs now would cause a crazy surge in their use and in consequence a crazy surge in the problems related to their usage.
» mdc replied on Tue Apr 11, 2006 @ 2:11pm. Posted in Y do u think Alcohol , tobacco ....
Coolness: 149055
de plus, si une drogue (comme le pot) est legalisee, des groupes se formeront et demanderaient, pourquoi pas la e, ou les amphetamines, ou les barbiturates. ca s'amplifierait. le pot serait certainement une drogue legalisable, elle ne cause pas d'effets (trops) negatifs sur le corps et les accidents qui y sont relies sont bien moins que ceux associes a l'abus d'alcool. mais a qui de faire cette decision de legaliser une droge mais pas l'autre. ca ouvrirait des portes que nous ne sommes pas a l'issu de fermer en ce moment.
» mdc replied on Tue Apr 11, 2006 @ 2:05pm. Posted in Y do u think Alcohol , tobacco ....
Coolness: 149055
marie poppins.. mo dernier post n'etait pas dirige vers toi. je n'avais pas vu que d'autres posts avaient ete faits.
quoi de plus, tu n'est pas une des 'french-deficient reader' plutot tu es unes des plus 'french proficient readers' sur ce forum. je comprends tous tes posts (ce que je ne peux pas dire de beaucoup des autres posters francais)

puis pour repondre a ta question.
je n'ai pas de reponse definitive pour toi. ce que je pourrais suggerer est que le gouvernement (qui ne fait pas des decisions basees sur rien) a fait quleque sorte d'etude et a conclu que la legalisation de ces autres drogues, causerait des effets plus serieux que ceux causes par les drogues qui sont legales en ce moment. c'est a dire que si la e etait legale, les effets negatifs sur la population seraient plus severes que ceux de l'alcool ou les cigarettes. il faut savoir que si la e etait legale, des personnes l'essaieraient sans trop y penser just pour savoir de quoi ca a l'air, et cela pourrait causer des choses terribles. la e est une drogue tres volatile, les effets ne sont (pour la plupart) pas toujours pareils.
mais en fin de compte, je n'ai pas vraiment une raison definitive a te donner.
» mdc replied on Tue Apr 11, 2006 @ 1:46pm. Posted in Y do u think Alcohol , tobacco ....
Coolness: 149055
think about what you're going to write before writing it please.
im tired of reading ridiculous posts

to reiterate my last post for those french-deficient readers:
it's because they are legal that alcohol and cigarettes have probelms associated to them. if pot or e were legal, their consumption would be much greater and teh problems associated to them would be just as great (if not greater) than those associated with alcohol and cigs. everyone has access to alcohol and cigs and gambling, if everyone had access to hard drugs, there would certainly be more problems associated with these.
» mdc replied on Tue Apr 11, 2006 @ 1:43pm. Posted in Y do u think Alcohol , tobacco ....
Coolness: 149055
Originally posted by MARIE POPPINS...

Je voulais pas dire que ca n'arrivait pas!!!
Le but de ma phrase était de montrer qu'il y a
beaucoup de probleme avec l'alcool, la cigarettes et le gambling
qui sont pourtant légaux!!!!!
pourquoi légalisé certaines et pas les autres?
Dans mon monde a moi le pot est moins nocif que l'alcool!!!!


c'est a cuase qu'ils sont legaux qu'il y a des problemes associes. si le pot ou la e etaient legaux, leur consommation serait BEACUOP plus repandue et les problemes qui s'y associeront seront probablement egaux a ceux associes a l'alcool. tout le monde a acces a l'alcool et au cigarettes et au gambling. si tout le monde avait acces a toutes les drogues, il y aurait certainement beaucoup plus de problemes avec ceux-ci.
» mdc replied on Tue Apr 11, 2006 @ 12:16pm. Posted in Y do u think Alcohol , tobacco ....
Coolness: 149055
oh yeah.. because 'harder' drugs make people smarter....
» mdc replied on Tue Apr 11, 2006 @ 11:19am. Posted in riddles.
Coolness: 149055
no.. you try telling the diffenrece between 25mg and 50mg
» mdc replied on Tue Apr 11, 2006 @ 12:21am. Posted in riddles.
Coolness: 149055
you have 10 pill bottles filled with 10 pills each
all the pills weigh the same
except one pill bottle has contaminated pills that weigh twice as much as the others.. you have 1 (and only one) use of a scale
how can you tell which bottle has the contaminated pills in it.

(this ones an oldie)
» mdc replied on Mon Apr 10, 2006 @ 2:35am. Posted in riddles.
Coolness: 149055
ambulances dont put out fires
» mdc replied on Sun Apr 9, 2006 @ 7:59pm. Posted in Marry/Fuck/Kill.
Coolness: 149055
thats so wrong
» mdc replied on Sun Apr 9, 2006 @ 7:58pm. Posted in riddles.
Coolness: 149055
you posted the answer before i could show off my manly brain power!!

i was driving my car to my gf's house when i thought to myslef... hmmm.. all the factors are paired!!
and i thougt.. only squares have an odd number of factors!
» mdc replied on Sun Apr 9, 2006 @ 7:54pm. Posted in Only an idiot would...
Coolness: 149055
no pics.. plus it doesnt even show
» mdc replied on Sun Apr 9, 2006 @ 7:51pm. Posted in Exactliest.
Coolness: 149055
it IS!!
» mdc replied on Sat Apr 8, 2006 @ 6:24pm. Posted in Census: May 16, 2006.
Coolness: 149055
yeah.. the government does nothing for us... they really suck.
we met nothing..
the roads we travel on (while not in the best shape) we natural asphalt formations... nobody built those.. our schools too.. imagine the crazy lava flows that had to go around for our schools to have hardened from PURE lava!!! wow!!
and all those computers and the big rooms.. its incredible how mother nature works...
man.. and dont get me started on those hospitals... i never knew that plants could naturally crush themselves up and genetically modify themselves and then thrown themselves into containers and into magically grown IVs to help keep us healthy..
GOD mother nature rocks!!
the government CERTAINLY HAD NOTHING TO DO WITH ALL THAT. nothing at all..
lets all praise jesus.
» mdc replied on Sat Apr 8, 2006 @ 6:19pm. Posted in Only an idiot would...
Coolness: 149055
i did
i did...
it was fun...
in my defense, there was a power outage and i was trying to light up the place
» mdc replied on Fri Apr 7, 2006 @ 8:08pm. Posted in riddles.
Coolness: 149055
Originally posted by KE_RAKOON...

The end.........OF EVERY PLACE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

who am I?

the letter E
» mdc replied on Fri Apr 7, 2006 @ 12:03pm. Posted in The Picture Thread....
Coolness: 149055
it looks like eddie murphy's character from Mulan:
» mdc replied on Fri Apr 7, 2006 @ 12:01pm. Posted in riddles.
Coolness: 149055
Originally posted by PURPLE LEE...

you fine yourself in the middle of no where with just the cloths on your back during a horrible snow storm. You come across a hut. As you open the door you find a fire place with kindling & logs(with a great supply of dry wood stacked next to the fire place). You notice a gaz stove and on a table you find a gaz lamp with lots of fuel for it. On the same table you find water proff matches.

what is the first thing you do?


probably light the match... or maybe even thank god.
» mdc replied on Fri Apr 7, 2006 @ 11:50am. Posted in riddles.
Coolness: 149055
Originally posted by BASDINI...

very good dino...that one is considered pretty tough

Thanks. :b
» mdc replied on Fri Apr 7, 2006 @ 11:50am. Posted in riddles.
Coolness: 149055
Originally posted by KE_RAKOON...


» mdc replied on Thu Apr 6, 2006 @ 11:53am. Posted in riddles.
Coolness: 149055
Originally posted by BASDINI...
you are standing in a room that has two doors, one of them leads to freedom the other leads to death, there are also two men in the room and one of them is a liar and the other always tells the truth, you may ask either man one and only one one question, what question should you ask if you want ensure that you will pick the right door?

ask either man which door the other one would tell you to choose.
don't take that one
» mdc replied on Thu Apr 6, 2006 @ 11:28am. Posted in Does anyone know....
Coolness: 149055
What's happening on McKay street? The whole street is blocked off and there's about 10 ambulances, 4 firetrucks, and 20 cop cars.
Nobody around school seems to know what's going on.
» mdc replied on Mon Apr 3, 2006 @ 10:58pm. Posted in The Picture Thread....
Coolness: 149055
the broccolisaurus is HILARIOUS
» mdc replied on Mon Apr 3, 2006 @ 10:50am. Posted in There goes the neighbourhood....
Coolness: 149055

April Fool's (2 days late)
» mdc replied on Mon Apr 3, 2006 @ 10:50am. Posted in There goes the neighbourhood....
Coolness: 149055
A black guy just moved in next door. They spread like rust.
» mdc replied on Mon Apr 3, 2006 @ 10:49am. Posted in NYC hip hop awards.
Coolness: 149055
During the opening ceremony, Ice-T joking "popped a cap" into Mike B. ass and was subsequently shot repeatedly by the secret service. Later that day, News crews at the scene sold the footage on eBay. It is now the number 1 requested video on MTV.
» mdc replied on Fri Mar 31, 2006 @ 10:59am. Posted in the Iran Cartoons.
Coolness: 149055
Originally posted by SCOTTYP...

I don't see how it is related to denmark.

it was a newspaper from denmark that printed the first "Mohamed insulting cartoon"
» mdc replied on Tue Mar 28, 2006 @ 3:21pm. Posted in Le 23 Janvier.
Coolness: 149055
apparently not fast enough
» mdc replied on Tue Mar 28, 2006 @ 1:03am. Posted in Biters.
Coolness: 149055
sure does... i have marks on my neck and chest right now...
» mdc replied on Mon Mar 27, 2006 @ 12:47am. Posted in Biters.
Coolness: 149055
i love it
it really gets me going
i got bitten a lot today.... mmmmmmMMmm
» mdc replied on Sat Mar 25, 2006 @ 1:01pm. Posted in Sperm Donation.
Coolness: 149055
this particular page is all fucked up
» mdc replied on Tue Mar 21, 2006 @ 4:14pm. Posted in Make vs. Have.
Coolness: 149055
ian is pig headed
» mdc replied on Tue Mar 21, 2006 @ 9:39am. Posted in suburbia kills.
Coolness: 149055
that's not abnormal at all.......
» mdc replied on Tue Mar 21, 2006 @ 9:38am. Posted in the great game of Realpolitik.
Coolness: 149055
» mdc replied on Tue Mar 21, 2006 @ 9:34am. Posted in Make vs. Have.
Coolness: 149055
thats a good question
» mdc replied on Mon Mar 20, 2006 @ 11:41pm. Posted in Your Childhood Theories.
Coolness: 149055
i used to think that the mere sound of an electric razor made it shave your hair
i didnt realize there were blades in there...

i think thats the only preposterous thing i thought as a child... i was one of those annoying kids that always had the answer to everything...
» mdc replied on Mon Mar 20, 2006 @ 11:38pm. Posted in Make vs. Have.
Coolness: 149055
yeah you unsensitive CLOD!
» mdc replied on Mon Mar 20, 2006 @ 11:34pm. Posted in Make vs. Have.
Coolness: 149055
oh i'll give you some love ian
» mdc replied on Sun Mar 19, 2006 @ 11:02pm. Posted in Irish Car Bomb.
Coolness: 149055
thats the nastiest thing ive ever had
» mdc replied on Sat Mar 18, 2006 @ 3:56am. Posted in Little Game.
Coolness: 149055
i have a better game
Same room. No breeze. No chair. All walls and ceilings and floors are made of 5 inch thick, poured, reinforced, galvanized, stainless steel. You have 1 wooden stick.
How do you get out?
mdc's Profile - Community Messages