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Quato's Perfil
» Quato
a.k.a. "Quato the Leader of the Rebellion"

42 edad libra. hombre
De Orleans, Ontario, Canada
Última vista:Tue Nov 30, 1999 @ 12:00am
Perfil visto:1,906
Sitio web:[ www.myspace.com ]
Amigo [ Todos 4 ] Amigo de [ Todos 1 ]
» Unam
» vVielo
Recientes mood
He's Moodless!
Ultimos eventos frecuentados [ Todos 3 ]
2012-01-21-Black Magik Iv (71)
2011-09-09-Ritual Nights!!! (2)
2011-09-02-Natura Festival 2011 (151)
Fotos de eventos asistidos [ Todos 899 ]
Galería de fotos [ Todos 2 ]
We are Quato!!! comming to you straight out of our nations Capital!! Thesse 2 Freaks! are well know in there own right.

Psycronik -

What can i say about this guy!! Manu has been in the psy scene for a very long time and has established himself as one of the well known psy dj's that came out of Ottawa! Co-founder of F.A.K., him and his band of bothers created there own twist on party's and professionalism.

Ship Wreck AKA Ecto-Gammit

Pete has been in the scene just as long as Manu has been! Pete has established himself to be a rising talent in ottawa and has been creating Stooping beats by the name of Ship Wreck for about 5 years. One of the original members of the F.A.K., Pete was a member of One Tribe, wicth was the crew that put goa\psytrance in ottawa's Partie seen.

These two are teaming up to create the most punkish, high energy, Psy-trance out there. they are revolutionising the psytrance world with there unique style of tracks and atmospheric Forest Music. They wont disapoint.
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» Quato dicho @ Tue Jan 24, 2012 @ 9:59pm
» Unam dicho @ Mon Oct 25, 2010 @ 3:46pm
Few months! the intergalaktik Rebellion has already started!!