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Heroin's Perfil
» Heroin
a.k.a. "Denise Suba"

33 edad acuario mujer
De Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Última vista:Tue Nov 30, 1999 @ 12:00am
Perfil visto:829
Sitio web:N/A
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Recientes mood
She's Moodless!
Ok Yo.MY Name is Denise and the only reason i signed up on rave.ca for montreal parties is 'cause my boyfriend lives there and im going to be travaling on someweekends to see him.Anyways going to raves and uhm yeah contact me because i am bored and I still say that the citizens 2 dance competition was a popularity contest when it shoudnt have been because there are people who needed the 25 dollars and the shirt.
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» Junglist_Soljah dicho @ Wed Jan 10, 2007 @ 2:09pm
First to comment! Mwahahahahaha