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Title:pls donate to the narfette does southamerika fund
Posted On:2006-11-15 17:27:24
Posted By:» narfette
I'm going to need as much help as i can get, so here goes: I am travelling SOLO to South America from Feb to May 2007. Anyone care to share their travelling experiences in Peru, Chile, Argentina and Bolivia for a young marginalized white chick travelling alone and with very litle cash?

Hostels, squatts, cheap grub, cool people to meet, local sound systems to party with, couches to crash on, black market job opportunities, things to do/places to go, things/places to avoid etc..

Or if you just want to help me out on my adventure you can always just email me with a donation... :)

Listening To: belladonnakillz
Miembro Comentarios
» Valllll dicho @ Sat Mar 17, 2007 @ 1:09pm
dommage que tu parte en fevrier!!! jserai venu si ca laurait ete vers fin mai!!! jeco ma tune pour faire les pays de lest cette ete, et pt aller en suede faire le boom festival, ca mferais bien delirer!!!! en tk stu veut, jte passerai kelke numero de gens ke jconnais bien la bas (en equateur et au bresil a rio) au cas si tes en galere totale, cki mettonerais :P !!!