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Reasons Why Occupy Wallstreet Failed
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» Blisss replied on Mon Nov 21, 2011 @ 2:35pm
Coolness: 129695
I know hey hahaha...And then if you dont follow the dog, they accuse you of collaborating with the enemy

Typical "you're either against us, or with us" How about just being able to think for yourself?
I'm feeling sunshine right now..
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» Holly_Golightly replied on Mon Nov 21, 2011 @ 5:49pm
Coolness: 158710

I'm feeling hitched right now..
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» Bad_Chemistry replied on Tue Nov 22, 2011 @ 8:39am
Coolness: 73060
In my opinion the occupy protests are the first step in this revolution... What they've accomplished is making people realize that something fucked up is going on.

A large proportion of people are living completely brainwashed by t.v. and mass media and are too entrenched in the work routing system to realize what is going on.
I'm feeling bad chemistry right now..
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» basdini replied on Tue Nov 22, 2011 @ 9:22am
Coolness: 145175
agreed, most people are so busy just scratching out an existence to take some time and realize how they are getting shafted, 2008 was the greatest robbery in history, trillions of dollars looted by men in suits...we are just supposed to sit here, drink our beer watch our football, and most importantly shut the fuck up and get ready to pay our next bailout.

go back read your orwell, what does he say about the low class, most of the time they are just too busy trying to survive to really have any deep political thoughts which addresses their situation, well that's exactly how the elite like them.

nice pictures betty, thanks you really brightened up my day :)
I'm feeling surly right now..
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» flo replied on Tue Nov 22, 2011 @ 10:56am
Coolness: 146300
indeed :)
on that note: [ www.slate.fr ]
I'm feeling the flow right now..
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» Holly_Golightly replied on Tue Nov 22, 2011 @ 3:09pm
Coolness: 158710
Originally Posted By BASDINI

go back read your orwell, what does he say about the low class, most of the time they are just too busy trying to survive to really have any deep political thoughts which addresses their situation, well that's exactly how the elite like them.

nice pictures betty, thanks you really brightened up my day :)

thanks basdini.. we should be friend on facebook.. hella me there i don't know ur real name...

oh and yeah that book 1984 was exploiting that concept but originally class consciousness is from marx 's social and economic conflict theory...

awhile ago for a sociolgy class i read a book written in the 20's "history and class consciousness" from gyorgy lukacs.. it was great..

bad_chemistry is right and his argument describing the beg. of a revolution is a perfect vulgarism to zola's "germinal" end naturalistic revolution metaphor that i think is worth to be translated and putt here so maybe someone like bliss can reflect on it or perhaps go grab the book:

"And beneath his feet, the deep blows, those obstinate blows of the pick, continued. The mates were

all there; he heard them following him at every stride. Was not that Maheude beneath the beetroots.

with bent back and hoarse respiration accompanying the rumble of the ventilator? To left, to right,

farther on, he seemed to recognize others beneath the wheatfields, the hedges, the young trees. Now

the April sun, in the open sky, was shining in his glory, and warming the pregnant earth. From its

fertile flanks life was leaping out, buds were bursting into green leaves, and the fields were

quivering with the growth of the grass. On every side seeds were swelling, stretching out, cracking

the plain, filled by the need of heat and light. An overflow of sap was mixed with whispering voices,

the sound of the germs expanding in a great kiss. Again and again, more and more distinctly, as though

they were approaching the soil, the mates were hammering. In the fiery rays of the sun on this

youthful morning the country seemed full of that sound. Men were springing forth, a black avenging

army, germinating slowly in the furrows, growing towards the harvests of the next century, and their

germination would soon overturn the earth."


" Et, sous ses pieds, les coups profonds, les coups obstinés des rivelaines continuaient. Les

camarades étaient tous là, il les entendait le suivre à chaque enjambée. N'était-ce pas la Maheude,

sous cette pièce de betteraves, l'échine cassée, dont le souffle montait si rauque, accompagné par le

ronflement du ventilateur ? A gauche, à droite, plus loin, il croyait en reconnaître d'autres, sous

les blés, les haies vives, les jeunes arbres. Maintenant, en plein ciel, le soleil d'avril rayonnait

dans sa gloire, échauffant la terre qui enfantait. Du flanc nourricier jaillissait la vie, les

bourgeons crevaient en feuilles vertes, les champs tressaillaient de la poussée des herbes. De toutes

parts, des graines se gonflaient, s'allongeaient, gerçaient la plaine, travaillées d'un besoin de

chaleur et de lumière. Un débordement de sève coulait avec des voix chuchotantes, le bruit des germes

s'épandait en un grand baiser. Encore, encore, de plus en plus distinctement, comme s'ils se fussent

rapprochés du sol, les camarades tapaient. Aux rayons enflammés de l'astre, par cette matinée de

jeunesse, c'était de cette rumeur que la campagne était grosse. Des hommes poussaient, une armée

noire, vengeresse, qui germait lentement dans les sillons, grandissant pour les récoltes du siècle

futur, et dont la germination allait faire bientôt éclater la terre."
I'm feeling hitched right now..
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» cjbsexx replied on Thu Nov 24, 2011 @ 9:00pm
Coolness: 48665
Cool to know there are not only K-Tards on this forum !
I'm feeling good right now..
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» AlexxAio replied on Sun Nov 27, 2011 @ 8:49pm
Coolness: 24535
wall street failed because people dont know what they want. i dont know if anyone here has read george orwells book 1984 but it was a classic example of goldsteins book. i live in montreal and one day i decided to go see whats going on. all i saw was people camping out in 700$ tents smoking weed and playing hacky sack. wall street is so that we can bring justice to all those fat cats who stole everyones money during the recession. people lost everything. their homes, their jobs. and yet its the middle class people who were protesting. not the lower class. if you can afford a 700$ dollar tent and an ounce of weed and taking 2 weeks off of work to protest then you dont belong there. wall street failed because people took advantage of it just to do what they want. its like a montreal canadians hockey game. we win. we riot. we loose. we still riot. people are just looking for reasons to do what they want.
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» databoy replied on Sun Nov 27, 2011 @ 9:06pm
Coolness: 106090
Wall Street didn't fail. It got bailed out.
I'm feeling bump right now..
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» basdini replied on Mon Nov 28, 2011 @ 12:07am
Coolness: 145175
i think he meant 'occupy wall street'
I'm feeling surly right now..
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» Blisss replied on Mon Nov 28, 2011 @ 3:14am
Coolness: 129695
Originally Posted By ALEXWUZHEAR

wall street failed because people dont know what they want. i dont know if anyone here has read george orwells book 1984 but it was a classic example of goldsteins book. i live in montreal and one day i decided to go see whats going on. all i saw was people camping out in 700$ tents smoking weed and playing hacky sack. wall street is so that we can bring justice to all those fat cats who stole everyones money during the recession. people lost everything. their homes, their jobs. and yet its the middle class people who were protesting. not the lower class. if you can afford a 700$ dollar tent and an ounce of weed and taking 2 weeks off of work to protest then you dont belong there. wall street failed because people took advantage of it just to do what they want. its like a montreal canadians hockey game. we win. we riot. we loose. we still riot. people are just looking for reasons to do what they want.


Let the truth be told, these people were not only a disgrace to themselves, but to society in general. After reading this article I can safetly say they do not represent me or most of the population.

[ fr.canoe.ca ]

Avant l'évacuation d'hier, la majorité des indignés du square Victoria étaient loin de dénoncer le capitalisme et la répartition inégale des richesses. Sur le terrain, les priorités étaient claires: s'organiser pour l'hiver, manger, fumer du pot et se réchauffer à gorgées de bière ou de vodka. D'autres préféraient poursuivre l'occupation à partir de leur salon.

Les indignés sortent-ils gagnants de l’occupation du square Victoria?

Entre dimanche et jeudi, le Journal a infiltré les indignés pour voir les dessous de l'occupation du square Victoria. La grande majorité de la soixantaine d'occupants qui s'y trouvaient toujours étaient des sans-abri. Les disputes, engueulades et prises de bec étaient monnaie courante sur les lieux, même si certains préféraient rester tranquilles dans l'espoir d'éviter l'expulsion. Les policiers ont tout de même procédé à l'éviction des derniers occupants, hier matin (voir autre texte). Dans les jours précédents, le Journal a constaté que les revendications étaient reléguées, après le menu du jour, dans la cuisine, à la façon de passer la nuit dans le froid, et la consommation de drogue et d'alcool. Un certain nombre d'indignés passaient leurs journées à consommer. Pour éviter les problèmes, ils cachaient de la bière dans des cartons de lait ou de jus.

«Ce n'est pas qu'on se cache de la police, mais je ne veux pas qu'on vienne me quêter ma boisson», avait confié un occupant.


Les affaires allaient d'ailleurs bien pour quelques vendeurs de pot, qui écoulaient leur marchandise «cinq fois plus cher qu'à Berri-UQAM», selon un occupant qui était installé, depuis trois semaines, au square Victoria. À plusieurs reprises, le Journal a constaté que même des indignés chargés de faire les rondes de sécurité fumaient du pot et buvaient pendant leur «quart de travail». Un des «gars de la sécurité» avait carrément installé une piquerie dans sa tente. Elle a été découverte, mardi dernier.

Chacun fait ce qu'il veut

Lors du séjour parmi les indignés, le Journal a également constaté que tout le monde faisait ce qu'il voulait, que ce soit en s'intoxiquant, en se baladant ou en discutant.Une poignée d'occupants mettaient l'épaule à la roue à temps plein, alors que les autres travaillaient de façon occasionnelle. Ce sont les sans-abri qui s'occupaient souvent de la vaisselle et du ménage, mais tout ce qui requérait plusieurs personnes pouvait prendre beaucoup de temps avant d'être accompli.

Indignés à temps partiel

Cette désorganisation s'explique en partie par le fait que les principaux organisateurs dormaient chez eux dans la nuit. Plusieurs occupants les dénigraient en les appelant «les granolas du Mont-Royal».


Lundi, deux jeunes femmes disaient arriver du mouvement Occupy Wall Street à New York. Tout le monde était enthousiaste d'avoir des «ambassadrices» venues encourager le mouvement. Elles parlaient d'unifier les mouvements, de partager les fonds. Trente minutes plus tard, elles avaient disparu pour ne jamais revenir.

CHIOT «99%»

Les campeurs utilisaient peu le terme «99%», qui a souvent été utilisé par Occupy Wall Street pour dénoncer le fait que seulement un pour cent de la population détient la majorité des richesses. Le moment où on l'a le plus entendu, c'est lorsqu'un chiot abandonné a été baptisé «99%».


Le trafic de marijuana semblait prospère sur le site. Des vendeurs écoulaient leur stock «cinq fois fois plus cher qu'à Berri-UQAM», assure une sans-abri. Les transactions se faisaient ouvertement, et personne ne se cachait pour consommer, sauf devant les journalistes. Quand il faisait froid, ils allaient fumer dans les tentes.


Le représentant du Journal avait oublié d'apporter ses gants à son arrivée sur le site. Des indignés lui ont rapidement proposé de l'aider. Après quatre heures, on lui avait finalement trouvé une paire.

«Occupons Montréal» faisait partie du décor au centre-ville. Dimanche, des touristes se baladaient tout en prenant des photos. Une sorte de safari urbain. Ils s'approchaient avec leur caméra, sans croiser les regards. Certaines femmes semblaient craintives lorsqu'elles s'approchaient des indignés, accrochées au bras de leur mari.


Il y avait cinq toilettes portatives pour une cinquantaine d'occupants. Par moments, elles débordaient. «Il faut garder ça propre, explique un indigné qui ne campe pas sur le site. Si tu vois des trucs qui traînent à l'intérieur, tu pourrais les ramasser.»


Lundi matin, un sans-abri servait le café. Il fumait une cigarette, entouré de bonbonnes de propane. Un quart d'heure plus tard, quelqu'un lui dit de partir pour éviter une explosion. Personne ne voulait d'accident qui aurait justifié une éviction prématurée.
Update » Blisss wrote on Mon Nov 28, 2011 @ 3:21am
For those dont read French: In a nutshell, deplorable security, continuous fighting, class warefare inside the camp, assaults, continuous drug taking including on tent turned in a heroin shootup, theft, capitalistic drug dealing, severely unsanitary conditions, lack of unity with the leaders not even staying the night, no clear message, huge cost in police and firemen ressources that we'll all be paying for with our taxes and absolutly nothing accomplished.

The jig is up, time to move on
Update » Blisss wrote on Mon Nov 28, 2011 @ 3:24am
Corrections "for those who dont" / "one tent"
I'm feeling sunshine right now..
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» pencapchew replied on Mon Nov 28, 2011 @ 4:05pm
Coolness: 35565
All the press about this movement has been negative. If you get your info about the movement from mainstream press its is very biased in favour of status quo
Update » pencapchew wrote on Mon Nov 28, 2011 @ 4:23pm
"if you can afford a 700$ dollar tent and an ounce of weed and taking 2 weeks off of work to protest then you dont belong there"

So only homeless people who dont smoke weed should be unhappy with their situation?
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» v.2-1 replied on Mon Nov 28, 2011 @ 4:27pm
Coolness: 159095
Well I've seen a lot of TV shows that featured occupiers who came to discuss the occupation so I don't think all media is focusing on the negative aspects of the occupation. Yet, if none of what's been detailed above did happen, the press wouldn't focus on that entirely.

The occupation had its flaws, whether anyone likes it or not. No it's not an accurate description of the occupation but it still happened.

And not everyone of the 99% has time to stroll by Square Victoria to see what it's about so they sort of have to rely on the media and social networks. You can't blame them for that. I'm sure the war in IRAQ is incredibly biased by the american media but it's not like I have time to fly over there and see it for myself.
I'm feeling o.o right now..
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» Blisss replied on Mon Nov 28, 2011 @ 4:39pm
Coolness: 129695
You arent going to win a revolution by playing hacky sack all day in old Montreal while holding a sign saying "Look man, I'm broke, please get someone to give me a dolla!"
I'm feeling sunshine right now..
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» basdini replied on Tue Nov 29, 2011 @ 10:03am
Coolness: 145175
Originally Posted By BLISSS

You arent going to win a revolution by playing hacky sack all day in old Montreal while holding a sign saying "Look man, I'm broke, please get someone to give me a dolla!"

agreed, you need a plan and objectives, ways of reaching out to the rest of society...
I'm feeling surly right now..
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» databoy replied on Tue Nov 29, 2011 @ 11:06am
Coolness: 106090
Social media is making quite a lot of headway, actually...

I find the Occupy movement kinda like the one that happened in the Province of Quebec during the 60's an 70's, the quiet revolution.

Very little violence but a profound social adjustment. It took many years to happen back then, and this one will most likley take many years to play out also.
I'm feeling bump right now..
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» basdini replied on Thu Dec 1, 2011 @ 5:29am
Coolness: 145175
maybe, social media is also the number one tool used to destabilize and co oped the movement. It's funny but if you look at all the social media that is being used to push these colored revolutions world wide (the arab spring) you see they are all banned or heavily restricted in China, Facebook and twitter are all but inaccessible in China, i wonder why???? oh yeah it's because the US wants to destabilize China and will use any pretext.

I have to say databoy, you re alright, but you got to stop letting yourself get played by the foundation funded left, their not your fucking friends, they represent the left wing of finance capital, think George Soros...They are the same people that brought you obama, can't you see that? You can't trust these people at all, Gore Vidal, Howard Zinn, Noam Chomsky, Michael Moore, Amy GOodmann, Ward Churchill et al. I am not saying you should become a libertarian (in the Robert Nozickian tradition i might add :) ) like me, all I'm saying is these left gate keepers are leading you down the garden path...that should be obvious by now...2 and half years after obama...the guy is a stooge of wall street, he's a warmonger in the finest tradition of Bush and Cheney, he wants to destroy social security and medicaid...he is the worst kind of representative of finance capital and these left gate keepers are unapologetic about anything they did to help bring this guy to power.

this is just two people talking so don't get all agitated and defensive...
I'm feeling surly right now..
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» databoy replied on Thu Dec 1, 2011 @ 8:46pm
Coolness: 106090
Humans are intrinsically social creatures. Its the only way we can perform and even survive as a species.
Kinda like ants of antelopes.
We cooperate because we are week and vulnerable. As a group, we are totally interdependent and the survival of the group depends on the participation of most of its individuals.
I just don't get how Libertarians can morally extract themselves from social responsibility.
And I also don't see how a libertarian approach could work in a family structure.
Now that you're a professor...
I'm feeling bump right now..
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» MattWood replied on Fri Dec 2, 2011 @ 7:10am
Coolness: 39355
The fact that we are talking about these issues means that it was a success. Holding the public squares was simply a way of getting attention... now the ball has started rolling and we have to try to keep it rolling.

Don't let the images of stoned hippies shooting smack distract you from the fact that world governments are in complete collusion with corporate interests and they are amping up their efforts to bleed the 99% dry.
I'm feeling focused right now..
Reasons Why Occupy Wallstreet Failed
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