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SyNkRonIcItY's Profile - Community Messages
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» SyNkRonIcItY replied on Tue Jan 31, 2006 @ 11:59am. Posted in welcome to conservative country.
Coolness: 43205
^i agree! ballotboxbandit man made a real statement taking ppl's votes away :(
Well, with the government being more of a minority government, ...things could be worse :)
our election could have been rigged........or was it :P hehehe j/k
looks like we chose to go with the OTHER of the 3 parties that was the only likely candidate to get in... :P considering that when you only managed to see the top three parties Conservative, Liberal, NDP...even tho there were lots of other parties shedding their light for wanting seats in the HOC....of course I"m not forgetting about the Green Party or the Communist party :P or the group of Independent parties?...I find it interesting that we had ended up collectively electing a new party to lead the minority government, even tho i'm sure mostly if not everyone didn't vote for Conservative on this site ;) The reason I find it interesting...what scandal are we going to uncover with Harper :P
SyNkRonIcItY's Profile - Community Messages