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HowssBoi's Profile - Community Messages
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» HowssBoi replied on Sun Oct 15, 2006 @ 5:27pm. Posted in Calgary here I come!.
Coolness: 33145
thanks 2 all for the good luck wishes!

I've been out here 3 days now, and it's totally different than Ontario
- you can see the stars at night (no smog!)
- almost all of the girls out here are nice. most girls in Ontario won't even look at the average guy. out here, they'll come up to you and have a full conversation it's great
- there's more jobs than people, and the pay is good ($15 an hour at a freakin' Tim Horton's)
- car insurance is crazy cheap compared to Ontario (people out here pay less than $100 a month - beats the hell out of the $300+ that I was paying per month back in Ontario)

On the downside, it's rare to find an apartment for less than $1000 a month. But that's about the only downside I've seen so far. And besides, with the wages being so good out here, it's not like swinging a grand a month for a place to live will be any problem!
» HowssBoi replied on Mon Oct 9, 2006 @ 11:07am. Posted in What style of music are you?.
Coolness: 33145
I'm house
» HowssBoi replied on Mon Oct 9, 2006 @ 10:54am. Posted in Calgary here I come!.
Coolness: 33145
I'm leaving for Calgary tomorrow morning! I'm going out there to live and work. Wish me luck! Or just tell me you don't really care! Whatever works for you!
» HowssBoi replied on Mon Oct 9, 2006 @ 10:50am. Posted in Energy Drinks.
Coolness: 33145
I like Full Throttle. The reason that I like full throttle is that it tastes like Mountain Dew but it has 2 to 3 times the kick (it keeps me wired for a good 2 hours). Another reason I like Full Throttle is that it costs as much as Red Bull but comes in a can that is twice as big. I don't know if you guys get Full Throttle wherever you are, but here in Ontario it's everywhere.

And you can find Jolt in every Seven Eleven (7/11) store.
» HowssBoi replied on Sun Oct 8, 2006 @ 2:39am. Posted in rave.ca penis.
Coolness: 33145
Other ways to make a wingless bird fly:

2 - Throw it off of a bridge
3 - Field goal kick it (it's good!)
4 - Throw it out of a moving car (just ask John B. It works.)
» HowssBoi replied on Sun Oct 1, 2006 @ 4:53am. Posted in Stoned teacher.
Coolness: 33145
This is the first time I ever heard of/saw [ www.break.com ] and I just spent the better part of an hour checking it out and laughing my ass off. Thanks for showing me this site!
» HowssBoi replied on Fri Sep 22, 2006 @ 7:42pm. Posted in kill a Kitten!.
Coolness: 33145
» HowssBoi replied on Fri Sep 22, 2006 @ 7:28pm. Posted in No more fat pictured!.
Coolness: 33145
that image... will haunt my dreams forever. Move over, Scarlet Johanson. Shamu's mother is here to stay!
» HowssBoi replied on Thu Sep 21, 2006 @ 11:13pm. Posted in Evolution of Dance.
Coolness: 33145
LoL good one. I'll get into better shape and then MAYBE, if the offer still stands, I'll do it. As of right now I'd have a heart attack.
» HowssBoi replied on Thu Sep 21, 2006 @ 10:53pm. Posted in the Dawson shooter profile page.
Coolness: 33145
Maybe this should all be picked up under another thread. It's been at least a week now since the Dawson College stuff happened (I'm not that good with dates), and just the heading of the thread (which points out the shooter and not the victims)... I just think that if you guys are going to talk about stuff other than what the topic is, maybe it should just be put to rest.
» HowssBoi replied on Thu Sep 21, 2006 @ 10:27pm. Posted in Byaahhh!!!!!!!!!!.
Coolness: 33145
"I took a vacation with my kids at Disney World, and people kept coming up to me 'hey... hey... I'm Rick James, bitch... I'm Rick James, bitch!'.... yeah, yeah that's great.. 'I'm Rick James, bitch...' okay could you please not call me a bitch in front of my children? Can we just take a day off? Thank you."

"Even Mickey Mouse was saying it. It was the most unprofessional shit I have ever seen... '

Update » HowssBoi wrote on Thu Sep 21, 2006 @ 10:40pm
Ok I just watched the YouTube link, and after busting a gut... yeah... I get the whole "BYAAAAAAAAH!" reference... lmao
» HowssBoi replied on Wed Sep 20, 2006 @ 1:49pm. Posted in roommates.
Coolness: 33145
LoL I didn't even see that picture! I just saw her pretty face and thought "wow.. hotty"
» HowssBoi replied on Wed Sep 20, 2006 @ 2:58am. Posted in Byaahhh!!!!!!!!!!.
Coolness: 33145
» HowssBoi replied on Wed Sep 20, 2006 @ 2:54am. Posted in Walmart goes online with music.
Coolness: 33145
fuck Walmart. I don't even care if I spelled it wrong. another American company taking money out of the pockets of Canadian companies.
» HowssBoi replied on Wed Sep 20, 2006 @ 2:49am. Posted in Byaahhh!!!!!!!!!!.
Coolness: 33145
"spread your cheeks and lift your sack"
» HowssBoi replied on Wed Sep 20, 2006 @ 2:48am. Posted in roommates.
Coolness: 33145
thanks juju, screwhead, and necspress... and is it just me or is juju freakin' HOT?!
» HowssBoi replied on Wed Sep 20, 2006 @ 2:45am. Posted in New Person Says Hello.
Coolness: 33145
hey dude
» HowssBoi replied on Tue Sep 19, 2006 @ 3:27am. Posted in roommates.
Coolness: 33145
Heh... I've never had room-mates but I'm thinking I'll probably have a few when I move out to Calgary. I'm hoping that the experience is one that goes over well. I'm pretty outspoken and I'm a pretty chatty people person, especially with people I live with. Also, having room-mates will solve that whole "meeting new people" problem! Hopefully at least one of them is a Calgary native that can show me around.

Update » HowssBoi wrote on Tue Sep 19, 2006 @ 3:30am
QUESTION: If some of your room-mates are of the opposite sex, I guess that the general rule of thumb is to not get romantically involved. Right?
» HowssBoi replied on Tue Sep 19, 2006 @ 3:15am. Posted in Next Time Your At the Airport...
Coolness: 33145
I recently flew out to Newfoundland for a family reunion [yes I'm half Newfie, spare the jokes cuz I've probably heard them! :) ]. I had a pocket knife - the kind you keep on your keychain - with maybe a 1 inch blade on it. I went through security in Toronto, no problem. Going through security at the airport in Newfoundland was a different story though. I had to stow my "knife" in my carry-on luggage and check my carry-on luggage in to the cargo hold of the plane. Apparently a guy travelling with his entire family on the plane is a security threat when he has a 1 inch blade.

After that, I was really surprised that they let me keep my bookmark (it's made out of metal).
» HowssBoi replied on Tue Sep 19, 2006 @ 3:06am. Posted in Killin' Time.
Coolness: 33145
I'm way too new to even know the difference. It all sounds good to me anyway. In moderation, that is.

Update » HowssBoi wrote on Tue Sep 19, 2006 @ 3:08am
Oh, and I read, download new music that might interest me, talk to my friends online, hang out with friends. When I have money I'll go to local bars (we don't really have anything around here I would classify as a club - nothing I've seen, anyway) and see what's going on there.
» HowssBoi replied on Tue Sep 19, 2006 @ 2:56am. Posted in New Person Says Hello.
Coolness: 33145
Yeah I just came on cuz I'm moving to new places that might actually have more than one good place to party at, and I want to meet new people
» HowssBoi replied on Tue Sep 19, 2006 @ 2:33am. Posted in New Person Says Hello.
Coolness: 33145
Hi Vanity - you're really pretty
» HowssBoi replied on Sun Sep 17, 2006 @ 9:22pm. Posted in New Person Says Hello.
Coolness: 33145
Thanks Maximo
» HowssBoi replied on Sun Sep 17, 2006 @ 9:18pm. Posted in Net Neutrality.
Coolness: 33145
I don't know enough about this to comment yet
» HowssBoi replied on Sun Sep 17, 2006 @ 8:38pm. Posted in The Host One vs M@X war was......
Coolness: 33145
Me being super new here I don't know anything about this and I'm not all that interested in two people arguing so this will be the last time I check out this thread. I'm sure it'll be fun no matter what happens, though
» HowssBoi replied on Sun Sep 17, 2006 @ 8:23pm. Posted in 9/11.
Coolness: 33145
When the planes hit the towers, I was walking to my next class at my College in northern Oshawa. One of my friends said, quite matter-of-factly, "An airplane just smashed into one of the towers at the World Trade Center in New York City.". She sounded so calm about it that I thought it was some sort of sick joke. She must have been kidding. "Yeah right!" I said. She said "No seriously... it's playing on the big-screen in the Student Lounge.". I still didn't believe her, so I went to see for myself. When I walked up the stairs to where the big-screen was, it was like walking into a funeral parlour. You could hear a pin drop.

After watching the pictures on CNN for about 20 minutes, I finally believed my friend. I went to my next class nearly half an hour late, but the Professor hadn't shown up yet. Everyone in the class was talking about the Twin Towers and what the USA was going to do. Other people were trying to reach loved ones on cell phones.

Before the class was over, we heard a message on the school's PA system - a PA system that none of us had ever heard before. The message was that a bomb threat had been called into the school, and that all students and staff were to leave the school property immediately.

With every single car in the huge parking lot at the College trying to leave at once, it took me and my friend nearly 3 hours to get out. We were pretty sure that the bomb threat was some sick joke from some student that just wanted to sleep in or drink that day, but with what we had just seen happen in New York City, we didn't want to leave anything to chance.

When I finally got home, nearly 4 hours after being told to leave the College, I spent the rest of the day watching the news on CNN. It's a day that I'll never forget.
» HowssBoi replied on Sun Sep 17, 2006 @ 7:59pm. Posted in New Person Says Hello.
Coolness: 33145
Thanks for the tip Thog. Are you from Ontario? Do you know where I should go to have a good time in the next 3 weeks in the Greater Toronto Area?
» HowssBoi replied on Sun Sep 17, 2006 @ 1:58am. Posted in New Person Says Hello.
Coolness: 33145
Hi people!

Ok if you're still reading this, then just know I don't always wave like a crazy person.

First of all, I figured I'd just say hi to everyone, cuz I'm friendly like that. I don't know how close this community is. I just checked the first topic thread ("He's Not My Boyfriend" or something like that) and it had nearly 1200 replies so maybe I should unclick that "Notify by E-mail for new responses" thing!

Anyway, my main reason for being on here, first and foremost, is to find parties I never would have heard of otherwise. I live in suburbia in Southern Ontario, about an hour East of Toronto, and I'm moving to Calgary Alberta in 3 weeks. I just want to go to a Rave or something that closely resembles a rave somewhere here in Ontario before I leave, because I've never been to one before.

So once again.. HI! And if NE1 wants to take a Rave noobie under their wing to show me the ropes... preferably the safe and not-too-drug-induced ropes... then please don't hesitate to say so! I have my own car and will travel basically anywhere from the western most side of Toronto to the eastern side of Kingston, but if there's something even further that's worth making the trip for then I'll go! I just want to have a crazy blast of a time before I head out to Calgary!

HowssBoi's Profile - Community Messages