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General_Dee's Profile - Community Messages
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» General_Dee replied on Tue May 16, 2006 @ 2:14pm. Posted in My turn to tell you something....
Coolness: 39990
The projet is dead.
Trouble whit the owner who don't want to pay nothing but want to collect everything.
If someone need to continue the projet with this asshole go head it's the owner of the Atlantis club...

Good luck, me i don't like waisting me time to make someone make money on doing almost nothing.
Game over sniffffffff.
» General_Dee replied on Sat May 13, 2006 @ 6:13pm. Posted in My turn to tell you something....
Coolness: 39990
Grrrrrrrr the owner is really fuck top.

He don't want to pay, big talkin to organize now but
i want almost the 100% of the cash comming inn...

Kind of person want's the worl whitout moving one finger
and whitou pull out nothing from is pocket...
This is a major problem i found out now.

9 1 1 helppppppppppppppppppppppp.

I know how this gone a ending grrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.
» General_Dee replied on Sat May 13, 2006 @ 2:17am. Posted in My turn to tell you something....
Coolness: 39990
I'm agree on this ravenubcake.
the bouncer is an important part of the succes
» General_Dee replied on Fri May 12, 2006 @ 3:43pm. Posted in My turn to tell you something....
Coolness: 39990
Pour repondre a ta question OUI JE LE VEUX...
Bien sur ma te conctacter.
» General_Dee replied on Thu May 11, 2006 @ 8:02pm. Posted in My turn to tell you something....
Coolness: 39990
I have a dream...
» General_Dee replied on Thu May 11, 2006 @ 1:08pm. Posted in My turn to tell you something....
Coolness: 39990
facile a dire les boys lollll
Dison que j'aime etre sur de mon coup avant de m'engagé.
Exemple : je suis aps sur de mon coup en amour alors devinez quoi ?
Ben je suis celibataire lolllllllll
Nan serieux je veux etre pret et avoir d'autres idées ect...

Donc je me prepare apres bing bang bong.....
» General_Dee replied on Thu May 11, 2006 @ 12:38pm. Posted in My turn to tell you something....
Coolness: 39990
lol j'ai un ami super occupé loll, en fait tu veux quoi dans le mail
de plus que ce que j'ecris ici bro ?

Le nom du club : Atlantis
Ville: Canada, Quebec, Montreal
Emplacement: 6246 st-laurent,coin bellechasse, en face du Canadien Tire.
Musique: Room 1:

Sans faire et tout en fessant de la pub loll passé voir l'endroit dimanche le club est ouvert en day club des 10 am jusqu'a 12 am.

La salle est comme en 3 parties (genre un 3 1/2, pas ce que on fume la lolll).
je dirais a peu 1 000 pi ce qui en fait un endroit tres intime, chaleureux.
Cette endroit pourrais facilement etre la tite maiosn dans la prairies pour lun
beau ti groupe de trippeux.

Entk moi j'aime la place et les posibilité qui s'y ratache...
» General_Dee replied on Thu May 11, 2006 @ 12:05pm. Posted in My turn to tell you something....
Coolness: 39990
je crois je vais m'associé avec un ou plusieur cie de promotion ou
ben donc m'ouvrire ma propre cie de promotion pour manager les heures d'ouvertures
de ce ti club. J'ai pensée faire un before after hours = espace reservé pour des
trippeux de after comme moi (entrée gratuite), sa serais comme un lieu de
rassemblement avant on decide tous en gang ou on sort ce soir. En ayant une tite
association avec certain after hours on aurais les entrée tous gratuits ou a prix reduit.
Des idées j'en ai en masse me semble faudrais qq1 pour m'aidé a y voir plus clair je crois loll.
Je vais te add en msn paul, we will talk much more about this.
» General_Dee replied on Thu May 11, 2006 @ 11:55am. Posted in On star.....est-ce normal?.
Coolness: 39990
je suis d'accord a 110%.

Ce commentaire meriterais d'etre cité pas mal de place.
Ca ma aidé a finir une reflexion en rapport a ca qui trainais en longueur.

Merci MightyMike
» General_Dee replied on Thu May 11, 2006 @ 12:14am. Posted in My turn to tell you something....
Coolness: 39990
Explaination please.
» General_Dee replied on Wed May 10, 2006 @ 9:53pm. Posted in My turn to tell you something....
Coolness: 39990
No comments from no one ???
» General_Dee replied on Wed May 10, 2006 @ 9:52pm. Posted in On star.....est-ce normal?.
Coolness: 39990
I think it make no sens we do not know what we eat lolll.
» General_Dee replied on Tue May 9, 2006 @ 5:12pm. Posted in On star.....est-ce normal?.
Coolness: 39990
No juju to be honest i do not have the kit.
But i will cause know i feel to know much more about what i put in my mouth since a read that interesting post.

Yes for sure i will share with poeple who want to know to and i will post my result here after.
Why ? I don't have a good explaination for the why question loll.

I be back on that...
» General_Dee replied on Tue May 9, 2006 @ 11:09am. Posted in On star.....est-ce normal?.
Coolness: 39990
Parfait prochainement je vais vous invité a tester(test chimique) les pils que on trouve en ville.
I want to know me too what's on my On Star...
je crois que on a le droit et le devoir de savoir ce qui rtentre dans notre bouche.
Tres bon sujet en passant et super beau debat.
» General_Dee replied on Tue May 9, 2006 @ 9:47am. Posted in My turn to tell you something....
Coolness: 39990
Scenario : let say you have a full acces to manage a regular club whit the license for alcool.

What you guy's will do to make it work ?

I ask that cause i have this option and i feel to jump on it.
All proposition will be really read and apply if it's serious.
So don't be shine and post you crazy dream of entertainement so i can make come real.

this the scedule of the club actually.

Sunday : Dayclub 10 am to 12 am
Monday : Close
Tursday : Close
Wenesday : Close
Thursday : Close
Friday : Regular club 9 pm to 3 am
Saturday : Regular club 9 pm to 3 am

Dancing people talk to me please about this...

Promoter people talk to me about that please...

DJ people What you guy's have to say about this new option ?

Your turn to tell me something now !

Who want to help me to make action on this unuse club ?

Let's talk about... nannn not sex loll
General_Dee's Profile - Community Messages