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» beercrack replied on Wed Oct 24, 2007 @ 11:16pm. Posted in midi pong.
Coolness: 71560
i have pong on my mpc1000 with the japanese os it triggers assigned samples when the ball bounces off the paddle
i use it all the time to randomize holographic arrays within the ethermatrix
aphex twin wrote all his classics with this interface

in other news blahblahblah
» beercrack replied on Wed Jun 13, 2007 @ 12:24pm. Posted in Pcp Dipped Crack..
Coolness: 71560
i think you missed the /irony
» beercrack replied on Sat Jun 9, 2007 @ 10:38pm. Posted in Pcp Dipped Crack..
Coolness: 71560
it's a conspiracy!
» beercrack replied on Sat Jan 27, 2007 @ 7:53pm. Posted in crack in beer.
Coolness: 71560
yeah i understand how that idea can be schizoid
I am going through some very important changes
and change brings anxiety

yet I still stand by my statement

call it crazy
I would call you to question the sanity of my comments
of yourself and also
most of the comments brought forth in this forum
I would rather be paranoid at times
than to gobble some of the bullshit being spewed here
» beercrack replied on Fri Jan 26, 2007 @ 8:47am. Posted in crack in beer.
Coolness: 71560

all kinds of people.

anyways. a keg can easily be tampered with.
Inserting adulterants to increase business is a hypocritical and established way to gain control on consumers.

I embarassingly went to a popular "student" bar where they serve really cheap mugs of beer.
I had four. Normally after about three drinks I start feeling sleepy.
I got home and I was wired.
I could taste a taste similar to the bitter alkaloid of cocaine.
I have quit smoking (although I was so wired I had to have a smoke after that one)
so my sense of taste is fine.
I am also experienced enough to personally know the taste and effects of crack and cocaine.
Normally I deride a bar like this one. Yet I went because it was in proximity to where my friend just moved.
And we wanted some cheap beers.
I did not expect to do drugs. All i wanted was a few beer.

Not saying this is a very common practice.
But I am certain that a percentage of bars adultereate their supply.
If you must go out to placed that you do not feel homely in I suggest bottled beer.
Somoe people will do anything to make a buck.
My friend says sure there can be crack in the beer but that I am cracked.
It could be. And we will never know until this is proven.
But my senses have birthed a shadow of a doubt enough for me to come out and make such statements.
I know this may be the type of content people love to abhor.
I am just hopefully making a public service announcement.
I have had to deal with issues and am just sharing.
Please ignore me or feel free to judge me in any way you wish.

all the best

» beercrack replied on Fri Jan 26, 2007 @ 1:33am. Posted in detox.
Coolness: 71560
i have been going out to bars since i have been 15 years old.
I am 28. I have a 6 year old son.
It has come to my realization there is crack in beer. crack in wee. meth in e.
I have had life changing experiences on entheogens and psychedelics which many will never even approach in their lifetime.
I have been exposed to hardcore pornography since I have been 10.
My biochemical balance has been tampered with.
I am fed up.
I have been pushed to depression.
I have self medicated my boredom and alienation.
I have found ways to detox.
But I cannot detox if I keep encountering the toxicity that keeps me in a mental biochemical prison.
I must avoid contaminants. My biochemical balance is all I have to keep me happy.
I can no longer depend on self medication on psychedelics. Especially if I am being cheated out of my true balance.
Should I want to drink beer I would like it to be uncontaminated. I should also be able to have gluten free beer.
That is another issue.

I have a herbal detox. Which demands willpower to avoid sourcees of contamination.

st john's wort + ginseng + green tea + roibos + gotu kola + damiana + pau d'arco + + cayenne + ginger for a start...

freedom from hardcore sexual imagery affecting my biorhythm. freedom from substances which i have not chosen to ingest but shich have been put there to keep me in bondage.

I am just saying this because I have been brought to realization.

Call me crazy. I feel inherently sane. I cannot but help feeling abused from such a regimen.

Your biothrythm is most precious. Biochemical balance is the source of your ultimate experience.

I pray that you all be liberated from such bondage.

This is just my message.

I admit to the fact that I can wrong in such statements.

Take it as you please.

Good luck on your journeys.

Liberate yourself.

Only you can do so.

This may be my last post here ever.

Thank you for the memories.

The infestation is too profound.

This place is rife.

» beercrack replied on Fri Jan 26, 2007 @ 1:08am. Posted in Threads that date from 2001.
Coolness: 71560
» beercrack replied on Fri Jan 26, 2007 @ 12:20am. Posted in crack in beer.
Coolness: 71560
crack in weed

lots out there

part of our modern coming of age

who knew
» beercrack replied on Fri Jan 26, 2007 @ 12:07am. Posted in Yo nimi!.
Coolness: 71560
» beercrack replied on Thu Jan 25, 2007 @ 5:18pm. Posted in how to destroy your career in one music video.
Coolness: 71560
raymond kurzweil must have got it from you
» beercrack replied on Wed Jan 24, 2007 @ 4:15pm. Posted in Service request.
Coolness: 71560
alpha just seems like a character straight of this novel
» beercrack replied on Wed Jan 24, 2007 @ 3:57pm. Posted in Service request.
Coolness: 71560
oh i thought you were askign for a url for a moment

anybody who has read the book can make the obvious link
» beercrack replied on Wed Jan 24, 2007 @ 3:35pm. Posted in question for PLANET MU fans.
Coolness: 71560
» beercrack replied on Wed Jan 24, 2007 @ 3:21pm. Posted in question for PLANET MU fans.
Coolness: 71560
ah i had read the question wrong
*slaps forehead*
» beercrack replied on Wed Jan 24, 2007 @ 3:04pm. Posted in question for PLANET MU fans.
Coolness: 71560
planet mu is the stronghold

obviously sometimes rephlex

hymen (venetian snares)

i'm sure others can point you in the right direction
» beercrack replied on Wed Jan 24, 2007 @ 3:01pm. Posted in Service request.
Coolness: 71560

» beercrack replied on Wed Jan 24, 2007 @ 2:47pm. Posted in R.I.P. Disco D (1980-2007).
Coolness: 71560
Originally Posted By REGIMENTAL911 HOWE DID HE DO IT

not in a pretty way that is sure

the man is dead

Disco D RIP

leave it be regimental

depression is a bitch
it hit me the hardest ever i felt around the turning of the new year

waking up to the fact of depression made me take action
and no i am not talking about prozac
i have a working holistic drug free means
» beercrack replied on Wed Jan 24, 2007 @ 11:56am. Posted in Long distance relationships.
Coolness: 71560
» beercrack replied on Wed Jan 24, 2007 @ 9:39am. Posted in Long distance relationships.
Coolness: 71560
i went months with a iqaluit/montreal relationship where we would see each other every month or two or so and now it is a quebec city/montreal relationship and we see each other more often
but that early long distance part just served to reinforce us
understand that the chemistry is magic and the universe is working for us
without that then it couldn't be
personally speaking
» beercrack replied on Tue Jan 23, 2007 @ 3:19pm. Posted in What would you do....
Coolness: 71560
somehow the closing of blue dog with a concurrent radical shift and rethinking of the dj medium and musical trend phases and millenium tension and turning of tides
might possibly have something to do with the so-called "the death of mtl's dnb scene... "
» beercrack replied on Tue Jan 23, 2007 @ 10:26am. Posted in how to destroy your career in one music video.
Coolness: 71560
i enjoyed that
» beercrack replied on Mon Jan 22, 2007 @ 6:52pm. Posted in :: Snowboard ::.
Coolness: 71560
i used to love going phat on jumps and doing backside 360s at stoneham in qc
we use to make our own little jumps in the cote d'abraham at the plaines d'abraham when it was snowed in for the winter and enjoy the ride down and do our little jump at the bottom
I since sold my snowboard
and have somehow lost that freedom and innocence
to gain something else
I would love to ride again
alas i do not know if i can ...
I would so buy a snowboard
it just seems out of my way right now

someone buy it and use it. so i can live vicariously through its use
» beercrack replied on Mon Jan 22, 2007 @ 6:43pm. Posted in mtldnb,your cryin or laughin.
Coolness: 71560
can someone give a brief expose of the situation.
like = "what's the beef" type of deal.
i was a member of mtldnb at one point
I am just curious as to the nature of the problematic
» beercrack replied on Mon Jan 22, 2007 @ 6:35pm. Posted in What would you do....
Coolness: 71560
the etymology of the "philos" in the term philosophy is "love"

i define love as a concept absent of negation
or rather a total affirmation of an ideal -
an embracing and holistic realised existence

love of negation is an oxymoron in those terms
and that is mostly what is happening in most discussions here
reference to negation, negation, negation of negation, etc.

we are simply getting personal opinion and sentiments absent of philos
- an expression of an unruly desire to affirm one's self
yet carried out in an unrealistic manner
since should you uphold the highest ideal you would be living your love absent of obstruction

the culture which we uphold creates this dynamic within the self
it is symptomatic of the absurdity and appeal of modernity

and that is my comment

i can be wrong

this comment itself negates itself
and is pretty redundant for that

2cents more for the corpse's eyes
» beercrack replied on Sat Jan 20, 2007 @ 11:36pm. Posted in Kegel exercises.
Coolness: 71560
doing good is its own reward
» beercrack replied on Sat Jan 20, 2007 @ 11:10pm. Posted in What would you do....
Coolness: 71560
generally what people espouse as philosophy is mostly sophism

"Today, a sophism generally refers to a particularly confusing, illogical and/or insincere argument used by someone to make a point, or, perhaps, not to make a point. Sophistry refers to the practice of using such arguments, and is used pejoratively for rhetoric that is designed to appeal to the listener on grounds other than the strict logical cogency of the statements being made."

there is something to the more obscure philos- aspect and it's dynamic in an individual which appeals to me in its portrait of a character
» beercrack replied on Sat Jan 20, 2007 @ 5:27pm. Posted in Kegel exercises.
Coolness: 71560
up to a certain point. there is the so-called point of no return though which when you reach it it is practically inevitable to expunge primordial plasma

Update » beercrack wrote on Sat Jan 20, 2007 @ 5:41pm
the whole point of male kegels is to strengthen yourself in that region before the "point of no-return" and gain greater control, strength and sentience. and stuff
» beercrack replied on Sat Jan 20, 2007 @ 5:24pm. Posted in What would you do....
Coolness: 71560
i didnt read through the whole thing. just saw mention of someone i know in the first post. and i agree. some people is fucked. just more reason to be yourself strong and steady before such ignorant hypocritical attacks on self. working with the homeless i learned this: if you ain't got your self in a hermetic circle of stable protection the vulnerable will enter through a crack in your defense and bring you down with them. work on self. know you are limited. to expect anything of anyone is dumb. peopel are ever so limited. oneself is all you got. if you got reason to bitch at others you got reason to tighten up your game
» beercrack replied on Sat Jan 20, 2007 @ 1:55pm. Posted in Kegel exercises.
Coolness: 71560
confucius say a tight cool nutsack is better than a hot droopy one
» beercrack replied on Fri Jan 19, 2007 @ 10:53am. Posted in Kegel exercises.
Coolness: 71560

as you inhale you bring out your abdomen/diaphragm pushing the air deep into your testicles redistributing your chi downwards by your front
as you exhale you bring in your abdomen/diaphragm do your kegel and bring your balls up towards you redistributing your chi up through your back and spine

taoist tantra sex kung fu secret not so secret
» beercrack replied on Fri Jan 19, 2007 @ 10:18am. Posted in Da vinci et Etoile.
Coolness: 71560
= hell'S angels bullshit

even harder selling tactics than pharmaceutical companies

sell you anything to get you hooked and barely alive as long as you got the cash flow steady fiending
» beercrack replied on Fri Jan 19, 2007 @ 9:13am. Posted in Q re:usb soundcard m-audio mobile pre.
Coolness: 71560
thx! looks like a valid reason for me to look into ableton live at this point
» beercrack replied on Thu Jan 18, 2007 @ 12:54pm. Posted in Q re:usb soundcard m-audio mobile pre.
Coolness: 71560
maybe some of you can answer me here:

I just acquired a mobile pre m-audio usb soundcard for a decent price.
so I no longer have to use the mic input on my integrated sound card :P
i would have thought the two inputs would be differentiated as two mono tracks into a general stereo out...
but it looks like it's just the right and left channels
I have a mic plugged in one channel and a keyboard on channel two
and they are each coming out their respective left/right channel

is there no way to hear both inputs as a stereo image
I can select mono monitoring but that just leaves me the left channel

looks like
if i want to record simultaneously channel 1 and 2 with a mic and a line input respectively
i will have to live with each coming out of a stereo channel?
is there no way to have each mono input going into a stereo output instead of a L/R setup?

any input appreciated
» beercrack replied on Wed Jan 17, 2007 @ 5:40pm. Posted in What hardware software you use ?.
Coolness: 71560

"where does the shit go?"
» beercrack replied on Thu Jan 11, 2007 @ 2:13pm. Posted in Marijuana in Montreal....
Coolness: 71560
from my experience if you are getting your shag from "biker" sources there is a good chance of it containing small amounts of crack cocaine. just enough for a subtle action and hardly tasteable. but i noticed it and it is wrong. avoid this. you want to smoke weed. not juicies. m39 is most commonly sold for high turnaround and the small amount of crack is to get consumers hooked and coming back faster. so you are getting mediocre weed. and a a crack problem. my 2 cents
» beercrack replied on Mon Jan 8, 2007 @ 5:47pm. Posted in SICK hiphop mix! (800 tunes in 48 minutes O_o).
Coolness: 71560
it's just cool to sit there and reminisce at all the tracks. as someone who played hip hop at a club in the 90s - and who got disillusioned with it in early adulthood. that disillusionment still remains. but the "cultural" document (note the quotation marks) is relevant. i still think it sucks. as much as violence and alienation sucks.

[ www.madison.k12.wi.us ]

free mumia
» beercrack replied on Thu Jan 4, 2007 @ 3:28pm. Posted in Classic Roland TR-909 Drum Machine for Sale $1200.
Coolness: 71560
paul. i want to borrow it
» beercrack replied on Thu Dec 28, 2006 @ 10:12am. Posted in Wha'd you get for xmas?.
Coolness: 71560
a life less conventional rawali

cherish the love
» beercrack replied on Thu Dec 28, 2006 @ 1:21am. Posted in Would you do porn ???.
Coolness: 71560
well sure if it gratifies and validates and justifies your existence in humanity

but to quote the oneliners

"» Party_Girl said
"whats the difference between a roaster and a whore....the roaster says cock a doole doo.....and the whore says any cock will do.......lolololololol" "

homie's got a GF now with a big L wavelength
» beercrack replied on Thu Dec 28, 2006 @ 12:59am. Posted in Wha'd you get for xmas?.
Coolness: 71560
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to me from me
beercrack's Profile - Community Messages