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2005 December:
[ ]Prepping for the NeonLovesParis NYE party...
[ ]l'electro a sherbrooke
[ ]dec. 22, 2005
[ ]Reflexion sur le silence
[ ]Bleach closing
[ ]a trancy guy
[ ]La relève RAVE est en marche...
[ ]Romaji
[ ]Win my cd !
[ ]og
2005 November:
[ ]Event Hardcore avec DJ-Dione/ENOID
[ ]Mon sommeil
[ ]muhahahaha
[ ]Reflexion sur le vice
[ ]...
[ ]plur?
[ ]Undenied
[ ]yyyyyyyyyyyyaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyy
[ ]pokus
[ ]toi
[ ]Paul Personal Journal DO NOT READ
[ ]so what the hell?
[ ]My religion.
[ ]H fo the hizzo!!
2005 October:
[ ]cant sleep
[ ]Je dormais. (version raccourci)
[ ]Faire le tri
[ ]Quelques Données De Base Sur l'Univers
[ ]wierd
[ ]JOKE inside!
[ ]I love Rave.ca
[ ]lunch break
[ ]Rectification!
[ ]FUCK IT .......
[ ]Dire qu'il y a du monde qui lit ca!
[ ]My cd now @ AtomHeart
[ ]title
[ ]Mon conte pour enfant : ISiLDOR
2005 September:
[ ]Somewhere out there...
[ ]i'm bored
[ ]dkouragé
[ ]F**k you
[ ]Water Carrier
[ ].....
[ ]New Song
[ ]Win CD
[ ]Le sirop antitoussif.. ça gèle en criss (pis ça rime!!)
[ ]salut !
[ ]ah lamour
[ ]Trucs pour attirer ''l'attention...'' d'une femme
2005 August:
[ ]Jeune, Candy et tant de temps a perdre.... !
[ ]Story Of Evil-Ution
[ ]Je Me Souviens . . .
[ ]phrases et pensées personnelles quelconques
[ ]Oh le raunch
[ ]burning man
[ ]just un-married
[ ]3. 2. 1.. BLAST OFF!
[ ]Interesting
[ ]Je suis un aviateur chinois.
[ ]Comment survivre dans des cas extrèmes.
[ ]Shooting Star
[ ]Time
[ ]Update
[ ]free+attraction in your space
[ ]sane as hell
[ ]Ca va vite!
[ ]to: mr.greedy
[ ]Je veux trop aller au Sziget !!!
[ ]Kossé ca st'option là?
2005 July:
[ ]Karma
[ ]lisez si vous avez le courage...
[ ]Je l'aime ma soeur
[ ]Friday July 8th 2005
[ ]wish you were here
[ ]because
[ ]Internally Bleeding
2005 June:
[ ]Ding dong, knock knock, hoolly hooo!
[ ]day 4
[ ]you know...
[ ]2people
[ ]in hong kong we kill you thwee time befowe you hit the floow.
[ ]why everything sucks...
[ ]se tuer à petit feu...
[ ]bump and shake that deriere..
[ ]batti man..
[ ]Some bitch killed my son with a coat hanger..
[ ]killer tomatoes
[ ]This is the rythm of the night.. the nighhht
[ ]meeeooowww
[ ]Its not easy being cheesy!!
[ ]gen wednesday 5:15 @ Peel SAQ
[ ]Fool of Muchaku - Part II
[ ]W.e.D..n.E.s...DA.y!
2005 May:
[ ]quoi le fuck
[ ]Le Weekend.
[ ]ok.. WOOW!!
[ ]this is how we doo
[ ]good luck good luck...
[ ]killing in the name of
[ ]24hrs+ 24hrs
[ ]+24 hours
[ ]so cracked yet so satisfied
[ ]afnsd,gnvowefjqef;
[ ]Smooth Criminal.
[ ]Nous sommes nos propres sauveurs
[ ]Fool of Muchaku - Part I
[ ]Life is pretty
[ ]Profound Emotional Paroxysm; Diseases Of The Consciousness
[ ]hor
[ ]hmmm
[ ]Help!! Statistics!!
[ ]the under dog's on top
[ ]Hate it or love it!
[ ]Life
[ ]Feelings
[ ]i h8 everything
[ ]aahhhjooobooohhooohooo
[ ]I wish..
2005 April:
[ ]no topic
[ ]je vais pas a GMS
[ ]iM sO wIkKeD cOoL!!
[ ]more work journals
[ ]My super duper Deviantart Page
[ ].BlOw Me.
[ ]*proot*
[ ]Peace.
[ ]why?!!!!!!!work?!!!!
[ ]sick
[ ]ooouuuccchhhhh
[ ]Birthday!
[ ]Men Confese, the fragrance they felt hard for...
[ ]Laundry day!
[ ]i had a ferry ferry good nite on friday apr 15th.
[ ]today is tuesday
[ ]Flag Carrier
[ ]Everyday
[ ]The Day After
[ ]Sick
[ ]Today
[ ]Playlist April week 2, 2005
[ ]crap
[ ]Define: "Bleh"
[ ]L'hypocrisie...
[ ]Renewed
[ ]Tomorrow is my 20th!
[ ]Reflections
[ ]Sometimes
[ ]well..
[ ]Damn me! Late night zombie thoughts.
[ ]arg.
[ ]societys shit chosen by god discrace the rest
[ ]Thug Life...How the PS2 brought out that gangsta in me Part.1
[ ]Positive Encouragment.
[ ]*Atchou!*
[ ]Playlist for April 1st-3rd , 2005
[ ]For Gen.
2005 March:
[ ]Spring into summer!
[ ]tonight is..Long Island Fest. 2005
[ ]Kali
[ ]Its a beautiful wednesday *sings*
[ ]Spring
[ ]Somber
[ ]Chocolate
[ ]thurs Mar 17th
2005 February:
[ ]People. Raves. Death. Badly structured, full of ideas.
[ ]teh superbowl!!
[ ]Cities of the Dead
[ ]Blood Magic (A Prelude to Slytherin Solidarity)
[ ]The Day I Tried to Live
[ ]Slytherin Solidarity: Canto V - One for the Razorbacks (Part II)
[ ]Slytherin Solidarity: Canto V - One for the Razorbacks (Part I)
[ ]poem part 2
[ ]poem part 1
[ ]D.I.A.
2005 January:
[ ]20 minutes!
[ ]up an atom
[ ]ARGH!
[ ]Post numero duos
[ ]I get a journal!
[ ]new
[ ]trgfshndfg
[ ]Slytherin Solidarity: Canto IV - Red Moon Rising (Part II)
[ ]Slytherin Solidarity: Canto IV - Red Moon Rising (Part I)
Title:gen wednesday 5:15 @ Peel SAQ
Posted On:2005-06-06 00:00:00
Posted By:» daFTWin
Cannot forget.

lalalalalalalalaalzlalala :)

annyyyyways, my weekend was un-undescribable. I cannot find words to possibly explain it.
close runners up would be:
1) The most romantic weekend EVER!
3) *SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEEK* (that ones a sound of me squeeking)

I am still like in a daze, I cannot stop going over and over and over this weekend in my head and thinking "no way!"

..and it wasnt just the flourishing romance that was awsome. It was everything. My friends, the weather, the plans for the summer I made, seeing so many people I love, seeing so many people I missed A LOT more than I have in the like past 1-2 years.

Everything is falling into place better than I ever thought possible.

I want a job, I get a really good one where they love me and give me raises and bonuses :)
I want a summer romance..well lets just say I want anything that has to do with this guy, anything at all. Even if we've already had all we'll have together, (which I hope isnt the case cause well I think I've fallen and I can't get up <3. AAANNNND I think the feeling is returned) Never has someone driven me so completly insane (in a good way) or made me feel completly fearless, things that frightened me dont anymore ex. falling and hurting myself..normally that would scare me cause getting hurt sucks..now, I think "wtv, so..i'll get bruised or scratched, who cares". SO BEAUTIFUL 2.. In every sence inside and out, and i'd like to find someone anyone, who would say otherwise. ANYWAYS
Also, I wanted to move out for the summer, but I also wanted to go away, Eva says her whole family is leaving and that she'll be alone for 2 months, so im gonna stay with her for a while.. now I can save to go away at the end of the summer, bond with my oldest friend and0, be "free."
I feel good,
I look good,
the weather is beatiful..
I got the world on my side, and I think im just happy i'm here.
I've fucked around a lot, but I always told myself I would get my act together, and grow up, take some initiative and be responsible, accomplish goals I have always had, and I'm just happy that I actually am. That I wanted this so much and I did it, and I succeeded way further then the goals I had set out for myself, by a long shot.

The weather add's to it aswell :)

So im gonna stop writting, call le boi and go sit in a park.

Don't fear life.