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2008 December:
[ ]Massively interesting
[ ]Mon chemin (parce qu'il faudrait bien que j'y mette un titre...)
[ ]MOi!!!
[ ]Fake plastic masks
[ ]Alchimie
[ ]Un. Trou. Noir.
[ ]Brumes
[ ]DJ IN THE BOX! PODCAST 05 (Tom Colontonio anthem)
[ ]we talk too much
[ ]Reign In Blood!!!!
[ ]Self Aware
[ ]Mainframe
[ ]Damn shitty.
[ ]New Mix! Chimichanga 2
[ ]all i need
2008 November:
[ ]La fin!
[ ]OTHER SIDE (Original mix) - DJ IN THE BOX!
[ ]Impulsif?
[ ]À l'amour!
[ ]Saphir pour Hardcore Underground
[ ]Demenagement et recherche Coloc
[ ]fds et le reste
[ ]WoW is just scientology with elves
[ ]le style de ljho,,e de ljp,,e libre
[ ]Muzik 4 Machines
[ ]Incapable de lire ma musique?
[ ]La déchéance de ma meilleure amie
[ ]NEW release on myspace
2008 October:
[ ]Un album?
[ ]getting really sick of these dreams...
[ ]Dj In The Box! PODCAST 02
[ ]sujets
[ ]Dj In The Box! on RadioFree USA
[ ]Signification de rêve
[ ]Another WTF dream that goes into a sleep paralysis
[ ]Maudite Bronchite
[ ].
[ ]Dj In The Box! PODCAST
[ ]RIPFeuMAth
[ ]between & et & :-
[ ]Ice Age
[ ]8pstarg
[ ]First Journal
[ ]I love this city
2008 September:
[ ]the underground
[ ]Journal de voyage d'une Fée
[ ]un veritable ami
[ ]house of cart
2008 August:
[ ]Big Changes
[ ]Bizarre
[ ]Mayan Astrology
[ ]The self
[ ]Call of the Eldest
[ ]seul..
2008 July:
[ ]Art Proposal (Monks With Sticks/Sex, Lies, And Videotape)
[ ]To
[ ]She's A Killer Queen
[ ]psychedelic experience
[ ]Sa vous interesseras peut-être pas mais ...
[ ]Provocation....et merci.
[ ]I like Monkeys
[ ]Downfall.
[ ]booker , manager wanted !!!
[ ]???
2008 June:
[ ]Nite-lite was kick ass! and Tiesto soon + more!
[ ]Les temps changent... les gens...
[ ]StReSsEd!!!!
[ ]Value.
[ ]Bored:Saturday,June 14th,2008
[ ]Midnight Random Thoughts
2008 May:
[ ]Breaking Me Up
[ ]www.SCHiZO.etsy.com
[ ]Anime list of sorts
[ ]My place in the smallest of spotlights among those who shine et ainsi de suite ^^
[ ]Wow, Just ... Wow
[ ]Remember to Forget
[ ]http://www.1000ventures.com
[ ]Killing time.
[ ]Sketchy Randomness
[ ]Burial - Archangel
[ ]A Raver's Manifesto
[ ]This is my manifesto.
[ ]Dance Hall Queen~Routine...
[ ]Hope
2008 April:
[ ]Credit recovry
[ ]Well THAT was fucking close
[ ]Kuujjuaq
[ ]Psyilence prejudice
[ ]Travelling...
[ ]confortably numb
[ ]fist rave
[ ]Apology
[ ]Lonely is better right now.
[ ]Expressions
[ ]memo
[ ]Montreal Morning--- The story of me
[ ]Whats new?
[ ]Incomprehendiular
[ ]Didier Super - Petit Caniche
[ ]Growing up
[ ]Nous sommes?
2008 March:
[ ]I like Monkeys
[ ]fucking stalkers
[ ]Transitions
[ ]vampiros venezolanos
[ ]j'aime faire des croquettes au chien
[ ]Genesis - Dancing with the Moonlit Knight
[ ]Genesis - The Musical Box
[ ]Genesis - Supper's Ready
[ ]Des quotes Rave.ca 2008
[ ]Thom Yorke - Skip Divided
[ ]what a weekend!!
[ ]New Here
[ ]Once I lost a smile
[ ]espoir
[ ]J'aime mieux...
[ ]Ezechiel 25:17 i!
[ ]Apocalypticodramatic
[ ]"Why do they call you Butterman?"
[ ]Why do I get all the love in the world...
[ ]good things come to those who wait
[ ]4 mars 2008
[ ]Le Grand Sommeil
[ ]last night was tits!
2008 February:
[ ]Quelques mots de Jardin
[ ]Inconscience
[ ]Éveil...
[ ]Il faudrait apprendre à lire
[ ]no dnb last night
[ ]Tonight
[ ]Duopolis...
[ ]I live in Montreal
[ ]of silence
[ ]Night at cody's/ update
[ ]Free LInks (YouTube) to Noise(music)
[ ]Butterman's all-time (L8T 90s, Y2K, post) favorite adult film female stars/performers
[ ]One of those defining moments
[ ]um...I was told to start a journal
[ ]A Journal Not for Party
[ ]I am in "LOVE" with Hollywwod actress Christina Ricci.
2008 January:
[ ]Paroles en l'air
[ ]Mon entrée
[ ]In the End...
[ ]a semi-rant
[ ]be a space pirate prt.2
[ ]stuff from my personal journal
[ ]Ravers are depraved. (???!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
[ ]PLUR, what?
[ ]The New Rave and our trip to montreal
[ ]NEW RAVE!, New Friends...and a Sadly Early Departure REVISED
[ ]Vida de la musika
[ ]New Rave! The Prequel!!
[ ]Value Village is Awesome!!!
Title:fds et le reste
Posted On:2008-11-17 20:33:45
Posted By:» DiddyKong
j'ai passer un bon debut de fin de semaine
jusqu'à se qu'un ami se fasse arrête avec mes clef d'auto ! Merci Antonino for the ride until the jail!!
Sa ma fait changer les idées pendant qu'mon ex se collais a un autre mec... j'peux rien faire mais sa fait toujours mal voir ça!

Listening To: Aphex Twin
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