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2006 December:
[ ]"zizazig-ha"
[ ]How To Wake Up In The Morning And Take On The Day Like You Mean It
[ ]Sagesse pour la vie !!
[ ]Pensées
[ ]Comment Devenir Un Astronaute Autonome
[ ]“The real outside is 'at the heart' of the inside“ - An interview with Jean-Luc Nancy
[ ]L'inutile dictionnaire essentiel des trucs inutilement utilisés par Dudu et ses copains!
[ ]Jungle is Massif
[ ]Wick-it
[ ]Paroles de sages
[ ]Conseils
[ ]Perles de sagesse
[ ]Paroles
[ ]Out of the Jungle
[ ]Montreal
[ ]Assemblage 23 - I Am The Rain
[ ]Smile
[ ]Attraction
[ ]Hey
[ ]people
[ ]Caring
[ ]parole déja dite!!!
[ ].....2
[ ]...!
[ ]The Santa Claws-The death of majik and trust
[ ]***
[ ]Ode au cinema: version feminine versus masculine!
2006 November:
[ ]Incongru (Chill après SSF)
[ ]Correspondance
[ ]Mmm records.
[ ]Déclaration pixellisée: version feminine vs masculine!
[ ]Mes photos !!!
[ ]my name is what .. ?!
[ ]Astrologie chinoise
[ ]The dj's guide to being cool
[ ]L.S.D.
[ ]rave.ca
[ ]If you have to do drugs...
[ ]hivernation
[ ]xxx
[ ]HIN!
[ ]pls donate to the narfette does southamerika fund
[ ]music when the lights go out
[ ]I am my own antithesis
[ ]vivre ta vie
[ ]*roar*
[ ]controversies in subjective psychosis a.k.a: philosophy
[ ]Allegory of the Cave - Plato
[ ]I'm still alive...
2006 October:
[ ]Noirceur
[ ]Fusion
[ ]I miss you love
[ ]The truth
[ ]Goodbye my lover
[ ]Rave chat n sounds
[ ]untouched land..
[ ]Unforseen Circumstances
[ ]Awen, Oh; Inderlude of Myth
[ ]@lterna
[ ]?
[ ]Saviour
[ ]imposture.
[ ]william,shakespeare.
[ ]Elle!
[ ]Psychoactive 3
[ ]Birth is not a diverson.
[ ]Like OMFG
[ ]défaite
[ ]The e Diet.
[ ]imagining answers
2006 September:
[ ]Divinity
[ ]tryo
[ ]Nine Inch Nails - Closer
[ ]Nine Inch Nails - The Great Below
[ ]Flash
[ ]Où est passé l'imagination?
[ ]1st Entry - "The Rundown"
[ ]Shooting Star after party (story)
[ ]Raving at Aria!
[ ]It's not dead yet
[ ]Yay I dropped a course
[ ]Starting Life Over Again...
[ ]In this one I say "fuckin'" a lot
[ ]You
[ ]Support your scene
[ ]....
[ ]The Project Mayhem
[ ]la vie...
[ ]La beauté.
[ ]...
2006 August:
[ ]Zipper (We Like The Bass Chill Story)
[ ]uuh
[ ]We Like The Bass Chill Jokes
[ ]We Like The Bass Chill Quotes
[ ]The new generation
[ ]Wet Dog (Mad Caddies)
[ ]Identity Crisis (Thrice)
[ ]Impossible (Roller Starter)
[ ]Pas juste eux autres qui peuvent avoir des aventures inter-bloggeux...
[ ]BS
[ ]Journal
[ ]schizophrenia
[ ]Incongru (Shooting Star Forever Chill Story)
[ ]Shooting Star Forever
[ ]Alone
[ ]A raver's life
[ ]Pink Floyd - Time
[ ]Pink Floyd - Another Brick in the Wall part 3
[ ]Pink Floyd - Welcome to the Machine
[ ]Pink Floyd - Dogs
[ ]Forest
[ ]**********
[ ]A word on relationships, friends, and betrayal
[ ]about me
[ ]Dernier week-end
[ ]without a word
[ ]Une journee vedge a Londres
[ ]Londres
[ ]If you don't love what you do, why don't you do what you love?
2006 July:
[ ]Oh putain!
[ ]2nd
[ ]First day in London
[ ]promotion, promotion, promotion
[ ]Vacances 2006
[ ]In the beginning
[ ]1#
[ ]What makes a good party
[ ]I am becoming an emokid!
[ ]The wonders of the internet
2006 June:
[ ]Djs
[ ]That new anti-smoking law.
[ ]What's wrong with the rave scene
[ ]a reason why
[ ]before sleep
[ ]Unissons-nous
[ ]Le temps
[ ]les mots
[ ]Désolé!
[ ]Mon nuage..
[ ]La terre est en guerre
[ ]sixty hour discourse
[ ]Revived
[ ]The Obscure Rambalings of a Dislexic, ADD Ridden, Irelin Syndrom, Paranoia Nut Case
[ ]The Land
2006 May:
[ ]eeEee
[ ]sleepless
[ ]Le Sourire
[ ]figée dans mon élan...depuis quand?
[ ]shaaaaaaa- naaaaaayyyyy
[ ]twsited
[ ]please
[ ]Fear or Love
[ ]Me pardonneras-tu?
[ ]Trancelucent Productions - V/A The Ayahuaska Experience CD - OUT NOW!!!
[ ]Trancelucent Productions - OPPOSITE 0 HARD ENOUGH CD - OUT NOW!!!
[ ]Megan
2006 April:
[ ]Place
[ ]Wouah...
[ ]ATOC rocks!
[ ]La bonne facon de pensé..
[ ]Finals soon!
[ ]Etre authentique...
[ ]Amour...
[ ]preparation
[ ]l'alphabet des ravers !! lOol !
[ ]hiiiha
2006 March:
[ ]connecticut
[ ]Circus
[ ]www.galvan.org
[ ]i haev to scream
[ ]Try
[ ]blah blah
[ ]im new at this
[ ]Hardcore
[ ]Angels of the dark
[ ]Hypocrite
2006 February:
[ ]For breakfast I had a small portion of cake and...
[ ]Heilsa!
[ ]nadland---where the roads are paved with gummy bears
[ ]Marianne - Tori Amos
[ ]It is that, Just.
[ ]My inspiration
[ ]Authenticité
[ ]To You My Friend
[ ]Idee de T
[ ]J'ai mal au ventre...
[ ]comme toujours
2006 January:
[ ]Juste trop de lectures
[ ]..............
[ ]L'expérimentation du grand Architecte
[ ]Game master
[ ]ouf what a year 2005
[ ]test
[ ]A song of enlightenment
[ ]My Ex
[ ]My Destroyed Life
[ ]take me down
[ ]De retour avec son kit de son
[ ]Houellebecq meets Nietzsche
[ ]puls cafe cracow poland
[ ]Déjà 10 ans de rap français... !!
[ ]the banjo consorsium on seedsound netlabel
[ ]Still a lot to knnow about ourselves!!!
[ ]day off!
Title:The wonders of the internet
Posted On:2006-07-08 17:21:40
Posted By:» Le_D
The internet is a great way to pass a message, and what better way for everyone to say what they have to say than a message board? I'm talking about rave message boards of course. It's fun, it's a good way to know about parties and it's full of drama. It's also a good way to realize that raves aren't necessarily what we believe em to be. After my first rave, I actually thought that everyone was friendly...then I subscribed to message boards.

First thing about the internet, is that it's a good way to promote. Now, a good way doesn't mean the best way. Too many promoters are using rave websites as their only promotion tool­. The scene certainly won't grow if parties are only annonced on the internet. The only people who'll know about it are the people who go to every party anyway. Most people don't take the time to check every topic on message boards, a lot of ravers don't even subscribe. Internet promotion is fine for loft parties, wich are smaller and don't wanna attract to much attention, but promoting an actual rave can't be done this way.

Message boards aren't a promotional tool, they're a way for ravers to keep in contact with one another. In other words, create cliques. All those cliques have to share the same message boards, this can create clashing, resulting in drama. While it does, in a way, reflect reality, this doesn't necessarily give the scene a good image. A lot of message boards are full of neverending drama threads, people dissing promoters or djs, and other immature behavior. People allow themselves to say anything they want, because they're hiding behind an avatar.

The best thing we can do is just try to act civil. Message boards aren't meant to be a way of life. Please, people, be respectful. Don't diss people, if you have something to say, say it objectively without pointing any fingers. Yes, message boards are a good way to discuss about problems, but there's a way to do this. First, make sure what you want to talk about is of interest to the community as a whole, and not just your group of friends. Also, always stay detached from what you read. Even if you're frustrated with other users, don't say it on the board. When emotions come in, there's bound to be drama. Just talk to your real life friend about it, go take a walk, but don't react on the board, you're just gonna find more frustration. I've NEVER seen anyone change their opinion due to a thread on a message board.

Now, don't get me wrong, message boards aren't a bad thing. If it weren't for ravewave, I wouldn't be writing this blog right now. Just remember that when you post, you're making your opinion public. Please think about making the boards friendly for newbies.

Oh, and one last thing, if you don't rave anymore, but keep posting to stay in touch with your old rave buddies, don't ever, EVER diss new ravers. Okay, you've grown out of the glowsticks, pacifiers and plastic beads. That's not a reason to bitch younger ravers who are just having fun. You can bitch as much as you want when you're at home with your friends, but be respectful when online. If someone is disrespectful to you, ignore them, or just post once to say that you don't care. Afterward, never open the thread again.

Listening To: Matricks - Happiness
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