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News (Media Awareness Project) - US IL: LTE: Marijuana Legalization Would Be Harmful
Title:US IL: LTE: Marijuana Legalization Would Be Harmful
Published On:2011-10-31
Source:Chicago Tribune (IL)
Fetched On:2011-11-02 06:00:20

In Steve Chapman's commentary ("On weed: Dazed and confused no more"
Oct. 27), he argues for legalization of marijuana and says that drug
enforcement has not worked, but he disregards the facts. He mentions
Jimmy Carter's comments about reducing penalties.

I served as the Administrator of the U.S. Drug Enforcement
Administration during the Ford, Carter and Reagan administrations and
penalties for marijuana sales under Carter were increased, and the
Asset Forfeiture Law passed, allowing seizure of assets derived from
illegal drug deals. More importantly, in 1978, 25.4 million Americans
used illegal drugs, 11 percent of our population (225 million); in
2009, there were 22 million, 7 percent (of 305 million). So don't
tell us drug laws have not worked.

Yes, millions use marijuana; our highway accidents tell that story. A
report in Epidemiolgic Reviews titled, "Marijuana and Motor Vehicle
Crashes," documents that using marijuana puts an individual at a
significantly higher risk of causing motor vehicle crashes, twice as
many as non-marijuana users. Legalize marijuana? Highways become far
more dangerous and so will workplaces.

Alcohol leaves the body at the rate of one drink an hour; marijuana
stays in the body/brain for days, even weeks if used regularly.
Employers use drug tests to screen employees. Now what would they do?
Hire employees high on pot that will have higher accidents,
absenteeism and disciplinary problems. Research proves that would happen.

The Gallup Poll says one out of two people favor legalization. The
public doesn't know the facts. They do not know that marijuana, with
468 different chemicals, has much higher cancer causing agents and
tar than tobacco cigarettes. The FDA, the World Health Organization
and The American Cancer Society have concluded that smoking marijuana
is neither safe nor effective.

Science provides persuasive evidence that legalization would be a
terrible mistake for our children, families, industry,
transportation, health care and society. The science on marijuana
needs to reach the public so it can be truly informed.

- -- Peter Bensinger, former Administrator of U.S. Drug Enforcement
Administration, Chicago
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