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News (Media Awareness Project) - US CA: LTE: To Win Drug War, Cut Demand
Title:US CA: LTE: To Win Drug War, Cut Demand
Published On:2011-10-28
Source:Sacramento Bee (CA)
Fetched On:2011-10-29 06:01:58

Re "U.S. infiltrates deep into Mexico drug rings" (Page A1, Oct. 25):
One thing I do not understand is why, with all the amazing power of
advertising and media campaigns, the federal government fails to
campaign against the real cause of the so-called war on drugs: U.S.
demand for these illegal drugs. We could avoid the dangerous and
exorbitantly expensive quagmire of fighting ruthless drug lords in
Mexico simply by curbing the demand-driven trade on our side of the

Michelle Obama created a terrific anti-obesity media blitz, so why not
educate Americans about how unpatriotic it is to buy illegal drugs?

The money goes straight to empower some of the most dangerous people
on earth, so why not try telling kids and adults this fact in loud,
repetitive ads the same way we sell everything else in America. It
actually might work.

Kristi Anderson

Fair Oaks
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