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News (Media Awareness Project) - Brazil: Edu: Psychedelic Sermons in the Amazon
Title:Brazil: Edu: Psychedelic Sermons in the Amazon
Published On:2009-11-19
Source:Meliorist, The (CN AB Edu)
Fetched On:2009-11-23 16:51:00

In the murky depths of the Amazon, there is a rare combination of
vine and plant geneses, when combined, they are among one of the most
powerful hallucinogens known to man. Its many forms, which vary from
brewer to brewer, are known as ayahuasca.

The drug conjures up images of fantastical and illusionary worlds,
gives the sensation of visiting magical cities and generally invokes
a state of being which most of us will never know. Though similar to
psilocybin (magic mushrooms) and LSD (acid), it has birthed some
fantastical practices in the greater Amazonian area.

In these southern reaches, there are many tribes with traditions of
ayahuasca use that vary from mild religious use to shamanistic ritualism.

In the extreme cases, there is an element of psychedelic warfare in
which one shaman uses spirits to battle the spirits of other shamans.

In this psychedelic battle among some tribes, a shaman would use his
prowess to control the world around him under the effects of the
drugs. Other users would observe his ability to interact spiritually
with reality. Often they would see the spiritual images of beasts
and demons that would combat each other on behalf of the shamans.
These practitioners ingested magical items they found to becomes more
powerful. If they could swallow a piece of some fearsome creature,
they believed they could wield the power of that creature's spiritual essence.

The drug is so potent that some tribes told visiting explorers that
they had already seen images of New York and other major cities of
the early twentieth century. These supernatural trances evolved into
a major part in the cuktuer of these communities. In some cases, a
quarter of the male population would be involved in the shamanistic
use of ayahuasca.

Even with such widespread use, there is an element of mysticism
surrounding the drug and its preparation. In actuality there were
people who believed their interactions with the world they
experienced on a hallucinogen impacted reality. This may seem
ridiculous to some, but many movements have been founded on far less
substantial evidence.

As to the makeup of the drug, it is harmine and/or harmaline with a
dimethyl-tryptamine (DMT). For those not in the study of organic
chemistry, these are two very rare species of plants that somehow a
large number of peoples have been able to isolate and prepare into a
mind altering substance.

Ayahuasca, even in brewed and prepared form, is legal in North
America. However, it is by no means recreational as vomiting and
sickness, which makes it a little unpopular, often accompany it.

Ayahuasca use, however, is still occurring today.

In some parts of Brazil, people use it under the supervision of a
master who asks the user questions to aid them on their spiritual
quest. People use the drug routinely to cleanse themselves of
impurity of character and self.

All around the world, drugs have been used to understand oneself and
the world around them. Ayahuasca is just one of many drugs people
have used to answer questions they couldn't fathom and explain the unexplained.
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