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News (Media Awareness Project) - Mexico: Wire: Urine test finds 424 Mexican officials on drugs
Title:Mexico: Wire: Urine test finds 424 Mexican officials on drugs
Published On:1997-03-19
Fetched On:2008-09-08 21:05:37
MEXICO CITY, March 18 (Reuter) Drug tests on personnel in Mexico's
Attorney General's office found 424 people, including 241 lawenforcement
agents, had illegal drugs in their systems, officials said on Tuesday.

``Of the 424 public servants, 195 work as agents of the Federal Judicial
Police, 38 as agents of the Public Ministry, eight as evidence technicians
and 183 as administrative personnel,'' the Attorney General's Office said in
a statement.

Of the positive urine tests for drugs, 204 showed cocaine, 130 sedatives,
85 amphetamines and 17 marijuana, the statement said. Eleven workers tested
positive for more than one drug.

The statement did not say how many workers were tested, nor did it say
whether disciplinary action would be taken.
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