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» Plan-C replied on Sat Jul 31, 2004 @ 10:21am. Posted in London.
Coolness: 62815
Thanks for the info guys,

I have successfully convinced the old lady that it will be an "educational, worthwhile, and memorable" adventure. Let us hope that it is none of the above.

I'm hoping to go to this party on friday featuring, Billy Daniel Bunter, Brisk, Kevin Energy, Hixxy, Sharkey, Tin Tin, and Spinback. There's also a hard dance room but that's not as important anyways =P
My friend wants to see some punk shows too, anyone know anything about that?
» Plan-C replied on Thu Jul 29, 2004 @ 6:00pm. Posted in London.
Coolness: 62815
hidelly ho to all,

anyways i'm still in french town (aka paris) and finish my summer job next friday yay! anyways I'm thinking of starting off my summer (as it hasn't officially started yet in my book) with a brief trip to london as its only a few hundred kilometers and a plane trip away. anyways before i can go, i must as corny as it sounds clear the plan with my beloved parents god bless them. as such, i must come up with ideas for things to do that will be "educational, worth while, and memorable". this does not include raves, crackshacks, and shows to say the least although we all know that's the real reason i'm going. anyways, i was just wondering if anyone had some good ideas on things to do, places to see, or just shit to tell my parents i'm going to do. however, any info on parties or good forums to check out would be certainly appreciated to the fullest degree. otherwise, i'm back in mtl in a couple weeks i'll c y'all then. peace for now
» Plan-C replied on Fri Jul 23, 2004 @ 8:23am. Posted in new mixed drinks.
Coolness: 62815
Irish Car Bomb:

A pint of guinness (cold). then drop a shot of good whiskey in. Gotta chug it or the whiskey will mix in too much, and you'll be guilty of being a pussy. I recommend racing someone with it - good motivation.
» Plan-C replied on Tue Jul 20, 2004 @ 8:11am. Posted in buh bye.
Coolness: 62815
[ www. ] Bye chelsea, Boston will miss you... and your antics ;)
» Plan-C replied on Tue Jul 13, 2004 @ 5:44am. Posted in New weekly - Fluid Thursdays @ Juice.
Coolness: 62815
Originally posted by HALF BAKED...

so i say no worries
and if any confusion-bad feelings arise , we'll do our best to get the best of both worlds and collaborate to the max

Yeah Nimi,

no worries. collaboration... and 2X the innebriation
» Plan-C replied on Tue Jun 22, 2004 @ 2:51pm. Posted in Faith and Fate.
Coolness: 62815
on second thought... maybe that wasn't free will.... maybe that was just a whole lot of stupidity since mommy didn't teach him to wipe his own ass
» Plan-C replied on Tue Jun 22, 2004 @ 2:42pm. Posted in Faith and Fate.
Coolness: 62815
Originally posted by VIOLENCE INC....

as atrix said... animals have no free will, they purely function off instinct.

Last time i checked i didn't see a monkey stop eating cause it was fatter than the other monkeys.

I watched this movie in human evolution class once. it was about these chimps - like the whoel family and little clan or tribe or whatever you call their group. anyways polio infected their enclave and so some of them started dying, including our protagonist, this mother chimpanzee. her spoiled son, (spoiled cuz she loved him too much and was one of the higher ranking) got so depressed when she died that he stopped eating, and starved himself to death in a tree. i'm not sure if that attests to their intelligence... but i think it says something about free will.
» Plan-C replied on Fri Jun 18, 2004 @ 4:25am. Posted in PCandy Survives the Mideast Thread.
Coolness: 62815
haha i know exactly and i mean exactly where you took that last picture. this thread is like a step back to high school man. did you have to take a divin course? and i think you should bring ian a 2 humped camel from asia as a compromise.
» Plan-C replied on Fri Jun 18, 2004 @ 4:15am. Posted in The REAL bootycall thread.
Coolness: 62815
i think its time for some new threads.
» Plan-C replied on Thu Jun 17, 2004 @ 10:56am. Posted in drugs bore me.
Coolness: 62815

well he did say "if they're lucky".

if it was me in that position however, things prolly woulda been different. For instance the baby woulda become ultra-mutated-super-deranged-like, and rip and tear through the womb and stomach like in those aliens movies and then devour my partner. oh well, saves me the trouble of having to raise the thing.
» Plan-C replied on Thu Jun 17, 2004 @ 7:16am. Posted in drugs bore me.
Coolness: 62815
Originally posted by EL-DEE...

The only thing is that most of you are pretty much fucked up beyond repair. I'm gonna start a list and try to predict who will die of a serious illness related to the massive drug intake. OR who's gonna have the most retarded children.. NOW that's gonna be a blast.

Man there are so many things to do out there, I can't believe that yo'all depend on substances to make life 'fun'.

Anyhoo, good luck with those kids again.. if you're lucky they'll only be 1/2 retarded with massive ADD.

Not to dis on nat or alex... but what happened there? could 2 horrible wrongs really make a right? maybe their intake just sorta worked like in that movie (i can't remember the name... Fred?) where everything just cancelled itself out and left you with nothing but placebo.
» Plan-C replied on Wed Jun 16, 2004 @ 7:53am. Posted in Ephedrine is Back.
Coolness: 62815
E = )
» Plan-C replied on Wed Jun 16, 2004 @ 7:37am. Posted in magic mushroom tea.
Coolness: 62815
chuckles approves
» Plan-C replied on Wed Jun 16, 2004 @ 7:33am. Posted in HARD AS FUCK : Military Editon July 31.
Coolness: 62815
damn this looks intersesting... i wish i could be in montreal when it happens.
» Plan-C replied on Wed Jun 16, 2004 @ 4:39am. Posted in Harry Potter.
Coolness: 62815
i love harry potter so much, i went to see the new one in theaters with my mom last saturday! well... actually i was just that bored. the movie kinda sucked. i think the next one will be better cuz hermoine will be of almost shaggable age, at least she'll look it.
» Plan-C replied on Wed Jun 16, 2004 @ 3:25am. Posted in magic mushroom tea.
Coolness: 62815
Originally posted by [SCREWHEAD]...

*whacks Chuckles with an icicle*

*does his best Macbeth pose
» Plan-C replied on Wed Jun 16, 2004 @ 3:24am. Posted in exam writing on Speed.
Coolness: 62815
no... your average pill is between about 100-150 mg (someone please correct me if i'm wrong). now at the STRONG dose, that would place 1.5 grams at the equivalent of doing about 10 speeds in one nite. That would be unhealthy, although there are some like speedy that might think its a good thing ;). But yeah i'm with lone star, when you've done too much speed you start to not so much hallicinate as see things out of the corner of your eye and hear faint voices. Amphetamine Schizphrenia its called - and it SUCKS. It comes with the paranoia of speed crackout, part of the reason crackout parties are so popular. The best thing you can do after a speed trip is eat then sleep no matter how hard it is.
» Plan-C replied on Wed Jun 16, 2004 @ 3:13am. Posted in the stangest place you've done Mdma.
Coolness: 62815
» Plan-C replied on Tue Jun 15, 2004 @ 7:07am. Posted in magic mushroom tea.
Coolness: 62815
Originally posted by GOO...

Shrooms aren't supposed to be heated i heard ..

but in all native traditions they had it as tea ..
so i'm confused ...i dunno ..

anyways i do shrooms once every 2-3 years now ...
fell in it when i was younger ...:lol

and i gots a killa recipe that tastes way better than a tea ..

In response to your comment about shrooms being heated, its not the being heated that's bad. You can't cook them is what it is, ie don't try making mush brownies or your gonna make your brownies taste like shit, and dont' expect to get much of a buzz either. smoking mush isn't a great idea either... although despite what they say it gets you very slightly high - sorta like when you're falling asleep that state of half awakeness. its complemented by a wonderful headache too. now making tea, that totally works, although i hate tea too so that doesn't work for me either.
» Plan-C replied on Tue Jun 15, 2004 @ 5:41am. Posted in 2ci drug report.....
Coolness: 62815
Originally posted by BASDINI...

ThE DRug Of ThE fUtUrE...


THE DRUG...period

until we move on to 2ce....
» Plan-C replied on Tue Jun 15, 2004 @ 5:38am. Posted in exam writing on Speed.
Coolness: 62815
Originally posted by DISCRAVEDUCK...

I see that some here have experience with Speed.

I took 1.5 g last night, plus 4 joints (not all by myself, of course).
So, is it normal ?

i seriously hope you don't mean 1.5 grams of speed...
» Plan-C replied on Tue Jun 15, 2004 @ 5:02am. Posted in Montreal old school rave scene 1994.
Coolness: 62815
i hate to bring the subject back to the drug issues. but there is some truth about it. what's taken over the scene in montreal as far as drugs are concerned, is primarily speed. and speed isn't even like it used to be. if you check out you're old pills, you'll find that speed is a combination of methamphetamines, amphetamines, often a little cocaine, and yes even mdma and/or mda, and perhaps a little pcp as usual. still not that healthy of a combo but a hell of al lot better than what they've got the kids on now: speed = pure methamphetamines stucks together with some kinda paste. oh and they still might throw in a little pcp just for kicks. coke and mdma are too expensive and not addictive enuf in speed form, so why would the manufacturers bother (and we all know who they are - the same people that own all the fucking clubs).

and sorrry for my obnoxiously long post, i'm at work and i'm really fucking bored... it wasn't my fault!
anyways, kids love to dance and party hard, and this is perfect for them to do that. new peoples come in, get hooked in for 6 months to a year, get cracked out, and that's the last we see of em. 10 years ago, and i wasn't even around then but i've talked to people who were, E was cleaner, speed was barely heard of, and if i'm not mistaken had basically the notoriety as meth. And ACID. does anyone have the faintest idea where to get acid in montreal? if they do they're not sharing the secret... not to mention i'm still dying to try some

This also brings us to the subject of deco. those of us who were around even a couple years ago remember how much better decorations were. there used to be glowing fluoro paints, stars, fishes, whatever hanging from the ceiling. trip screens. but that kinda stuff all just caters more to people who are either really really rolling on e - and by that i mean pure mdma cuz any e in montreal is just speed with a little mdma in it, or it also caters really nicely to all the various pschadelics that all the kiddies seem to know nothing about. deco now just seems to be too much of a hassle or something...

What i think we need, and fred might agree with me on this one, is we need to pour a bucket of something like acid or 2ci into ravewave, lay down some hard acid acid on a phat soundsystem with some flouro deco in some old ghettoass location, bring back the 24 hour in advance info lines and ravebusses, and see where that takes us. as with almost anything though, as much as we might long for a return of the oldskool, we're all too fucking lazy to put in any kind of effort. as someone else mentioned, we're too fucking lazy to even go to meghom or musikhall to buy pre-sale tickets anymore.
» Plan-C replied on Tue Jun 15, 2004 @ 2:20am. Posted in the stangest place you've done Mdma.
Coolness: 62815
I found that part more distressing. I think that was about the time that we forbid Alex from smoking for like 3 days, so he kinda just went insane hyperactive. The wasps only excited him more. they had to go... quick.

But yes. that nite was the shit... and i can still remember the sound of that sign vibrating from natasha's forehead. lets not forget the beautiful carpet too! we dragged that like all the way from hmm... i dont' remember... and i still think we should pushed the shoppin cart down the hill. Who's idea was it to get that fucked up at blizzarts anyways?
» Plan-C replied on Mon Jun 14, 2004 @ 2:25pm. Posted in the stangest place you've done Mdma.
Coolness: 62815
i woulda expected a lot more from this thread... comon peoples give me some ideas
» Plan-C replied on Mon Jun 14, 2004 @ 3:36am. Posted in Mary Mac @ The Next Level.
Coolness: 62815
wow.... i really am missing all the fun in paris.

on another note, i'd like to thank you all for giving me something to do for my first hour of work this lameass monday morning. if i'd known how good this was gonna be, i'd printed out this 4 pages of crap to be properly disposed of in the shitter.
» Plan-C replied on Thu Jun 3, 2004 @ 9:33am. Posted in what is that pill???.
Coolness: 62815
white and grey isn't sold in stores relaly so no one could realy cap that themselves. unless its an import... most likely prescription as they're usually frequently double colored... prolly safe unless you have some kidna reaction but maybe not what you had in mind.
» Plan-C replied on Sat Apr 17, 2004 @ 8:27pm. Posted in Dangerous Drug Combinations.
Coolness: 62815
dangerous drug combinations... hmm... dxm and southern comfort...
» Plan-C replied on Mon Mar 1, 2004 @ 1:18pm. Posted in Night of the Mush KLXXXIVII.
Coolness: 62815
Yay for mush!
» Plan-C replied on Sun Feb 1, 2004 @ 8:17pm. Posted in ambriel!.
Coolness: 62815
What can I say. Taht was dope.... and the best part is I actually remember too! Thanks to the promoters for not caring about our drunken stampeding, and sorry to all the people I probably crashed into and knocked over. So Pookie where the fuck did you go? Outdrink me??? Say what??? ;D I still got more stars than you ariane! even if i lost half of them.... Liam thanks for tolerating my stupidity
» Plan-C replied on Tue Jan 27, 2004 @ 3:33pm. Posted in A Rave in the Life of a Candy Kid.
Coolness: 62815
Only Dan........... LOL
» Plan-C replied on Tue Dec 23, 2003 @ 3:38pm. Posted in My OFFICIAL stand on women..
Coolness: 62815
whoa whoa whoa!!!! i think we're all being a little hasty here. I think we've forgotten that women do control the world -----> via controlling the stupid men eldee is talking about. I for one know that I sure as hell can't seem to dominate anythign. My mommy still ties my shoes.

I think its time that us MEN TAKE THE POWA BACK!!!!
» Plan-C replied on Tue Dec 23, 2003 @ 7:26am. Posted in kazaa.....
Coolness: 62815
Yeah I suppose you're right. But then again I'm the kinda guy that turns on the tv and passes the remote to someone else. I don't really give a damn what I'm watching/listening to, so long as its not a blank screen or white noise. There's always new shit to find anyways.
» Plan-C replied on Tue Dec 23, 2003 @ 6:55am. Posted in kazaa.....
Coolness: 62815
Personally I find it a thousand times easier just to rip all my music using streamripper - an addon to winamp. So long as I don't share the files I rip (online that is) I don't think it could even be called illegal anyways.
» Plan-C replied on Sun Dec 14, 2003 @ 11:35pm. Posted in Happy Birthday Charlie.
Coolness: 62815
Thanx to all who remembered and those who didn't remember (I know it can't be helped most of the time). ShootingStar was wickkkked. hope everyone had a good time :D. hugs to all
» Plan-C replied on Thu Nov 27, 2003 @ 2:10pm. Posted in Hash Bash ???.
Coolness: 62815
Jamaican Gum or Lebanose Blond? count me in

What's the address?
» Plan-C replied on Wed Oct 29, 2003 @ 12:42am. Posted in My B-day : Oct. 30th.
Coolness: 62815
mmm... I think another trip to the SAQ for 3 bottles of Amarula is in order this time.
» Plan-C replied on Wed Oct 29, 2003 @ 12:40am. Posted in Looking for my brother.
Coolness: 62815
Look for a big X on the ground.
» Plan-C replied on Tue Oct 28, 2003 @ 6:39pm. Posted in Looking for my brother.
Coolness: 62815
Woudln't it be great if Alex had a lot of life insurance? Then when he dies there'd be money to pay back his debts. How's that for taking care of debts in one shot?
» Plan-C replied on Tue Oct 28, 2003 @ 6:35pm. Posted in Looking for my brother.
Coolness: 62815
Gave u a lotta gratitude for trying to help him eh Nims?

So who's looking forward to Stakka :D
» Plan-C replied on Tue Oct 28, 2003 @ 6:24pm. Posted in Looking for my brother.
Coolness: 62815
Ok to address 2 points.

1. Anyone fucking Alex up has no monetary value. We all agree. How bout just the fact that Alex is a dick? I mean Nimi, Fred, Nat, Dave, Courtenay, and anyone else who was chilling this summer would already know that Alex is also just a disrespectful dick to some people - like myself. Even if he didn't owe me money, I'd still dislike him. He's a bitch.

2. Alex, what the fuck are you still doing alive and still talking shit at this point? Why aren't you running away to Las Vegas? You'll fit in nicely there with all the crackheads. Besides I know a lot of us were looking forward to seeing you on bumfights, under the name of 5-spot. See ya soon.
Plan-C's Profile - Community Messages