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Gone's Profile - Community Messages
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» Gone replied on Wed Sep 24, 2003 @ 3:29am. Posted in The main sucks on saturdays!.
Coolness: 63385

but west island yuppies are much more special.
They've got glow in the dark skin.
» Gone replied on Wed Sep 24, 2003 @ 3:24am. Posted in The Picture Thread....
Coolness: 63385
I like that last picture Kick-Up.
It's pretty damn nice.
You look really good in it.

and french, for some reason.
» Gone replied on Wed Sep 24, 2003 @ 3:22am. Posted in things that make you go "hmmm...?".
Coolness: 63385
the fact that nearly everyone comes off as a pretentious asshole over the web and in real life at some point or another makes me go hmmm....
» Gone replied on Wed Sep 24, 2003 @ 3:18am. Posted in The main sucks on saturdays!.
Coolness: 63385
Sooopweetee, he does have a point.

It's not that West Island people are contributing to the demise of the plateau, it's that alot of West Islanders are yuppies. It's the yuppies who've contributed to the demise of the Plateau by gentrifying it. They moved their because they thought it was "cool", and by moving their they forced everyone who made it cool to move out - they couldn't afford to pay the rent anymore.

I'm from the West Island myself, and I have to agree with Naw.
» Gone replied on Wed Sep 24, 2003 @ 2:44am. Posted in Latest News.
Coolness: 63385
you asked me for help and you didn't reply when I said I would :p

Next time you need some help with your data entry stuff, let me know.
» Gone replied on Wed Sep 24, 2003 @ 2:42am. Posted in Chelasea.
Coolness: 63385
i agree.
» Gone replied on Wed Sep 24, 2003 @ 2:38am. Posted in Holy Psycho Killers! Christian Bale Cast.
Coolness: 63385
I'm renting American Psycho when I get back to Montreal. . . and, hell, a tight shirt might be better then having him in a rubber suit... or if they do give him a rubber suit, I hope there won't be nipples on it.

The Scarecrow is an awesome villain. He should translate well onto film. If they can't make this work...

(and eh, Afroka might be a Poet Laureate for all I know. He still misread what was written, though. But, eh, I probably read too much into what he wrote, so in the end, we're both asshats.)
» Gone replied on Wed Sep 24, 2003 @ 12:16am. Posted in Holy Psycho Killers! Christian Bale Cast.
Coolness: 63385
agreed, swing kids was amazing. Loved the movie.
Loved the music, and love the dance. Ever lindy'd before Miss Amanda?

Oh, and Afrokaboozy, I'm sure you're a nice enough guy, but we're having a misunderstanding here and you're coming off as a really annoying bitch who has trouble grasping the english english language. I didn't say you were biggoted, I insinuated that you were taking *us* for biggots with your half-assed and uninformed comment.

Now, if you want to keep this misunderstanding going, and insist on being a dickhead, you can message me privately and I'll be glad to educate you as to *why* you're being a dickhead in extremely fine detail. However, you will have to wait a week or so before receiving your education, as I'll be on the road for a bit as of tomorrow.

This thread was about Christian Bale as Batman (and all stuff related to that). So, let's talk about that.

Christian Bale = he knows how dance, he's got that broody mystique, his roles have been varied, and he's a good actor. It should work out.
» Gone replied on Tue Sep 23, 2003 @ 5:48pm. Posted in Latest News.
Coolness: 63385
That seems like a cop'out. The tagging helps foster a sense of a community, and hell, it's fun.

It'll only be a popularity contest for the people who make it one. Users should be able to select if they want comments or not, but Nymph, I suggest you don't implement that for a few months. Until everyone get's used to the tagging.

Otherwise, you might kill the tags before they ever got off the ground.
» Gone replied on Tue Sep 23, 2003 @ 5:43pm. Posted in yo yo yo yo....
Coolness: 63385
sup' Lakester
» Gone replied on Tue Sep 23, 2003 @ 5:32pm. Posted in Holy Psycho Killers! Christian Bale Cast.
Coolness: 63385
Christian Bale was in Swing Kids... which is enough of a reason for me to like him.

it'll be odd to see him as batman.
... picture blows, but eh ;)
» Gone replied on Tue Sep 23, 2003 @ 4:23pm. Posted in Holy Psycho Killers! Christian Bale Cast.
Coolness: 63385
"Hi, um, yeah, the joke went right over my head so I'm going to assume that it was bigotted. I've never seen any of Aronofsky's movies or read Requiem for a dream, so even though I have no idea what you guys are talking about, I feel entitled to be an ass about it."

(edited for less words, less caps, less sarcasm.
the point sticks.)
» Gone replied on Tue Sep 23, 2003 @ 5:04am. Posted in Comments On Users.
Coolness: 63385
right now - while you`re typing this?

that`s pretty impressive. Typing and fucking at the same time.

Anyways, chances are, it`s not German pussy, and if it`s not german pussy ... i mean, it just doesn`t matter!

Germans are very plur.
» Gone replied on Tue Sep 23, 2003 @ 5:01am. Posted in PLUR is a four point philosophy.
Coolness: 63385
Stella Artois, a classic. VERY plur-like.

For you sir, I say Cheers.
» Gone replied on Tue Sep 23, 2003 @ 4:30am. Posted in Sushi GT.
Coolness: 63385
I`ll pay your bus fare.
Half of it, anyways.

K`mon, splurge a little Scott. it might be expensive, but it`ll be worth it ;)
» Gone replied on Tue Sep 23, 2003 @ 4:28am. Posted in Comments On Users.
Coolness: 63385
That`s kind of off-topic, but yes, yes, I think getting laid would be AWESOME.

German tourists are the *easiest* to hook up with, apparently. So, everyone find a German tourist and get laid.
» Gone replied on Tue Sep 23, 2003 @ 4:27am. Posted in Kokanee Beer.
Coolness: 63385
great, you used to hate alcohol. . . Of all the vices out there, alcohol is the one I like most. So, I support your new love for booze!

We`ll buy a case. You point me to the Kokanee, I`ll be glad to buy it ;)
» Gone replied on Tue Sep 23, 2003 @ 4:25am. Posted in PLUR is a four point philosophy.
Coolness: 63385
Drinking Canadian beer at 1:30 am (not as fancy as Belgian beer, but hey), it`s earlier but I`ve got the same problem as you.

But yeah, PLUR man, PLUR.

got to keep the peace love universality respect alive.
» Gone replied on Tue Sep 23, 2003 @ 4:22am. Posted in Comments On Users.
Coolness: 63385
Never heard of Faygo before. In`teresting.
We should go there for some food when I get back.
Haven`t seen you in awhile, and hell, I`m always down for perogies ;)

... of course, back to the topic of this thread :

Comments are good! dammit.
» Gone replied on Tue Sep 23, 2003 @ 4:21am. Posted in Chelasea.
Coolness: 63385
I like her Icons with the text... might be better without them, but even with text they`re still good.
» Gone replied on Tue Sep 23, 2003 @ 4:18am. Posted in Kokanee Beer.
Coolness: 63385
I`ve never fuckin seen it in Montreal!

Of course, I`m not a great alcoholic, so that might explain it - but if I can buy Kokanee in Montreal, that`s awesome. If, on the other hand, you`re shitting me and confusing Kilkenny with Kokanee, I won`t be happy.

If you`re right though, and they do sell Kokanee in Montreal - i`ll buy us a case of twelve to split between the two of us ;)
» Gone replied on Tue Sep 23, 2003 @ 4:12am. Posted in Word Association Game.
Coolness: 63385
» Gone replied on Tue Sep 23, 2003 @ 4:11am. Posted in PLUR is a four point philosophy.
Coolness: 63385
The first point is PEACE

like "yo, it's all about the peace, brah"

the second point is


like, free love man, that's where it's at.
Don't be a whore, don't charge, be FREE. thanks.

The third point is


because PLUR is about being one with the UNIVERSE,
like Buddha and Jesus and shit.

and the fourth point is


because if you don't have respect, man
you don't have

. . .

just thought you should know.
so yeah

» Gone replied on Tue Sep 23, 2003 @ 4:04am. Posted in Kokanee Beer.
Coolness: 63385
Alright, has anyone here ever had Kokanee beer?
It's a smooth BC brewed beer, and I fuckin love it.

I want some smooth Montreal beers when I get back.

... Which leads me to ask -
What are your favorite beers?
Places to get drunk?
» Gone replied on Mon Sep 22, 2003 @ 10:57pm. Posted in Comments On Users.
Coolness: 63385
Vieux Europe, where's that at Scott?
I think i'd be up for some perogies hehe.
and yes, tis Marc... with a c, Kath :)
Hey to you!
» Gone replied on Mon Sep 22, 2003 @ 10:35pm. Posted in Holy Psycho Killers! Christian Bale Cast.
Coolness: 63385

... ah, that still wouldn't make it a flashy neon movie, though.
» Gone replied on Mon Sep 22, 2003 @ 10:32pm. Posted in Comments On Users.
Coolness: 63385
Yoooo Scott

oddly, all the small cities in BC seem to be packed with places that sell perogies and borsch. It's popular out here. Haven't had any myself.

Sushi on the other hand...
» Gone replied on Mon Sep 22, 2003 @ 10:03pm. Posted in Word Association Game.
Coolness: 63385
mmm, sake
» Gone replied on Mon Sep 22, 2003 @ 9:59pm. Posted in The main sucks on saturdays!.
Coolness: 63385
the moment anything get's a reputation for being cool is the moment it becomes pretentious.
» Gone replied on Mon Sep 22, 2003 @ 9:18pm. Posted in Holy Psycho Killers! Christian Bale Cast.
Coolness: 63385
I can't picture Aronofsky making a flashy neon movie. . . And I can't see a flashy neon movie being made from Frank Miller's Year One story.

You sure that's why Aronofsky was took off the project? Year One would of made an awesome movie... especially if it was shot like Pi or Requiem for a dream.

Nolan sounds like a good director tho...
Doubt he'll fuck this movie up.
» Gone replied on Mon Sep 22, 2003 @ 8:25pm. Posted in Word Association Game.
Coolness: 63385
The Corrs
» Gone replied on Mon Sep 22, 2003 @ 8:23pm. Posted in Sushi GT.
Coolness: 63385
Mizz Amanda, you should do the Waste this one time. It'll be a sweet meal.
» Gone replied on Mon Sep 22, 2003 @ 7:53pm. Posted in Comments On Users.
Coolness: 63385
hahaha, when I loaded this page up my friend and I both had to laugh at the crazy IP tracing software. It looks like it's straight out of a James Bond movie ;)

Nah, sorry dude, I ain't Sammy, I'm who Noah said I was. But if Sammy hitched to BC, he's awesome. Adventurers always are hehe.

Noah, why the hell does the messaging system never work for me? No matter which computer I use...
» Gone replied on Mon Sep 22, 2003 @ 7:37pm. Posted in Sushi GT.
Coolness: 63385
mium, Sushi. I want to try this fancy ass Caviar, Calamari, and eel meal Spooky was talking about.

I'll most likely be going.
» Gone replied on Mon Sep 22, 2003 @ 7:25pm. Posted in Paul's Birthday.
Coolness: 63385
» Gone replied on Mon Sep 22, 2003 @ 7:22pm. Posted in Paul's Birthday.
Coolness: 63385
Hope you're having a good one, man. Another year to look forward to, and hey, no more getting carded, right?

And Noah, it's all good, if you guys get a chance, drink the wine and get shit faced like a couple of aristocrats. Buy a baguette and some cheese and walk around the city yelling in french. I'll be back in a week, so I'll give you a ring when I'm in town ;)
» Gone replied on Mon Sep 22, 2003 @ 5:34am. Posted in Things that please you!.
Coolness: 63385
Sleeping on the beach...
... Rainforests
Giant six floor Libraries...
... and Wicked friends.
» Gone replied on Mon Sep 22, 2003 @ 5:32am. Posted in Montreal Sushi.
Coolness: 63385
You should post this in the get together section to ;)
» Gone replied on Mon Sep 22, 2003 @ 5:31am. Posted in Comments On Users.
Coolness: 63385
when the hell will you start working on the LORD clone dammit!

... though, honestly, I'd prefer a Tradewars clone, but I'll settle for Lord.


Oh, and back to the topic - I support the comment feature. Who gives a shit if people post crap comments? Let them waste their time being whiny little fucks.

By the way, this site's really getting beefed up, Noah. It's really coming together nicely. You still spend too much time coding tho :p

You should of hitched hiked with me out west!
har. . .
» Gone replied on Mon Sep 22, 2003 @ 5:25am. Posted in Chelasea.
Coolness: 63385
damn, get her to make more. She's good.
Gone's Profile - Community Messages