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doc8rwho's Profile - Community Messages
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» doc8rwho replied on Thu Mar 15, 2012 @ 6:41pm. Posted in Shadow Sculptures made out of garbage.
Coolness: 22605
Awesome sauce.
» doc8rwho replied on Thu Mar 15, 2012 @ 1:49am. Posted in I just applied for a job.
Coolness: 22605
Jesus. Geocities. That was like grade 6. Overall, just get a card and apply for a table at an art exhibition fair or just doing touch ups for posters. Thats how my friends got most of their jobs in the indsutry. That and get a card or something. Use a business card, people appriciate your designs on that more then that website you have.
» doc8rwho replied on Thu Mar 15, 2012 @ 12:59am. Posted in Please help me out with my research..
Coolness: 22605
Right. Thanks anyways.
» doc8rwho replied on Tue Mar 6, 2012 @ 3:55pm. Posted in Please help me out with my research..
Coolness: 22605
Russian approves techno viking approval.
» doc8rwho replied on Tue Mar 6, 2012 @ 11:32am. Posted in Please help me out with my research..
Coolness: 22605
Does this mean that my research is Techno Viking approved?
» doc8rwho replied on Sun Feb 26, 2012 @ 12:29pm. Posted in Please help me out with my research..
Coolness: 22605
Thanks guys. Sorry that I havent responded, was rocking a nasty virus. And its alright, I am intrested in rave culture because of its adaptability in a way and its philosophy of social release. Thats what I am intrested in.
» doc8rwho replied on Wed Feb 15, 2012 @ 9:39pm. Posted in Please help me out with my research..
Coolness: 22605
I talked to my prof and she said that its alright, as long as i specify where the interviewe resides. Uhm I'll my email , its eric.avseev@gmail.com and I guess ill pm some of you about the interiews. I will do them over skype. i will also keep posting my findings, because I believe you guys woulld be the best reviewers due to your expereince
» doc8rwho replied on Mon Feb 13, 2012 @ 10:59pm. Posted in Please help me out with my research..
Coolness: 22605
Thank you for the encouragement and other comments. I guess things do change.
» doc8rwho replied on Sun Feb 12, 2012 @ 1:26pm. Posted in Please help me out with my research..
Coolness: 22605
It’s not so much underestimating my colleagues. The whole purpose of this assignment is to learn how to be an anthropologist, in other words in helping to write an ethnography. The assignment itself is about 20 pages long. I don’t have any form of funding for this assignment so I can’t travel and have to do everything out of my own pocket. Since I am doing anthropological fieldwork I have to go out and experience the culture, that means attending raves themselves. Literature provides a limited amount of information. The secondary component of my assignment is interviews. For this step I have to meet or Skype with at least 10 people. This part is important because the whole point of the interview is to come up with general elements as well as some rare elements that will either correspond to my literary research or shed some new light or demonstrate different ideas.
So far I broke down my research into the following categories : sound and dance, drugs, sexuality, fashion, philosophy and ethics.
The two most important categories for me would be sound and dance, and philosophy and ethics:
For sound and dance I talk about what is EDM, the different genres of EDM (I have chosen to focus on discussing house, trance, jungle) and how it helps in reaching an alternate state.
For philosophy and ethics I essentially talk about PLUR and how it helps shape the rave experience by creating a form of universal understanding which embraces freedom and letting people enjoy the rave experience.

I am also posting a copy of the consent form text which I have to present to anyone who wishes to be interviewed.
Informed Consent Form
I am an undergraduate student at York University. My name is Ernest Avseev and I can be contacted at eric.avseev@gmail.com
Study Name: Understanding Rave culture through the PLUR (peace,love, unity and respect) philosophy.
Purpose: The research that I am conducting for Anthropology 3110 6.0 (Acquiring Research Skills) at York University is being undertaken as part of a course-related assignment concerning the use of qualitative research methodologies.
My project explores an insightful look at rave culture through a positive model which focuses on the PLUR philosophy. I will be asking numerous people about their interpretation of PLUR and what they believe rave culture is for them. I will also be tackling negative preconceptions of rave culture in numerous anthropological work.
What Will You be Asked to Do: You will be asked to answer several questions to the best of your ability. If you wish to explore some facts that I have not asked you about for you find them to be important.
Risks and/or Benefits: There are no risks or benefits associated with this research. Participation: You are not required to participate at all, or even if you agree now, you can withdraw your participation at any time without prejudice.
Withdrawal from the Study: Should you withdraw, all data collected as a result of your participation will be destroyed. You have the right to not answer questions.
Confidentiality: All information derived from this study will be kept strictly confidential. In particular, participant names and identifying information will not be used in any parts of the study. Confidentiality and/or anonymity of participants will be safeguarded within the limits of or to the extent of the law.
Data Security: The data will be stored in a secure, locked location for a minimum of 2 years after the completion of this project. Upon completion of this project, I will make a summary of my research findings available to participants upon request.
This study is being conducted under the strict supervision of the course director, Dr. Karen McGarry and my teaching assistant in this course. I am bound by the York University Senate Policy Ethics Review Process for Research Involving Human Participants (available at [ www.yorku.ca ] This research project has also been reviewed and approved by the Research Ethics Board in the Department of Anthropology.
Contact Information: If you have any concerns, please feel free to contact myself (email above) and/or my professor, Karen McGarry at mcgarry@yorku.ca

I fully understand the above statement and I agree to serve as a participant in this study.
Signature of Participant Signature of Researcher
___________________ _____________________
Date:¬¬____ Date___
» doc8rwho replied on Sun Feb 12, 2012 @ 12:53am. Posted in Please help me out with my research..
Coolness: 22605
I am not sure if thats a good thing or a bad thing. I selected the topic because I always found rave culture intresting , but the problem was that rave culture is seen through a very negative light in anthropology. I am sorry if I offended any of you, but its just I wish to learn about it first hand, but I feel like I am rather intruding rather then studying about rave culture.
» doc8rwho replied on Sun Feb 12, 2012 @ 12:42am. Posted in Please help me out with my research..
Coolness: 22605
HI guys. My name is Eric and I'm a student who is doing his undergrad in anthropology. I am currently writing my final research paper about rave culture and I kinda need help from you guys and your wonderful community. I need to do some fieldwork as well as get some people who are more than willing to be interviewed. I really need your help, so if anyone of you would be willing to do an interview, that would be awesome. Just to let you know , your name will never show up in my paper since there will be a confidentiality agreement between me and you that makes it so no one but me can ever access my information about the interview itself. So if any of you out there will be willing to help me out either drop me a message or just post on this forum and ill pm you. I have posted a similar messagee on many different sites before coming here . I am not a narc and I am willing to prove to you however you want it. PLease, I really need your help.
doc8rwho's Profile - Community Messages