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djpsychokitty's Profile - Community Messages
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» djpsychokitty replied on Thu Nov 2, 2006 @ 1:45pm. Posted in Word Association Game.
Coolness: 47555
» djpsychokitty replied on Thu Nov 2, 2006 @ 1:45pm. Posted in Bain Mathieu.
Coolness: 47555
ey oui, maudite bonne idee ca! :D
» djpsychokitty replied on Thu Nov 2, 2006 @ 1:30pm. Posted in The 1000 posts thread.
Coolness: 47555
ah ben flute
» djpsychokitty replied on Thu Nov 2, 2006 @ 1:29pm. Posted in Bain Mathieu.
Coolness: 47555
So, I'm in charge of the Xmas party at my job and I tought it would be a good idea to rent the Bain Mathieu...
I've let the responsable my phone number with message telling him it was for the Metro company, so that would look more serious..

I spoke with him yesterday and he is asking for 2500 dollars!!!!
am i right to think he has tried to rip me off because I was calling for a big company? I mean, it seems to me that it is impossible with that price that so many parties have been going on there?

oh and yeah, if anybody knows wherelse in Hochelaga I could find a room for 50 peeps, please let me know
» djpsychokitty replied on Thu Nov 2, 2006 @ 1:02pm. Posted in Things that will get you head....
Coolness: 47555
or a variation...

"suck me if I am wrong, but is your name Yollanda?"
» djpsychokitty replied on Thu Nov 2, 2006 @ 12:58pm. Posted in Things that will get you head....
Coolness: 47555
to a gamer:

- ey baby, I am a cleric level 60 in sex
» djpsychokitty replied on Thu Nov 2, 2006 @ 12:57pm. Posted in I Hate . . ..
Coolness: 47555
One of my friends is in some trouble now so I invited her over to sleep at my house yesterday night..and she is still sleeping, and I cant make her get up because she tooks a sleeping pill and I hate that, cause I have stuff to do today and I am trapped until she just wake up!!!!
it sucks when you try to help and you have to pay for this!
» djpsychokitty replied on Thu Nov 2, 2006 @ 12:55pm. Posted in doesn't it suck when.
Coolness: 47555
put a paper bag on her head
» djpsychokitty replied on Thu Nov 2, 2006 @ 12:54pm. Posted in What kind of ass do women like ???.
Coolness: 47555
and Marshall's dog shows his appreciation to Reggie by rubbing his ass on his feet...that's kinda kinky
» djpsychokitty replied on Thu Nov 2, 2006 @ 12:22pm. Posted in Everyone needs....
Coolness: 47555
everybody need somebody
everybody need someone
dont you think you need somebody
you re not the only one you re not the only one...

now i have the guns n roses song stuck in my head
» djpsychokitty replied on Thu Nov 2, 2006 @ 12:16pm. Posted in Who wants a date with me.
Coolness: 47555
ouin, preuves sur la table
» djpsychokitty replied on Thu Nov 2, 2006 @ 11:35am. Posted in What are you eating right now?.
Coolness: 47555
blueberries waffles with maple syrup :p
» djpsychokitty replied on Thu Nov 2, 2006 @ 11:04am. Posted in Awful death / mort sans dignité.
Coolness: 47555
My friends and I were debating yesterday on what would be the most undignified death ever, the one that you could die a second time if your poor mother knew you had passed away like that...

Here is my top three
1) choking to death on your own vomit after too much alcohol or drugs
2) being squished to death by an elephant ass sitting on you
3) being found impaled to death with a toilet siphon up your ass

so, what could be the others worst undignified deaths someone could be found dead by?
» djpsychokitty replied on Thu Nov 2, 2006 @ 10:51am. Posted in What kind of ass do women like ???.
Coolness: 47555
ever watched 80's porn?

this is so funny and there are LOTS of hair, everywhere!

how times change...
» djpsychokitty replied on Wed Nov 1, 2006 @ 12:00pm. Posted in Dia de los muertos.
Coolness: 47555
serieusement, je crois que vivre son deuil de cette facon est beaucoup plus saine que bien d'autres, peut etre que nous devrions l'appliquer en amerique du nord aussi un peu plus.

aujourd'hui je penserai sans amertume a mes amis que j'ai perdu, juste pour honorer les bons coups qu'ils ont fait durant leur vie.
They know who they are

mais bon, pour ce qui est de l'animation pour les enfants, c'est clair que lorsque j'aurai une maison, ca va etre la maison hantée la plus wicked freaky goriest possible!
» djpsychokitty replied on Wed Nov 1, 2006 @ 11:57am. Posted in things you never want to do again..
Coolness: 47555
seriously :) I'm happy for you Seb, you were a really nice guy when we were hanging out more often together.
» djpsychokitty replied on Wed Nov 1, 2006 @ 11:56am. Posted in Random Thoughts.
Coolness: 47555
I know who Baudrillard is but it just seems to me that you want a little too much to impress with your all so vast knowledge...so when we could had a nice conversation on this topic, i just dont feel like it cause I've been tired of seing your sooooooooooooo looooooooooooooonnnngggggggg posts in other threads.

keep it short and simple
» djpsychokitty replied on Wed Nov 1, 2006 @ 11:52am. Posted in things you never want to do again..
Coolness: 47555
» djpsychokitty replied on Wed Nov 1, 2006 @ 11:32am. Posted in things you never want to do again..
Coolness: 47555

of course, i dont want to get hurt again neither but this is not something we can control, but I know what I can DO to try to avoid that... :S
» djpsychokitty replied on Wed Nov 1, 2006 @ 10:53am. Posted in things you never want to do again..
Coolness: 47555
I never want to do the kind of job I used to do when i was younger
i dont want this kind of life ever
» djpsychokitty replied on Wed Nov 1, 2006 @ 10:42am. Posted in The 1000 posts thread.
Coolness: 47555
tootie fucking fruity
» djpsychokitty replied on Wed Nov 1, 2006 @ 10:39am. Posted in Dia de los muertos.
Coolness: 47555
[ en.wikipedia.org ]

Happy day of the dead everyone!
I think this holiday is even more cool and nice than our regular Halloween, it is a cheerful way to remember people that we loved that have passed away.
Such as christmas, Halloween has been turned into something meaningless (well, i do love halloween, but like to remember what it is really about...but not christmas, i dont really care what it really means)

I also like the Night of the demons and think it is too bad we dont do this anymore. On October 30th, every kids is supposed to go in the streets and play a few pranks, to let know that if Halloween, there is no "treat", the tricks are going to be even worse afterward!
» djpsychokitty replied on Wed Nov 1, 2006 @ 10:31am. Posted in warm hoodies + support your music&labels + help africa!!! :).
Coolness: 47555
yeah, everybody knows I LOVE hip-hop...
» djpsychokitty replied on Wed Nov 1, 2006 @ 10:29am. Posted in Borat: the first four minutes of the movie.
Coolness: 47555
[ www.youtube.com ]

a little preview of the movie
» djpsychokitty replied on Tue Oct 31, 2006 @ 11:51pm. Posted in warm hoodies + support your music&labels + help africa!!! :).
Coolness: 47555

Your life has seriously been meaningless and now its time to step in a whole new world...

Okay, not meaningless, but well, Horrorist is my favorite producer and Satronica is great also. you should definitly try some, you'll get hooked

Update » djpsychokitty wrote on Tue Oct 31, 2006 @ 11:53pm
Christmas is coming...I might ask my mother for this, she'll love the fact that is helping a good cause also...
» djpsychokitty replied on Tue Oct 31, 2006 @ 11:48pm. Posted in Easy money with nothing to do.
Coolness: 47555
seriously, it might be possible to get money for surfing the net and let your computer open all day long, but I dont think it is really worth it once my hydro bill will come in, busted up because of that.
» djpsychokitty replied on Tue Oct 31, 2006 @ 10:42am. Posted in when did you stop being nice?.
Coolness: 47555
I stopped being nice when I've started having Corn Bitch for breakfast
» djpsychokitty replied on Tue Oct 31, 2006 @ 10:39am. Posted in warm hoodies + support your music&labels + help africa!!! :).
Coolness: 47555
cool, I'll buy myself one
Hail to the TTC crew! :D
» djpsychokitty replied on Tue Oct 31, 2006 @ 10:37am. Posted in Borat: the first four minutes of the movie.
Coolness: 47555
[ www.youtube.com ]

I can't wait until friday!!!!
» djpsychokitty replied on Tue Oct 31, 2006 @ 10:34am. Posted in rad is an asshole : who agree.
Coolness: 47555
not me

go ahead
» djpsychokitty replied on Mon Oct 30, 2006 @ 10:40am. Posted in RINSE OUT - Nov 2 - Hardsteppers & Krinjah!.
Coolness: 47555
I'll be there
just hoping the sound system at Saphir doesnt sucks as much as it used to
But I've missed seing Gwelf, it will be funny to see her on a THURSDAY night, I used to go there on Replikant night only before.
» djpsychokitty replied on Sun Oct 29, 2006 @ 12:03pm. Posted in The Picture Thread....
Coolness: 47555
so here some pictures from the party I was dj at, it probably look better in the dark but we had to use flash with this camera to see something
No white make-up EVER for me, it looks terrible, and I make strange face, but I have taken too much hours on this freaking costume not to show it

» djpsychokitty replied on Sat Oct 28, 2006 @ 4:06pm. Posted in What made/ruined your day?.
Coolness: 47555
made: haha, I wont tell
ruined: it is fucking raining outside and I have TONS of bags with my cds case to bring, with my costume, my make-up from Joliette to m*****f***ing Henri-Bourassa, why does that bastard tells me I'll have a lift from my house to his party!!!!
» djpsychokitty replied on Sat Oct 28, 2006 @ 3:56pm. Posted in Who wants a date with me?.
Coolness: 47555
well, i sure hope so..if he is not, then I apologize, but if he is, that stays
» djpsychokitty replied on Sat Oct 28, 2006 @ 11:45am. Posted in Who wants a date with me?.
Coolness: 47555

are you talking about me? cause yeah, you are assuming too much here. Just because I know what I want and express it honestly doesnt mean I need some "guidance"
for godsakes, you're 21, give your own life some direction and let me handle mine as I see fit. Dont worry, I'll be fine "baby".

Update » djpsychokitty wrote on Sat Oct 28, 2006 @ 11:48am
sorry if it sounded rude, but that pisses me off when a complete stranger thinks he can assume things like that on me because of what is written on a discussion board
I'm for myself am on this board for mostly the same reason than anyone else; have some fun. When it comes to my real personnal life, I have another place where I write, certainly not here
» djpsychokitty replied on Fri Oct 27, 2006 @ 2:02pm. Posted in Boobs ( @ Y @ ).
Coolness: 47555

» djpsychokitty replied on Fri Oct 27, 2006 @ 1:31am. Posted in The Picture Thread....
Coolness: 47555
» djpsychokitty replied on Thu Oct 26, 2006 @ 7:59pm. Posted in This shit is freaking me out.
Coolness: 47555
Oui, en effet, il consultait regulierement un psychiatre..
ce qui attriste ma tante dans tout ca, c'est que les medias ont fait un gros cas du fait qu'il etait lui meme un psychologue, mais il n'a pratiqué que trois mois, il venait de finir sa maitrise et il a arreté de pratiquer justement au moment ou il a commencé a consulter...

c'est vrai que bien des psychologues choisissent cette voie parce qu'ils ont eux meme des "bibittes" a regler, mais ce ne veut pas dire qu'ils sont tous déséquilibrés.
» djpsychokitty replied on Thu Oct 26, 2006 @ 2:26pm. Posted in This shit is freaking me out.
Coolness: 47555
yeah, they were a really dysfunctionnal family...the father was seperated from the mother for a few years now and recently, he tought that maybe there was still time to fix things up, their daughters were really upset about all of this...but maybe going back there to "fix" things wasnt a really good idea after all..sigh...

I'm just very happy that my aunt didnt go out with him longer than that
» djpsychokitty replied on Thu Oct 26, 2006 @ 1:44pm. Posted in This shit is freaking me out.
Coolness: 47555
[ www.cyberpresse.ca ]

Triple meurtre et tentative de suicide à Beaconsfield

Raymond Gervais

La Presse

Un drame horrible s'est produit hier à Beaconsfield, dans l'ouest de l'île de Montréal. Un père de famille de 41 ans a tué sa femme, âgée de 40 ans, ainsi que ses deux filles, âgées de 10 et de 17 ans.

Pour une raison encore inconnue, Dragolub Tzokovitch, un conseiller en psychologie, a abattu toute sa famille à l'aide d'une arme de poing de calibre 357 Magnum avant de retourner l'arme contre lui.

Vendredi, le désespéré avait fait parvenir un courriel à un ami et collègue, lui expliquant qu'il venait de passer «sa derrière journée sur la Terre». Malheureusement, le destinataire n'a pris connaissance du message qu'hier matin, trop tard pour éviter le drame. Il a d'abord essayé en vain de joindre son ami vers 11h, puis il a communiqué avec le 911.

Lorsque les policiers se sont présentés au 188, rue Woodside, à Beaconsfield, ils ont trouvé les corps des deux filles du couple, Alice, 10 ans et sa soeur, Iva, 17 ans, sur leur lit, dans leur chambre à coucher respective. Dans la chambre principale, le corps de Mila Yoynova était allongé à côté de son mari. Le revolver était tout près.

Seul l'homme respirait encore. Il a été transporté à l'hôpital, où il était toujours hier soir dans un état extrêmement critique.

Selon Roy Baird, conseiller municipal à Beaconsfield, des voisins auraient vu M. Tzokovitch vendredi conduire son véhicule de façon dangereuse dans la rue Woodside. «On m'a dit qu'il aurait même failli renverser deux piétons. Il semblait avoir complètement perdu la raison, les gens ne l'avaient jamais vu dans un état semblable», a dit M. Baird, qui habite ce paisible quartier depuis 30 ans. «On ne penserait pas qu'un tel drame puisse se produire ici. C'est habituellement paisible, c'est une ville dortoir...»

À quelques pas de la résidence de la petite famille, sur le terrain de l'église Beaconsfield United Church, une pancarte annonce: «Centre de la vie familiale, consultations».

La consultation, Dragolub Tzokovitch connaissait bien. Il était membre de l'Association canadienne de counseling, dont le code d'éthique est basé sur six principes fondamentaux: respecter la dignité de la personne; ne pas volontairement faire du mal à autrui; faire preuve d'intégrité dans les relations; être responsable envers son prochain et la société; respecter l'autodétermination.

Selon Robert Mansueto, porte-parole de la police de Montréal, les premières constatations démontrent que les meurtres auraient été commis plusieurs heures avant la découverte des corps. Le mobile n'est pas connu pour le moment.

Pourquoi ca me freake autant? C'est parce que Drago, il y a 6 mois, était encore séparée de sa femme et fréquentait en fait quelqu'un de tres proche de moi, ma tante Annick qui est psychologue. Ils ont sorti ensemble environ 2 ou 3 mois, mais ma tante l'a laissé apres parce qu'elle trouvait qu'il avait des tendances violentes et elle lui a suggéré d'aller consulter un psychiatre. Ils disent ici que les motifs sont inconnus, mais bon, pour ce ma tante m'a raconté, le pere de Drago était un mercenaire, tout jeune, il a littéralement vu son père massacrer et couper des têtes et sa mere était psychotique. Ma tante croit que Drago devait etre malade lui aussi probablement et qu'il tué ses enfants et sa femme pour qu'elles ne le voient pas devenir fou lui aussi ou peut etre parce qu'il aurait eu peur que ses enfants soient malades comme lui...

N'empeche, je trouve ca degueulasse de se suicider et d'emporter des enfants avec soi. Et je suis bien heureuse que ma tante ne soit pas resté avec lui. Elle est allée le voir a l'hopital jeudi avant qu'il ne le débranche.
djpsychokitty's Profile - Community Messages