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Votre Hallucination La Plus Weird...your Best Hallucination
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» KeyMiNDer replied on Wed Nov 22, 2006 @ 5:59pm
Coolness: 83005
Sa peut parfois être asser cocasse ce genre de récit...dans mon cas j'ai envie de parler de la plus récente(au Bucherons 18nov)

Je rave les yeux fermer...dans la salle boréal(hardcore)...je me rouvre les yeux je suis rendue dans l'autre salle en bas(psy)...sa m'est arriver environs 4 fois...ensuite je me retrouve entre deux monde un peu comme entre deux mirroir...mais...non...j'étais dans les escalier en route ver l,une des deux salles...finalement je me rend a la salle du bas (THE ZOO)sa ma pris au moin 5 minutes pour me rendre compte que non se n,était pas la jungle non se n,était pas des fearfadet qui courrait devant moi...non non...j'étais dans un rave et j'avais abuser de la E
I'm feeling defragmentation right now..
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» Deadfunk replied on Wed Nov 22, 2006 @ 6:34pm
Coolness: 152990
OMFG ...

and you telling us that?
I'm feeling in lawve right now..
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» cinderella_soul replied on Wed Nov 22, 2006 @ 6:40pm
Coolness: 56185
Weinh.. c'est pas mal trippant /slash harcore crazy ton experience. Voice la/les miennes.

j'etais assis en train de m'imaginer/halluciner CROIRE que j'etais devant un ordinateur et je me suis lever la main comme si je voulais deplacer la souris ou tapez des lettres. Pendant que je faisais ca, c'est la que j'ai realiser que il n'avais pas d'ordi et j'etais dans un rave. Ca fait 5 mois de ca apeu pres. J'avais pris du "E" (whatever that is).

Ou bien quand j'avais 15 ans, j'avais pris de l'acide cette fois... je marchais dehors dans une chemise quand il etait -20... tout a coup a ma gauche au dessu de une riviere je voyais plusieurs UFO qui me cernais avec leurs lumieres. Mon ami qui marchait devant moi sur la rue etroite se souvenais jamais que j'etais avec elle et pensait periodiquement que je la suivais.
Quand on est revenu inside j'ai commencer a croire que j'etais morte -- j'ai commencer a bad tripper et le proporietaire de la maison pensais que il me ferais du bien si il mettait "les doors" comme toune... les parolent etait tellement ralenti (hallucination auditoire)trop fucker et la salle est devenu completement rouge pour comme une minute...

anyway there's more but that;s the bulk of it.

love live schitzophrenia from drugs
I'm loving it.
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» volo replied on Wed Nov 22, 2006 @ 6:47pm
Coolness: 40855
I'm feeling phuk'n gruuvin right now..
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» Aikido_911 replied on Wed Nov 22, 2006 @ 7:12pm
Coolness: 66380
Mêler un ti-peu!

Vive le LSD...
I'm feeling influenza right now..
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» didi replied on Wed Nov 22, 2006 @ 8:57pm
Coolness: 56045
wain :P
I'm feeling preocuped right now..
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» MolocH replied on Wed Nov 22, 2006 @ 9:05pm
Coolness: 226260
Pupils way too dilated, no details in vision, Imagine a whole crowd of people without faces...
Damn that was fucked up....
I'm feeling like doing you right now..
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» Elusive replied on Wed Nov 22, 2006 @ 9:20pm
Coolness: 38320
One time I did way too much mushrooms and a few hours later in the evening I had to take a piss, but my balance was so fucked up and I was seeing trails and shit that I decided I'd probably wind up pissing all over the place unless I sat down. So I dropped my pants, turned to sit down, but it appeared to me that for every inch I brought my ass closer to the toilet, the toilet moved equal distance away... so there I was in a half crouch, raising and lowering my ass towards the seat, but believing i couldnt get closer to the damn toilet... so i kept doing this motion while looking over my shoulder to see if I was getting any closer... no luck. Finally, having convinced myself that i was just fuckin whacked and that there was no way what i was seeing was actually happening, I decided to simply position myself over the toilet seat and drop onto it. The problem was that I was at a full stand when i commited. I hit the seat and broke the damn thing off, slid onto the floor and cracked my head off the water tank... Good Times.
I'm feeling geared right now..
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» KeyMiNDer replied on Wed Nov 22, 2006 @ 9:34pm
Coolness: 83005
AYOYE!!!!J'en veut d'autre histoire demême...ou...est-ce quelqu'un a déja fell un trip d'uniter avec l'univers?
I'm feeling defragmentation right now..
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» Elusive replied on Wed Nov 22, 2006 @ 9:40pm
Coolness: 38320
plenty of those, only I'm coming to understand now that it was really just my head being unified with my ass.
Update » Elusive wrote on Wed Nov 22, 2006 @ 9:44pm
"whoa, I'm so at one with like...everything, with like all of you, with like the spirit of the universe and shit, I can like feel the presence of all the universes positivity... oh wait... I'm just fuckin stoned"
I'm feeling geared right now..
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» KeyMiNDer replied on Wed Nov 22, 2006 @ 10:14pm
Coolness: 83005
Il faut être capable de fair la part des choses
I'm feeling motivated right now..
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» HumanBoing replied on Wed Nov 22, 2006 @ 10:53pm
Coolness: 39955
Weirdest was a common hallucination I shared with three friends. We were peaking quite hard, when suddenly all three of us stopped what we were doing, looked up in the air and then asked "do you guys hear it as well?". The answer was "Yes... the bells."... a score of the most bizarre sounding bells just filled the room with sound for a handfull of seconds and stopped. We never got our heads around that incident haha. Otherwise the classical forgetting who you are and thinking "what is that odd dude whose memories my head seem filled with", always a bizarre moment... or having concepts, sounds, and images merge into one ("that thought sounds just like the way that door is shaped!" ). The weirdest stuff is the mushrooms personality and what it shows you when you close your eyes though, what a bunch of wise pranksters... they shove plastic sex into your head one moment, and dose you out with infinite void the next, haha .
I'm feeling bemused. right now..
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» kwickStah replied on Wed Nov 22, 2006 @ 11:47pm
Coolness: 65530
Hihi!! Une fois en revenant d`un rave je voyais tout le monde qui etait chez moi avec des lunettes. Loll! sa commencer avec une personne j`etais tellement convaiicu qu`il avait des lunettes que j`pensais qu`il riait de moi. Aussi sur un trip de mush je me suis regarder dans miroir et je voyais ma face comme si elle se desintegrait, mais le pire c`est que je trouvais sa crampant!!
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» thehemeraproject replied on Thu Nov 23, 2006 @ 1:57am
Coolness: 42735
I don't know. I recall a weird LSD trip, I was walking in the longueuil bus station and everytime someone passed by me I could hear their voices, even if they weren't speaking. It was more like a hummm, more of a sound than actual words. I kept turning my head from left to right.

Once after a speed I went bersek for several hours in my room because there was voices outside, I could heard them, they were looking in my room and criticizing every single thing.

But the worst is Salvia. Jesus fucking christ. Every time I take some, it gets weirder. Last time I was in the living room of a friend of mine. We both took a hit. I remember getting up from my chair, going towards the table. But my perceptions were totally fucked up, they were stucked in time. For about thirty seconds (was it more ? was it less ? no way to tell) all I could feel is the repetition of the same movement, me pushing myself towards the table. My vision went totally blurry, I was deaf. I remember telling myself : Is this it ? Am i ever going to get out of this ? Is this the end ? This single action...forever ? Is this death ? . I really thought that my life was over, frozen forever.

I really have to get more info on salvia.
I'm feeling i'm feeling fine fi right now..
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» PitaGore replied on Thu Nov 23, 2006 @ 10:39am
Coolness: 471790
word kills the thang, beware !
I'm feeling ball 'til i fall right now..
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» JAItuDLAIRdunDJ replied on Thu Nov 23, 2006 @ 11:03am
Coolness: 69610
Do Drug Kids! yay!
I'm feeling ur mouth on my dick right now..
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» Lady replied on Thu Nov 23, 2006 @ 12:27pm
Coolness: 182515
iono how weird it is , but after having smoked vaste amounts of this CRAZYYYYYYY weed which i have 2 people who can attest to this..made us feel like we were on acid.... ACIDWEED? say what?

well this hall hapened last friday.

anyway point is.. i saw this lighter on the table.. it was green....

I SAW IT AS BLUE! the entire time... and when i picked it up, it was green again... my friend steve thought i was crazy.. and on other things than just weed...

hahaha i swear i was blue!
I'm feeling like chocolate right now..
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» Phoenix replied on Thu Nov 23, 2006 @ 2:04pm
Coolness: 81675
I'd stay away from people who spray / lace their weed if I were you cause I can't see how else it would make you hallucinate unless you were really dehydrated or hadn't slept in over 30 hours. If that's not the case then who knows...could've just been an weird isolated incident. Obviously you're aware that there are more reliable sources out there.
I'm feeling you up right now..
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» Lady replied on Thu Nov 23, 2006 @ 2:12pm
Coolness: 182515
umm there was nothing laced in the weed...... but thats for you concern or wtv....

it was really good weed... it was fresh off the plant....

i trust the persons who gave it tome considering they smoked it too.. why would you lace your own plants and then smoke it too.. kinda stupid
I'm feeling like chocolate right now..
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» Amp_Up replied on Thu Nov 23, 2006 @ 2:19pm
Coolness: 83320
Je dois mon hallucination la plus réelle au champignions... un ami et moi avons halluciné un trou de golf au complet: le départ, l'allée et le vert, au sommet du Mt Royal. On s'en voulait tellement de pas avoir ammené nos clubs...
I'm feeling fired up right now..
Votre Hallucination La Plus Weird...your Best Hallucination
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