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AYkiN0XiA's Perfil - Artículos
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The hippies were right all along
Por » AYkiN0XiA referente Mon Jun 11, 2007
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The hippies were right all along -- we knew that Mark Morford Wednesday, May 2, 2007 Go ahead, name your movement. Name something good and positive and pro-environment and eco-friendly that's happening in the newly "greening" of America and don't say more guns in Texas or fewer...
psychedelic culture - one or many?
Por » AYkiN0XiA referente Tue Mar 13, 2007
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(Originally appeared in TRIP magazine, Fall 2001) I’d like to paint a picture of contemporary psychedelic culture and how it relates to the larger world that we’re swimming around in. Of course, there have always been very different models of how psychedelics influence the culture at large...
raving creation spirituality
Por » AYkiN0XiA referente Wed Feb 21, 2007
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Dance, trance and the ecstasy of life. There's nothing the human species needs to experience more today. Poised at the edge of the 21st century, our species is taking a stunning gamble. According to Lester Brown of the Worldwatch Institute, history is accelerating. The economic and social trends...
acid magic
Por » AYkiN0XiA referente Thu Oct 26, 2006
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PSYCHEDELIC MUSIC Psychedelic is defined as: of, producing, or marked by abnormal psychic effects, such as hallucinations and/or perceptual distortions, where the word psychic relates to the psyche, or the soul, spirit and mind... It is believed that unusual psychic experiences may be caused...
raver pollution
Por » AYkiN0XiA referente Sun Jul 2, 2006
19 Comentarios
this is how the ravers contribute to the big amounts of pollution the humankind creates on the earth. this is the basic contents of a rave garbage bag: - flyers first, flyers are made out of cardboard. they could be recycled. second, ravers don't have to accept a flyer if they don't want it...
Por » AYkiN0XiA referente Sun Jun 18, 2006
4 Comentarios
human beings, brothers, sisters, the world is at the point today where it needs to be unified. we know each other. we know our heartbeats speak the same language. there is only one river as there is only one blood. we are not to be unified under any emperor, or under any flag, we are not to be...
music of the sun
Por » AYkiN0XiA referente Thu Apr 20, 2006
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Once upon a time there was a small blue-green orb floating in a vast sea of emptiness. Now there were many orbs afloat within this infinite ocean of darkness. Huge flaming ones; small cold ones; Even some with the weight of many large ones, yet so tiny, one could barely see them. But this...
waking up - part 2
Por » AYkiN0XiA referente Tue Feb 21, 2006
3 Comentarios
The phenomenal luxury and ease which materialism affords intrinsically incite the ego to take over the individual consciousness. The better off you are, the more you have, the harder it is to let go. Harder, that is for the ego to let go. The trap of ego is built into the materialist system and...
waking up - part 1
Por » AYkiN0XiA referente Tue Feb 21, 2006
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Waking up in Middle Time with its bleak reports of natural disasters, terrorism, general irrationality of human behavior, and the human inability to change quickly enough and so adopt to the crisis it is now fully plunged into, you might rub your eyes and wonder about this rainbow vision at the end...
Por » AYkiN0XiA referente Wed Feb 1, 2006
4 Comentarios
Fundamentally, technoshamanism is the process of using music, ritual, and technology to alter consciousness. It utilizes the healing and mind-altering techniques of ancient shamanism and the holistic ideals of mind/body connection combined with modern technologies. Terrance McKenna, a contemporary...
dancing; in search for consciousness
Por » AYkiN0XiA referente Sun Jan 22, 2006
3 Comentarios
The passage of the form to the dance In the movements coordinated of up to three or four minutes of duration the fundamental elements are condensed; it is to say to the different positions and movements from each one of the corporal segments. Therefore they can be repeated according to concrete...
la légende de greenfield park
Por » AYkiN0XiA referente Tue Aug 30, 2005
8 Comentarios
si vous habitez à greenfield park, ceci peut être un choc pour vous. mais comme je détiens la vérité irréfutable, je tenais à la partager avec vous tous. alors voici; greenfield park n'existe pas vraiment. c'est une illusion qu'on se fait. et les habitants de greenfield park sont les gens...
to all children
Por » AYkiN0XiA referente Thu Oct 21, 2004
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The time of the Great Awakening is come. You who have chosen to lift your eyes from darkness to the light are blessed to see the event of a new day on planet Earth. Because your heart has yearned to see real peace where war has reigned, to show mercy where cruelty has dominated, and to know love...
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