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News (Media Awareness Project) - US NY: PUB LTE: When Marijuana Is Used As Medicine
Title:US NY: PUB LTE: When Marijuana Is Used As Medicine
Published On:2011-12-18
Source:New York Times (NY)
Fetched On:2011-12-20 06:02:30
Sunday Dialogue


I am sure that others will point out the many fallacies in Mr.
Evans's letter as these have been the traditional myths used by
medical marijuana opponents for years. When myths like these are
circulated, it discredits the sincere effort many of us have been
making to deal with the problem of substance abuse.

Offering false arguments regarding marijuana tends to undermine all
of us who are trying to reach out to young people. When I present
them with real science, my words are dismissed as well. If we truly
want to prevent substance abuse, honesty is the best policy.


Boulder, Colo., Dec. 14, 2011

The writer is a lecturer in sociology at the University of Colorado at Boulder.
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