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TwinStorm's Profile
» TwinStorm
44 year old gemini male
From Montreal, Quebec, Canada

Is feeling great!...
Last On:Tue Nov 30, 1999 @ 12:00am
Profile Views:15,608
Height:6' 0"
Hair Colour:Brown
Rel. Important:Not Much
Daily Diet:Junk Food
Annual Income:$35,000 to $50,000
Want Children:Yes
Life Style:City Slicker
Social Status:Single
Music [ All 2 ]
Behind Mirrors (sequel to Infused Truth) (Revival)
129:57 min @ 112 kbps, 0 comment
Download (109,151,582 bytes)
58:46 min @ 256 kbps, 0 comment
Download (112,834,249 bytes)
Friend [ All 71 ] Friend of [ All 78 ]
Recent Moods [ All 11 ]
great!Oct 16, 2008
y fait squi peutMar 30, 2008
comme le penisApr 15, 2007
machiaveliFeb 27, 2007
zenJan 15, 2007
Latest Attending Events [ All 24 ]
2013-02-04-[Cancelled] Draining Rimez (22)
2009-12-26-Festivus-Eve '09 (89)
2008-10-11-Renegade! (56)
2008-03-22-Rewire 4: Enter The Bunny (253)
2007-09-16-Rave VS After Hours 1 (25)
2006-12-30-Childrens of house (3)
2006-07-15-Sysmyk Breeze (53)
2006-05-13-TwistedWave 2 (110)
2006-04-14-Hard as Fuck : World War V (78)
2005-10-15-Freedom 3 (109)
2005-09-24-Biological Project 2...extension 303 (105)
2005-08-13-Shooting Star: Remember (203)
2005-07-16-Trance NRG Crew Live On Ste-Catherine 3 (72)
2005-07-02-Awesome Power (104)
2005-06-11-Empyre II (6)
2005-05-28-Energyze 2 (189)
2005-05-27-Happy Birthday !*StoOp!d*! (27)
2005-04-16-Sunshine (98)
2005-04-08-Nostalgia (123)
2005-02-25-Ride (26)
Party Photos Of Attended Events [ All 6067 ]
Site Additions
15 events added.
75 image comments made.
1 oneliners posted.
Discussion Board History [ All 30 ]
I Am
Gallery Photos [ All 7 ]
I think it was sometime in the mid 90's in a church basement.

Colourful people, some white, some black, all sharing the moment. I got hooked.
Looking back on the journey, it was all worth it. Had ups and downs, met good people, and then some others. Each had a story to tell or something to share, good or bad. It made the journey meaningful. I keep those memories and cherish them of when differences and barriers would crumble once inside the party.

But things change alas. The arrow of time carries all of us relentlessly forward, carrying each and everyone of us further out on our own little personal journey.

There's no going back, no making more time. Can't bribe the sandman.

But it was all oh so worth it.

Whoever i came across during those years, who supported me, who hated me, who helped me thru, who backstabbed me, whoever i share moments and memories with.

Thanks for the thrills, the hardships, and thanks for the music.

As for me life catches up. I'm 30, its time to make plans for the future.

Juniah/Fuktop/Metzen/le reste dla clique de suiveux:
C'etait cheap en osti. Mais c'correct, dans l'fond j'etais pas a bonne place entoure d'hypocrites. Merci du service serieux.

J'sais meme pas si t encore la, mais lache pas. Pas eu la chance de s'connaitre dans le bon temps. Merci des conseils pis des tapes dans ldos. Apprecie.

L'gars qui sort de nulle part tltemps pret! I miss you. Prend soin dtoi, merci d'avoir cru en moi.

Tu peux arreter dte cacher, j'ai pas l'intention dte collecter pour mes vinyls empruntes que t'as vendu.

Tant qui reste du monde, l'party est jamais fini.

*Pulls the plug*
Member Comments
Page: 1
» Drama..Bitch said @ Sun Jan 22, 2012 @ 6:11am
miss u
» greatjob said @ Sun Dec 27, 2009 @ 12:22pm
it's gone now - sry dude.
» C-Kel said @ Fri Nov 9, 2007 @ 3:55pm
jtel dit dude .... YEN A PAS D'FACILE .... =)
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