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Events Calendar - January 26, 2007
Justin Timberlake Tickets Giveaway! [ Static Link : iCal ]
City:Canada, Quebec, Montreal
Time:Fri Jan 26, 2007 @ 10:00pm
Description:Experience the very essence of the Montreal’s notorious nightlife as Orchid Nightclub and [ DP514.com ] present you Material Girl Fridays! Each Friday is dedicated to the beautiful ladies of the city as they receive the ultimate VIP treatment with an OPEN BAR before midnight! As well, the ladies and gentlemen are entitled to reserve their place under our guestlist for a COVER FREE ENTRANCE before midnight!
Extras:This Friday will also be Phil’s birthday, Orchid’s senior Friday night promoter of 5 years! As a special thank to all our supporters, we will be giving away FREE JUSTIN TIMBERLAKE TICKETS!!! Make sure to be at this special event for your chance to get a hold of these hot tickets!

For more information and guestlist, please contact us at:

guestlist@dp514.com or call:

514-889-6589 (Daniel) / 514-583-6423 (Phil)

Please Visit:

[ www.dp514.com ]

[ www.orchidnightclub.com ]
Added:Sun Jan 7, 2007 @ 1:08pm by » dp514
Events Calendar - January 26, 2007
1 People Attending [ Hide User Images ]
» dp514
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