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News (Media Awareness Project) - US CO: PUB LTE: The Real 'Farce'
Title:US CO: PUB LTE: The Real 'Farce'
Published On:2011-11-23
Source:Glenwood Springs Post Independent (CO)
Fetched On:2011-11-27 06:00:44

The real "farce" (Letter to the editor: Pot dispensaries are a farce,
Nov. 20) is requiring sick people to pay extortion money to government
for protection from police for using the relatively safe God-given
plant (see the first page of the Bible) cannabis (marijuana).

The real farce is in caging responsible adult humans for using the
plant (and it's commendable Ed Rosenberg has no issue with what an
adult does in their home with marijuana). The real farce is that free
American farmers may not grow hemp but communist Chinese farmers can
and America's greatest foreign debt is with China.

Cannabis prohibition, persecution and extermination is the real farce
and one of America's worst policy failures in history.

In 2012, Colorado citizens may well get another golden opportunity to
vote and legalize the plant cannabis and end the farce. God knows
cannabis should have never been prohibited from the beginning.


Stan White

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