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News (Media Awareness Project) - UK: PUB LTE: Statements About Cannabis Are Mainly Untrue
Title:UK: PUB LTE: Statements About Cannabis Are Mainly Untrue
Published On:1997-03-01
Source:European (UK)
Fetched On:2008-09-08 21:31:44
* IN 1937 "devilish" jazz music was declared responsible for the abuse of
the "killer weed" marijuana. Now, according to the International Narcotics
Control Board, techno music is responsible for so many Europeans taking

Ever since the crackdown on bulky cannabis products, the black market has
switched to other less detectable substances. By keeping marijuana illegal,
governments have allowed more dangerous substances to flood the market.

Another reason why young Europeans have turned to Ecstasy and other
mind-altering illegal substances is that they have long discovered that the
official statements about cannabis are mainly untrue.

Matthew Appleby
Media Awareness Project Europe
Bollendorf, Germany
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