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News (Media Awareness Project) - LTE: Marijuana law does help ease suffering
Title:LTE: Marijuana law does help ease suffering
Published On:1997-03-08
Fetched On:2008-09-08 21:24:07

With Ohio already having a medical marijuana law, there was no need for my
family to fight for it when a loved one started chemotherapy after having
breast cancer. I see that our Legislature is quickly moving to repeal this
law. Now we must fight to place the issue on the ballot.

What if you were fighting nausea from chemotherapy? You could buy a bottle
of pills that would destroy your liver at a cost of $20 a pill, or you
could grow your own pot in your backyard, at a cost of nothing.

Of course, the government wants to stop this; lobbyists for the drug
companies make sure of that. Don't give these legislators the benefit of
saying, "Oooh, I'm afraid I'll be called soft on drugs;" this is about
cold, hard cash.

I pity any legislator whose spouse, child, or parent gets cancer or AIDS,
suffers from nausea or crippling arthritis. No compassion for the citizens
of Ohio, only expensive pharmaceuticals with dangerous side effects or jail
time. For what?

Either political expedience or the pharmaceutical lobby. Drug use and abuse
are issues for medical doctors, not lawyers, judges, legislators, and
definitely NOT business lobbyists.

Fairfax Road
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