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News (Media Awareness Project) - US CA: LTE: Drug Use Should Be Considered
Title:US CA: LTE: Drug Use Should Be Considered
Published On:2012-01-22
Source:Chico Enterprise-Record (CA)
Fetched On:2012-01-23 06:03:55

Illegal drug use is rampant. Butte County is proudly known as the
meth capital of the world. We now view drug use as a simple choice,
like which color shirt to wear.

Cannabis squeezes down blood flow, leading to brain cell damage and
death, especially the temporal lobes responsible for memory. Common
side effects of marijuana use include trouble remembering things,
slowed reaction time, difficulty concentrating, sleepiness, anxiety,
paranoia, altered time perception, and is dangerous when driving or
using equipment.

Drug use is clearly a safety issue, adversely affects parenting, and
a horrible example. Yet, we reward it by awarding joint and even full
custody to parents using, putting children in danger. Court mediators
and CPS ignore drug use in patients. Child attorneys and
psychologists do not request drug testing when use is disclosed,
dismissing it as not a problem.

Rehab is not even considered. Judges do not view drug testing as
urgent. Parent addicts are given permission to use by those who
should be protecting children.

Non-using parents bringing the use to light are viewed as parental
alienators instead of protectors. How sick Butte County has become
and it's no wonder this is rampant.

- - Victoria Jean, Paradise
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