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News (Media Awareness Project) - US CO: PUB LTE: Paraprofessionals Should Be Able To Prescribe
Title:US CO: PUB LTE: Paraprofessionals Should Be Able To Prescribe
Published On:2011-12-16
Source:Denver Post (CO)
Fetched On:2011-12-19 06:01:07

Re: "Making medical marijuana legit," Dec. 13 editorial.

The problem with Colorado's medical marijuana laws is that they don't
conform to modern medical practice. Not everyone sees a doctor each
time they go in for an appointment - patients are also treated by
paraprofessionals like physician's assistants and nurse practitioners.
This is especially true in busy primary care practices. Since
paraprofessionals practice under the supervision of a licensed
physician, they should be able to certify the need for medical
marijuana - and that is not fraudulent, as the police are trying to

Also, how about some sympathy for the 2,000-plus medical marijuana
patients whose cards are being held up by the state? They followed the
procedure and sent in the paperwork with their $90 checks several
months ago. Now they are not able to purchase medication that has been
recommended by health care providers. This would never happen with any
other pharmaceutical product.

Cynthia Kulp

Colorado Springs
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