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News (Media Awareness Project) - US TX: PUB LTE: Drug War Is The Problem
Title:US TX: PUB LTE: Drug War Is The Problem
Published On:2011-12-15
Source:Austin American-Statesman (TX)
Fetched On:2011-12-16 06:03:04

Re: Dec. 8 Suzanne Wills commentary, "We lost the war on drugs."

This commentary is a wonderful summation of all the ills caused by
the so-called war on drugs. I am a Christian, a retired prison
chaplain and the mother of a son who has had a long battle with
drugs. I can speak from very close and personal experience. It is bad
enough when a loved one is already a victim of what he thought was
something good, but to be treated as a criminal because of it adds
insult to injury. Between 85 and 90 percent of Americans claim to be
Christians. When are those people going to wise up and realize that
the drug war is destroying our youth far more than the drugs? We have
created the drug cartels just as Prohibition created the mafia.
Please keep running this kind of article. Maybe bit by bit some will listen.

Martha J. Walker


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