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News (Media Awareness Project) - US CO: PUB LTE: End The Prohibition Of Marijuana
Title:US CO: PUB LTE: End The Prohibition Of Marijuana
Published On:2011-10-19
Source:Denver Post (CO)
Fetched On:2011-10-23 06:02:53

I recently finished watching Ken Burns' three-part documentary on
Prohibition. One thing in particular stood out: When FDR took over as
president of the United States in 1933, he had decided not to take a
stand on the question of Prohibition. However, when he became
president and realized how much the government needed money, he
pushed for repeal, and the sale of liquor - with the collecting of
taxes - became legal again.

Marijuana should be made legal for all uses, and taxes should be
collected. If there are those who are nervous about this, some of the
money saved fighting our drug "war" could be used so that young
children starting in gradeschool get educated on the pitfalls of using drugs.

Elizabeth Poletti, Littleton
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