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2007 February:
[ ]Liberté
[ ]A Purpose Existence
Title:A Purpose Existence
Posted On:2007-02-02 15:15:38
Posted By:» TomTerror
Im lost in this world
Wondering where is hope
Still don't know
Why am I here
Whats the reason
Whats the purpose
For my existence
For these dreams
That I can't reach
Where are my friends
That used to care about me
What can I do to get them back
Every lies that came through my moulth
Was just filled with blood
Where is fate
When you need it
Everything just keeps disappearing
When my cold hands appear
In these darkess nights
Every soul I have captured
As vanish through my broken heart
Looking for someone better
Now I just have to wait
To burry my spirit
Into this dusty grave
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