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News (Media Awareness Project) - UK: Series: Part 5 Of 17 - The Knowledge
Title:UK: Series: Part 5 Of 17 - The Knowledge
Published On:2002-04-21
Source:Observer, The (UK)
Fetched On:2008-01-23 12:14:20
Series: Drugs Uncovered: Part 5 Of 17


The Catch-All 'Drugs' Describes A Wide Range Of Illegal Substances On The
Street. Here's The Lowdown

Amphetamines (Speed) - Class B

Composition Usually comes as an off-white powder that can be swallowed,
snorted, injected or smoked. Its purer, putty form, 'base', is usually
swallowed; 'ice', its crystal form, is usually smoked. Street amphetamine
is 5-15% pure. The remainder is either a less powerful stimulant such as
caffeine, or inert such as glucose. Occasionally cut with chalk or talcum

The experience A powerful stimulant producing feelings of exhilaration,
increased energy and extra confidence. Sensations are intensified, which
can provoke talkative and sometimes aggressive behaviour. There is a marked
decrease in the need for sleep and food. The result of extra exertion
without nourishment is felt in the comedown, which can last for a few days,
with feelings of moodiness, anxiety and tiredness.

The effects Short-term effects may include increased breathing, heart rate,
blood pressure and a reduction of appetite, dilated pupils, dryness of the
mouth, diarrhoea. The complexion may become pale, extremities cold.
Long-term use increases tolerance, requiring higher doses for the same
effect. This puts a strain on the heart, while latent mental conditions
such as schizophrenia can be triggered.

Street price Powder is about UKP8-15 per gram, 'base' roughly double that,
and 'ice' around UKP25 for a gram or large 'rock'.

Cannabis - Class B

Composition There are three main species: cannabis sativa, cannabis indica
and cannabis ruderalis. Cannabis contains over 60 cannabinol compounds, the
most important psychoactive ingredient being delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol
(THC). Hashish, made by drying and compressing the plant to make a resin,
contains 2-10% THC. Herbal cannabis (marijuana), made from the dried
leaves, contains 1-5% THC.

The experience Cannabis has mildly sedative, euphoric effects, inducing
feelings of relaxation, sociability, hilarity or moments of introspection.
It can create an enhanced awareness of sensory experiences, as well as
paranoia. Mild physical effects include increased pulse rate and, later,
decreased blood pressure, dry mouth, mild pain reduction and dizziness.

The effects Long-term smoking can cause lung cancer, bronchitis and other
respiratory disorders. Heavy users may appear apathetic, lethargic with a
short attention span. Evidence shows it has medical benefits for asthma,
glaucoma, muscle spasms, multiple sclerosis, anorexia, convulsive and mood

Street price Usually sold by the ounce. From UKP12-15 an eighth of an ounce
for resin to UKP25 an eighth for marijuana.

Cocaine - Class A

Composition Cocaine, in its most common form, is a white crystalline
powder: cocaine hydrochloride. The powder is derived from the leaves of the
coca shrub, which is grown in the mountainous regions of South America. The
drug is often finely chopped with a razor blade or credit card, and then
snorted through a straw or rolled banknote. It can also be made into a
solution and injected.

The experience Cocaine provides an instantaneous, amphetamine-like rush of
confidence, elation and verbosity. It produces feelings of well-being,
exhilaration, an increased mental capacity and an indifference to pain.
Users may often believe that they are able to perform better on cocaine,
but research shows that this is the user's imagination. When snorted, the
effect peaks between 15 and 40 minutes after intake, and fades out within
an hour.

The effects Effects can include increased body temperature and irregular
heartbeat. Frequent use can reduce libido, lead to restlessness and
anxiety, followed by fatigue and reduced appetite. Regular use can damage
nasal membranes. Not physically addictive, but users may try to maintain
initial feelings of confidence and energy.

Street price Cocaine prices fell in the late 1990s to around UKP50 per
gram, but regional variations mean the price can be UKP40-100.

Crack - Class A

Composition Crack is cocaine made into a smokeable form by dissolving
cocaine powder in water and heating it, usually with baking soda, to remove
the salt. This way the drug provides more cocaine alkaloid 'base'. When
cocaine is washed in ether or ammonia to make it smokeable, it is known as

The experience Crack is either smoked, in a pipe, glass tube or foil,
smoked mixed with tobacco or cannabis, or prepared for injection. The crack
high (and low) is similar to that of cocaine, but is intensified because of
its greater purity. One or two minutes of euphoria are followed by up to 30
minutes of intense well-being. The comedown includes tiredness and
depression, and sometimes headaches and anxiety or panic attacks. To avoid
these, the user may engage in binges.

The effects The effects are similar to cocaine: dry mouth, sweating, loss
of appetite, increased heart rate. People smoking crack may suffer from
coughing and respitory problems; regular use can cause lung damage. Most of
the harmful consequences result from habitual use, and financing the habit.
Regular or binge use can interrupt sleeping and eating patterns, effecting
physical and psychological well-being.

Street price The average price for a rock (around 150mg) is about UKP20.
However the price can vary from UKP5-30 depending on its size.

Ecstasy - Class A

Composition Ecstasy is a variant of a group of drugs headed by MDA (3,4
methylenedioxyamphetamine). However many pills contain little or no MDMA
and are instead filled with other drugs or substances with no psychotropic
effect. Contrary to popular belief, ecstasy is not a designer drug. (A
designer drug is one based on another. Until 1977 this loophole in law
created new, legal drugs.)

The experience Effects are likened to a mixture of LSD and amphetamine.
Users experience euphoria, followed by a feeling of calm. It can increase
sociability and awareness of one's surroundings. Effects start after about
20 minutes and last for 2-4 hours, sometimes longer due to other substances
present. Often creates an inability to judge between what is and isn't

The effects Immediate side effects can include nausea, dry mouth, raised
blood pressure and body temperature. In a club situation users risk
dehydration, fatal in extreme circumstances. Large doses can cause anxiety,
panic and confusion. In some cases, short-term psychosis can ensue.
Long-term effects are yet to be determined, though some studies suggest
very high doses can cause liver and brain cell damage.

Street price One tablet will usually cost between UKP5-10. Prices have
fallen greatly in the last year or so, but purity is highly variable.

Heroin - Class A

Composition Heroin is an opiate, made from the dried 'milk' of the opium
poppy. Also known as diamorphine, it is derived from morphine, which
reduces pain and anxiety. In the UK, most heroin comes as a brown powder
containing caffeine and other 'cuts', including stone and glass at times,
but in its pure form it is a white, fluffy powder with twice the potency of

The experience Because of the effects of heroin when absorbed into the
bloodstream, injecting into a vein or muscle is the most powerful form of
delivery, experienced as a short-lived burst of almost orgasmic pleasure.
It can also be sniffed or smoked. Smoking heroin, by heating the powder and
inhaling the fumes, is known as 'chasing the dragon'. The pain-relieving
effects of heroin are often perceived by the user as positive feelings of
well-being and happiness.

The effects First time use may cause nausea, vomiting and severe headaches.
In extreme cases heroin use can lead to a fatal overdose. Long-term effects
of injecting include collapsed veins, loss of appetite and severe
constipation. Tolerance builds up with use, so greater amounts are needed
to create the high.

Street price The average price is UKP80-100 per gram, but research suggests
that prices in some areas have dropped to as little as UKP40.

LSD - Class A

Composition LSD (lysergic acid diethylamide) is a manufactured drug, from
the parasitic fungus ergot, first made in the course of an attempt to
prepare new therapeutic drugs. The name LSD comes from the abbreviation of
its German title, lyserg saeure diathylamid.

The experience LSD is usually taken as tabs (paper squares), microdots
(tiny tablets) or in liquid form. A trip begins half an hour after taking
LSD, peaks after 2-6 hours, and fades after 8-12 hours. Trips vary
depending upon the person and setting, but usually involve visual
hallucinations and distortions of sound, time and place. Users can
experience heightened self-awareness or ecstatic sensations. Bad trips can
happen any time but are more likely if the user is unstable, anxious or

The effects Feelings of anxiety, depression, dizziness, hallucination and
paranoia can last for hours. A long-term consequence of LSD use is the
possibility of flashbacks: reliving a past trip without using the drug.
These usually last a few minutes, but can create feelings of distress and
disorientation. There are no documented long-term physical effects of LSD use.

Street price Around UKP2.50-5 for a tab or microdot, and about UKP180 for a
bottle which might provide around 100 strong 'trips'.

Thanks to Drugscope for their help in compiling The Knowledge.
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