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News (Media Awareness Project) - UK Web: 'Legalize Cocaine' Says Lib Dem MP
Title:UK Web: 'Legalize Cocaine' Says Lib Dem MP
Published On:2002-04-22
Source:BBC News (UK Web)
Fetched On:2008-01-23 12:10:36

Cocaine should be legalised and heroin made more available on the NHS, a
leading Liberal Democrat MP has suggested.

Frontbencher Jenny Tonge said in an interview with BBC News Online that she
had sympathy with the view that cocaine should be available over the
counter like alcohol and tobacco.

She said the UK's drugs policy was not working and needed a radical
overhaul. "I think cocaine is a difficult one, but I would agree with a lot
of people that you would do less damage if cocaine was actually legalised
and sold at registered outlets like alcohol than leaving it to the boys on
the streets," she said.

The Liberal Democrat international development spokeswoman added: "I am not
claiming to have the answers, but I am saying that present drugs policy is
not working."

She went on: "The way cannabis is treated is a joke, a complete joke. That
should be used like tobacco, taxed like tobacco [and] let's spend the VAT
on something."

Dr Tonge admitted there would still be a black market for drugs if more
were legalised - but pointed out there was a black market for tobacco and
alcohol. 'Normal lives' "It would be surely less. And there will be no
excuse at all for an addict having to commit crimes to feed their habit.

"You may get more addicts, that's another downside, but then you'd have a
whole lot more money in the form of VAT to treat those addicts." On heroin,
she said the drug should be "medicalised" in order to treat addicts on the NHS.

She said heroin users might then be able to lead normal lives. "You can't
do that if they having to commit crime all the time to feed their habit,"
she said. "You can only do it if they are getting it anyway." Liberal
Democrat policy calls for the legalisation of cannabis and the abolition of
jail sentences for personal use of all other drugs. 'Radical' NHS reform Dr
Tonge also said there must be major reform of how the NHS was funded. She
said she feared no party would be brave enough to put enough money on tax
to properly fund health services.

But her party was "coming round" to the idea of taking health service
funding out of general taxation.

"People have got to get used to the idea of paying a lot more for the
health service or even using top ups, saying 'well, after I am 80 I don't
care what happens to me'.

"I know what my parents would have said: 'We'll look after ourselves and
die after that'. That sounds incredibly radical but it may be the sort of
choice that people could have."

She pointed to the US state of Oregon where people are asked regularly
about their priorities for health care are and receive treatment for their
top choices but fund the rest themselves.

She stressed she was "thinking out loud - none of that is policy". She said
there also had to be a limit to what the NHS provided "in terms of sort of
personal lifestyle choices" such as infertility treatments for women over
the age of 50.
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